Xenoblade Chronicles
Huge Detailed Open World that look Fantastic. Love how the characters look in Celshading. The games usually run great on Switch too. The OSTs are all bangers and the voice acting is most of the time good. The story and cast of each game are fantastic and the twists always surprise me. I love the gameplay too and love how the battle system is semi real time action based. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is still my favorite with Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed being a close second
Luigi Mansion
I have a fun time exploring each Mansion. But I haven't played the first game yet. The third game is still my favorite. When it comes to all the games in this franchise I have played, I really love the animation and facial expressions Luigi and the Enemies/Bosses have. The amount of detail put in the environments in even Luigi Mansion 2 is impressive. I love just sucking up stuff and getting all the dollar bills and coins I can. It just feels satisfying. The music is great too and really fits the environments. As for gameplay really love how each room can be a puzzle to progress the game. Battling with the ghosts can be a bit tricky especially when it comes to the boss encounters in Luigi Mansion Dark Moon but they are fun and original. When you finally beat an enemy/boss the sound effect that comes with sucking them up is satisfying to hear
2D Zelda
Link's Awakening Switch Remake is the first 2D Zelda I have played. I been playing The Minish Cap on NSO and having a blast. I just prefer the puzzle segments, graphics and gameplay more in 2D Zelda than 3D Zelda
Animal Crossing
This one is a good surprise. Even though I haven't checked on my village in 3 years now

It was a lot of fun just checking in each day and maintaining my village. Really loved fishing and finding all the fossils. Looks fantastic and love the simplicity in its graphics style. Music is charming and has me humming along