I went to sleep last night, so I didn't get to respond to the posts:
that game on the 300 HD DVD sounds stupid as shit and I'm sure it will play like it (shit)
No, we'd pretty much be talking about how ****ing stupid flash games were even if they were on Blu-ray because, get this... they're pretty ****ing stupid.
I'm not bemoaning some incidental little game that I won't be getting on the Blu-Ray version anymore than I'll give a damn about playing any of the equally crappy ones that show up once the BD-J stuff is done.
There's also PiP commentary, which can add a lot, because if you've seen stuff like King Kong, the commentary isn't always just the person talking, but they show set pieces, behind the scenes stuff, etc. I know that the Blu Ray leaning group is obligated to NOT care about this kind of stuff, but it's a definite advantage if you're objectively looking at both releases.
And in that scenario you would probably be the one downplaying it
You don't know me, and not surprisingly, you're wrong.
the seven people buying the HD DVD get it months earlier than Blu-ray supporters because of some garbage features that 99% of the userbase doesn't want.
Oh I see, you're somebody I'm supposed to ignore. What a joke post that was. Good thing there are tons of other folks to have good discussion with here.
edit: While were on the subject of extras, I don't understand how having extras is suddenly seen as diminishing the value of the disc. DVD's were all about extras, with folks double dipping. I know there are people who genuinely don't care about extras, but I can't help but wonder if at least some of the bile directed at interactive extras is due to their crippled nature on Blu Ray. From personal experience, I can appreciate how the extras on HD DVD add to the value for titles I own. In King Kong (which is a very long movie), having glimpses into the filmmaking process as the movie is playing was wonderful. You see the old-school cars, then a PiP screen shows you how they assembled the cars, how they prepared the sets, how the cgi filled in the rest of the city beyond the set, etc.
And, even if I never used any of the extras, having them there is in no way a negative.