no end it on this.Xater said:Bishop please end this thread with a nice picture.![]()
Onix said:Wait ... when did the thread title change?!?!
dude your av is too bigKatana_Strikes said:Well it's been a great joureny folks. Good for some, not so good for others, but we can now concentrate on looking forward to a healthy future for HDM and a lot more movies on the way from ALL movie studios.
It's been fun watching all this play out in the short term but we certainly couldn't see this going on any longer than it has. It would only hurt HDM in the long run.
It's sad to see this thread come to a close now. I always looked forward to coming home (especially on Fridays for the Nielsons) and reading this thread, so I shed a little tear for that. But look forward to the future and what it means for Blu.
Good riddance HD DVD.
painey said:hooray. Nothing more satisfying than backing a winner from the start.
Man I'd buy a PS3 after watching that if I didn't already own one.avaya said:
Dot50Cal said:Finally. Now we need a Bluray vs DVD topic to migrate to :lol
Cold-Steel said:Haven't you heard? It's all about BD vs Digital Downloads (apparently)fucking retards actually believe this shit
avaya said:
iapetus said:13:15, 16th Feb 2008 xxxxxx Thread title (original 'Hi-Def Media Lovefest: HD-DVD Seppuku watch as Pac Man rises to heaven') changed
TAJ said:It's always been a nightmare scenario for me, so it will probably happen. Who needs quality when you can have... pseudo-ownership? Fuck DD.![]()
CoG said:Anyway you can post the full title change history (if it's kept)? Would be interesting in retrospect.
one of the other reasons why blu-ray won in the end - marketing like this.Second said:looked awesome!
Toshiba said:Toshiba also intends to maintain collaborative relations with the companies who joined with Toshiba in working to build up the HD DVD market, including Universal Studios, Paramount Pictures, and DreamWorks Animation and major Japanese and European content providers on the entertainment side, as well as leaders in the IT industry, including Microsoft, Intel, and HP
Toshiba said:Q: How many HD DVD players and recorders, exactly, did you sell?
A: 600,000 players in the US -- 300,000 of which were Xbox 360 HD DVD drives. 100,000 units were sold in Europe. And about 10,000 players and 20,000 recorders in Japan. So about 730,000 units worldwide.
doubtful, close encounters/blade runner special editions don't use them.BenjaminBirdie said:Does anyone know if an outfit like Criterion will be forced to use those horrifying Blu-Ray cases in their award winning packaging design?
FFObsessed said:Can't wait til Uni and Para come over to Blu, and it tickles me that HD-DVD is now a bigger failure than Betamax.
VanMardigan said:Haven't read through the last couple pages, but I was without internet this whole weekend (56k last night to try to catch up).
Anyway, didn't want the thread to end without at least posting and saying "it's been fun". And yeah, I mean that, seeing as how I am the top poster in this epic, epic thread. I don't think there are any hard feelings left for me. I don't even have anybody on ignore anymore. To all the people (and admins) I pissed off, no hard feelings.
To kolgar, I got your pm and I'm glad you didn't get banned. I agree with what you said, and see you in the HD movie thread.
To all the true HD movie fans, see you in the HD movie thread. To everyone else, good riddance but I know you guys will be fine so long as there's sales age on the gaming side.
Besides all the format war garbage, I actually learned a ton in this thread. About audio (I'm now slowly upgrading my speakers and then going for an Onkyo hdmi receiver), about video, and about studios and movies in general. So I leave this thread knowing that, while I wasted a ton of work time on it, it wasn't a complete, total waste.
Viva Blu, Viva HD Discs
Toshiba PR said:Toshiba also intends to maintain collaborative relations with the companies who joined with Toshiba in working to build up the HD DVD market, including Universal Studios, Paramount Pictures, and DreamWorks Animation and major Japanese and European content providers on the entertainment side, as well as leaders in the IT industry, including Microsoft, Intel, and HP. Toshiba will study possible collaboration with these companies for future business opportunities, utilizing the many assets generated through the development of HD DVD.
avaya said:Already posted?
Toshiba Considered Suing Time-Warner
Interestingly, it's being reported by Nikkei this morning (registration required) that some Toshiba executives actually considered suing Warner last month in response to what they considered the studio's betrayal. However (according to the article text):
But the firm realized that such action was impossible "without preparing for the worst, considering Hollywood's overwhelming influence on the U.S. industry," said one executive. America is Toshiba's main market for core operations like computer chips and nuclear power. A misstep there could easily cost a huge amount of business.
Who is that executive? It's either Katzenberg, Alan Bell or Graffeo. I think it's Katzenberg.
herod said:how many betamax systems were sold in the end?
Some 2.3 million Betamax machines were sold worldwide in its peak year, 1984
A total of 18 million Betamax machines were sold around the world, but no new ones will be made after the end of 2002.
Why do so many people support Blu-Ray as if it was a better technology?
Im amazed.
I can understand if i owned a company, and got paid off by Sony to tell the world that I love Blu_Ray
but for a consumer to SUPPORT Blu-Ray AS IF THEY WERE PAID by Sony is Mind boggling!
They love HD movies but yet support an inferior format which will cost them more and they support Regions and DRM from the MPAA.
I mean are people just dumb???? Are they going by the love of the color Blue? or by the name Blu-Ray does it sounds better to you? What is it? Scratch free discs? 50GB? Seriously????? You reward payola because you want 50GB scratch free disks to play on outdated 1.0 players that came out 6 months ago?
What is it!!!!!! I want to know! Serious Question!
I marvel at the die hard Blu-Ray CONSUMER Supporters. I really do.
I know they have over $300 to $1000++ tied to their PS3 machines and still paying it off but man o' man talk about being dumb and stubborn that they reward illegal activities that stopped consumers from deciding what they want!
Its amazing. Really Amazing how much Americans get bought like sheep or think like one too many times.
I cant wait for more PAYOLA and 1 Hard Drive maker, 1 Video Game console, 1 Netflix, 1 everything!
I dont want to hear anything from you Blu-Ray lovers when markets start to close into monopolies and consumers are not allowed to decide what is best for them.
consumers were robbed today
I marvel at the ones who loved it but whats really scary,
ARE THOSE BR Lovers who dont understand how they were robbed as consumers.
jjasper said:So when can expect to see Blu Ray announcements from Paramount and Universal?
Also does this mean no more HD DVD releases?
FFObsessed said:YES! It's over baby! Embrace me Snah! Embrace me! haha
Wow, what an awesome thread this has been ;_;
Can't wait til Uni and Para come over to Blu, and it tickles me that HD-DVD is now a bigger failure than Betamax.
EDIT: :lol :lol at last few pages
President and CEO of Toshiba Corporation made a bit of a surprise announcement. While it remains committed to standard DVD, they have "no plan at all at this moment" to take up the Blu-ray format.
PnCIa said:I really need to buy a HD-DVD before they disappear forever.
the 1948 Paramount Decree?Remy said:One more meltdown before we go...
I'm going to miss this little war of ours.
Thanks to everyone who's been contributing for the past year in this thread, it has been much easier to follow than the mess that is AVS or HDD.
I'm sad to see it go, but, it's time.
wth does that have to do with Blu-Ray? ah, it was an anti-trust case.1940s
In 1940, Paramount agreed to a government-instituted consent decree: block booking and "pre-selling" (the practice of collecting up-front money for films not yet in production) would end. Immediately Paramount cut back on production, from sixty-plus pictures to a more modest twenty annually in the war years. Still, with more new stars (like Bob Hope, Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake, Paulette Goddard, and Betty Hutton), and with war-time attendance at astronomical numbers, Paramount and the other integrated studio-theatre combines made more money than ever. At this, the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department decided to reopen their case against the five integrated studios. Paramount also had a monopoly over Detroit movie theaters through subsidiary company United Detroit Theaters as well [6]. This led to the Supreme Court decision of 1948 that broke up Adolph Zukor's amazing creation and effectively brought an end to the classic Hollywood studio system.