Can I get Pirates at best buy today and get the 10 dollars off? Or was that just a one time thing?
Rabid Wolverine said:Does anyone have the Specs for the Blu-Ray version Coming To America Special Edition?.
Video/Audio and extras.
The 2.35:1 AVC MPEG-4 transfer brings the 2.35:1 image to life in an impressive manner. The level of detail of this Blu-ray release is astounding and while I was impressed with the standard definition release, I am simply floored by the high definition variants. The HD-DVD release features the robust VC-1 codec and had a slightly more natural look to the film than the Blu-ray transfer.
"Flags of Our Fathers" is empowered with a clean and powerful Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround mix. French and Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1 mixes are also included. The Blu-ray release of "Flags of our Fathers" is an update over the already stunning DVD release, but feels ever so slightly flatter than the Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 soundtrack found on the HD-DVD release. This is simply an awe inspiring sounding film and the more bit rate allotted to the sound, the better it sounds.
The Main Event said:Don't know the specs for the movie, but for HD DVD owners, you can get it here at the incredible price of $9.52![]()
It has to be a mistake, but some people contacted the site and it's indeed the HD DVD version.
Flags of our Fathers Blu-ray review:
As has become customary with Paramount releases, 'Flags of our Fathers' comes with different encodes depending on which next-gen format you prefer. In a side by side comparison of the film between the the AVC MPEG-4 transfer on this Blu-ray version and the VC-1 transfer on the HD DVD, it does seem that the Blu-ray/AVC encode is the tiniest bit sharper, while the HD DVD/VC-1 is the slightest bit softer. Neither is an advantage to my eyes and each encode is identical otherwise -- fans of both camps should be ecstatic to see this film looking so good.
The Main Event said:Don't know the specs for the movie, but for HD DVD owners, you can get it here at the incredible price of $9.52![]()
Meier said:It really sucks that Flags and Letters were done by different studios.. would love to have a combo release of some sorts. :\
The Main Event said:Don't know the specs for the movie, but for HD DVD owners, you can get it here at the incredible price of $9.52![]()
It has to be a mistake, but some people contacted the site and it's indeed the HD DVD version.
The Main Event said:
DVD, HD DVD, Blu-ray August 7th by Warner Bros.
ManaByte- Official TMNT (2007) Thread said:No, the Weinstein Company handles all of their HD video releases, regardless of who distributed it in theaters.
This is the announcement of the Weinstein Company supporting HD-DVD:
Sin City 2 and Grindhouse are also both Weinstein Company films, and thus will be on HD-DVD.
He's a good example. MGM distributed Clerks II in theaters. If MGM had the home video rights; it would be BRD exclusive as Fox handles all of MGMs home video releases. However, the Weinstein Company does all of their home video releases and as such Clerks II was exclusive to HD-DVD (and is one of the best discs due to the HD extras).
Sin City said:Sin City 2 and Grindhouse are also both Weinstein Company films, and thus will be on HD-DVD.
rkenshin said:I'm curious but with recent movie releases, do the HD counterpart have all the special features that their DVD underling has in their bloated priced two disc special editions?
DarkJediKnight said:Accurate Review of Apocalypto
Excellent review of Apocalypto from Chad at Home Theater Spot. He has some of the best equipment among reviewers and is more consistent than the morons at HighDefDigest.
Even though I don't understand a lick of Mayan, the audio is spectacular. The surround design is really well thought out. If you have good speakers, you will definately appreciate it.
Kabuki Waq said:Awesome movie.
If you dont have this movie yet ......consider yourself a girlyman.
AgentOtaku said:+2
saw this over the weekend.....UNREAL PQ!
Captain N said:I've got Children of Men and it freezes from time to time..anyone know of any sort of replacements? I sure hope there is one of some kind.
idiots and morons?DarkJediKnight said:The idiots at Highdefdigest gave it a 4/5. WTF! They admit that different cameras were used and that's why the PQ isn't super sharp all the way through, yet they dock points for it still. :lol The transfer faithfully reproduces the film.
neojubei said:Can anyone post a link that compares the difference between Blu-ray and NORMAL DVDs?
Every time I try to google it, I keep getting links for blu-fay vs HD-DVD.
I don't know if this is old or not, but 300 is coming to blu-ray and hd-dvd this july.
Not a big lost imo Jessica Alba in Sin City>>>>present day Jessica amiright?Captain N said:So we're getting Sin City on Blu Ray and Sin City 2 on HD-DvD?
Hagi23 said:Not a big lost imo Jessica Alba in Sin City>>>>present day Jessica amiright?
The Main Event said:
VanMardigan said:My tv seems to be acting up. It's a 30' Samsung CRT. Certain colors seem to be bleeding (or ghosting) and some of the white scenes (like the snow in Happy Feet) are actually displayed yellowish on the bottom right hand corner. Is my tv about to kick the bucket?
I have access to the service menu, so if anyone has any suggestions on settings that I can try, let me know.
Sweet! I'm totally buying the HD-DVD. Whoo! DVD and HD-DVD on one disc. Now my brother won't complain that he can't watch it.The Main Event said:
DVD, HD DVD, Blu-ray August 7th by Warner Bros.
rubso said:idiots and morons?
Kenneth, Peter and the other guys at HDD are the *best* to review HD Movies, so stop calling them "idiots and morons", will ya?
brandonh83 said:TMNT was great. I'll be getting that shit at midnight on release.
AgentOtaku said:
The Main Event said:
DVD, HD DVD, Blu-ray August 7th by Warner Bros.
beermonkey@tehbias said:Wow, I'm jealous of the combo set (HD at home, SD for the road), I wish that BD had combo discs.
snorggy said:i haven't seen that TMNT movie yet.. but is that cover a good representation of the movie? i was under the impression that it was supposed to be darker than the saturday morning cartoon.
beermonkey@tehbias said:I wish that BD had combo discs.
Suikoguy said:They are $5 more, and are on stupid flipper discs
beermonkey@tehbias said:I've got plenty of flipper discs, they never bothered me. What's wrong with two-sided discs? I never touch anything but the inner and outer edges anyway.
I was forwarded this info ahead of the press so I guess it will interest more than one on here. nixbu Entertainment will announce the immediate start of the MuNa initiative, a next generation HD DVD based music distribution and marketing platform. This very complex project represents the most advanced HD DVD project so far, including even new online features.
Key features
The following key features are featured on this product:
* The disc will start automatically, tracks are 'skipable', navigation behavior is the same as Audio CD
* Without any kind of TV the disc navigation will be done via remote control of the HD DVD player
* The new codecs allow a high quality experience at the same level or clearly above DVDAudio/SACD, formats might be e.g.
1. Stereo 24 bit / 96 kHz or 192 kHz
2. Surround 5.1/7.1 24 bit / 96 kHz
* Additionally to 'TV-less' navigation advanced customer experience (especially when SC is used) can be picture diaporama, Cover Art, information on Artists, Music, Bio, Lyrics
* Additional audio tracks for advanced content based navigation. Content based navigation means that a user will have the opportunity to listen to unknown artists/songs in similar style to the one he knows (see For any track of the main content (PC) up to 6 different songs are available (SC). This is to be used as a marketing tool and means in this example that the publisher can introduce 72 new artists in total on 1 disc if the main content consists of 12 tracks (remark: the music label might choose the ratio of PC and SC freely, there is virtually no limitation in number of tracks only for total capacity)
New user experience
A total new user experience of MuNa is offered by integrating content based navigation. Associated with tracks of the Primary Content on the disc a variable number of songs can be accessed. The Secondary Content includes Artists Info as well. This represents a experience, nevertheless content owners might select the Secondary Content arbitrary from their libraries. Due to the high capacity of the disc for each track of the SC Artist Info can be included for all tracks.
Invual setup
Good to now, the setup allows individual choice of audio formats. The MuNa disc will continue to work with CD-Audio navigation behavior, navigating through the entire disc with the remote control is independent from chosen audio formats or playlists. The playlist allows enabling or disabling PC or SC totally or choosing arbitrary selected tracks. Example of user scenarios could be to play PC of a chosen audio format only or play SC only with a high number of chosen tracks for a party. All capacity calculations are done with 1 audio format for SC only. Selection of Audio format can additionally be done with the remote control by pressing the 'Audio' button.
Main benefits
The main benefits of these new MuNa HD DVD products
* Very low premastering costs
* Very low replication costs, for 3X (HD DVD data on DVD disc) same costs as current DVD costs
* For 3X based products moderate development costs for future designs due to low glasmaster costs (technology is new, for new design we still need to anticipate some problems and intensive testing procedures are necessary)
* For 3X based products the replication infrastructure is the same as for DVD, so clients can work with their current replication service partners
* Within the critical DRM discussion, AACS might be sacrificed for marketing reasons. This also reduces the costs. However, as of today we would need AACS for anyonline features but prices and availability still need to be determined.
* MuNa products will work technically with EVERY HD DVD player and within different marketing scenarios. Massmarket genres like Rock/Pop will work with any future lowcost noname player expected to arrive October 2007 for as low as US$ 199,- to US$ 299,-.
* Due to the nature of DTS-HD, all tracks are always 100% downward compatible, MuNa products will play on ANY HD DVD capable player independent from internal decoding, downmixing or interface limitations.
* Any PC with a DVD drive can playback MuNa products if a current HD DVD enabled version of very popular DVD Player software like PowerDVD, WinDVD, Nero or similar is installed and the product is 3X based and does not use AACS. This got tremendous marketing potential, e.g. as free magazine supplement.
For the vast majority of products DVD-9 is recommended for optimized cost-efficiency. Another advantage of DVD-9 is that when its used without AACS it will play in ordinary DVD drives as long as HD DVD player software is used.
StoOgE said:I love that little anti highdefdigest rant.
BRD IS TEH BEST! and they dont say3 so! TH3y are Stupd. Pirates looks betta and everyone noes it.
I demand you pickup Matrix and PoTC ASAP! and start Comparing, Matrix PQ is *jaw dropping* even on my 1080i Sammy HDTV!DarkJediKnight said:Calling Dead Man's Chest "easily on par with Matrix" is pretty erroneous. Matrix looks fantastic but clearly isn't as sharp as either of the Pirates movies
Please links to their PoTC and Matrix Reviews, Thanks in advance.Want great reviewers:
Kris Deering of Home Theater Hifi. Neutral but leans towards HD DVD. Probably the most knowledgable guy from a technical standpoint than all reviewers.
Chad Varnadore of Home Theater Spot (This guy is clearly a Blu-ray supporter, but he calls it like he sees it. Read his King Kong review where he called it the best picture).
Joshua Zyber of DVDTalk. HD DVD supporter, but reviews films like he sees it.
When it comes to buying HD-DVD/Bluray movies, I make decisions based on their reviews, I find them the most reliable source till now.As far as Kenneth Brown, I have nothing against him, but he contributes to a miniscule portion of HDD's reviews. For the most part, he's pretty fair, but his audio equipment doesn't give him much credibility for judging high quality audio.
The Main Event said:
Ignatz Mouse said:I don't care about disc art, but I don't like the idea of having the film lower quality or less entras as a result. $5 I can live with.