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Historic nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers

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This sounds pretty accurate. If you still believed the US to be all powerful, it makes sense to just bend other countries to your will. In an increasingly multi-polar world, though, that just pushes them further into someone else's grasp.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Interesting article over the FT.

Iran has huge corruption issues. The old guard have become entrenched and their children enjoy a luxurious lifestyle on the backs of a populace severely impoverished since 2012. Scandals have been breaking all over the place for the past few years, so this manah will probably unravel a bit of an internal mess between conservatives/old time officials trying to get some and the current administration using that massive influx of cash to prop the country and secure reelection.

This is my only preocupation. That the money goes to the politicians rather than projects and improvements for the people.

I wish that the deal included something to prevent this from happening. What's more, I wish the the international community was more involved in preventing corruption in local governments from diverse countries.


Can somebody call GOP and tell them that cold war was over 20 years ago?

And that segregation ended 50 years ago, and that we aren't living in the 19th century anymore.

I think King Bastard is still a bit much haha

How about Supreme Douche?


We only need trump and ted cruz to chime in for the complete clown car!


Democrats better not chicken out and run away from this issue. The Republican spin on this is disgusting.


Very sad day, that a country that has a national policy the destruction of another nation, gets a deal that will allow it to develop nuclear weapons. 2.000 centrifuges are more than enough to get all the material they need.

That's fairly concise, and accurate. I like to explain this in simple terms: think of roommates who don't get along, but have no option to leave. We all share the Earth, after all, and that's not changing.

So...bickering roomates love to point fingers. "You left the oven on!" "You didn't pay your share of the electric bill!"

We can do the same at an international level, and very accurately point out the mistakes and atrocities of every nation involved in this negotiation, to no end. The US loves to think of itself as the "good guys". But let's not kid ourselves, every nation does, and yet every nation has blood on its hands. A little empathy is in order.

So...as the biggest, toughest roommate, we can try to bully the others and impose our rules on everyone. Of course, it's a tempting proposition when you're so certain that you're right, and they're wrong, and you have the biggest gun. But it's childish and unrealistic.

That just leads to resentment, distrust, and more fights down the road. To live peacefully with others, compromise is necessary.


you can't put a price on sparks
Very sad day, that a country that has a national policy the destruction of another nation, gets a deal that will allow it to develop nuclear weapons. 2.000 centrifuges are more than enough to get all the material they need.

Are you some sort of nuclear scientist? Why is it only necessary for 2000 centrifuges and that's it?


Very sad day, that a country that has a national policy the destruction of another nation, gets a deal that will allow it to develop nuclear weapons. 2.000 centrifuges are more than enough to get all the material they need.

Just want to mention that the dumb bullshit here is the same dumb bullshit spouted by serious Conservative contenders to the Presidency.

Make sure you vote.
This sounds pretty accurate. If you still believed the US to be all powerful, it makes sense to just bend other countries to your will. In an increasingly multi-polar world, though, that just pushes them further into someone else's grasp.

Even in a Uni or bi polar world the US was never omnipowerful.

Its a childlike understanding of the world.


Democrats better not chicken out and run away from this issue. The Republican spin on this is disgusting.
The strong power of the Israeli lobby on many democrats all but guarantees some democrats are going to join republicans in opposition. Unfortunate but true. I don't think it will be enough to stop this though.

Very sad day, that a country that has a national policy the destruction of another nation, gets a deal that will allow it to develop nuclear weapons. 2.000 centrifuges are more than enough to get all the material they need.


Based on your confidence in your opinion perhaps you could enlighten us on the technical reasons this deal - that has no doubt been vetted by countless experts in the field from across the world - is somehow actually going to fail to achieve what it states? Again, from a technical standpoint.

Funky Papa

Very sad day, that a country that has a national policy the destruction of another nation, gets a deal that will allow it to develop nuclear weapons. 2.000 centrifuges are more than enough to get all the material they need.

You sound sensible and well informed. Tell us more.


Just want to mention that the dumb bullshit here is the same dumb bullshit spouted by serious Conservative contenders to the Presidency.

Make sure you vote.

So you like the deal because Obama did it. Very reasonable reason to support it.

Things that worry me:

- Arms race in the middle east,specially between Iran and Saudi Arabia
- Israel reactions if Iran comes close to adquire nuclear capability.


So you like the deal because Obama did it. Very reasonable reason to support it.

Things that worry me:

- Arms race in the middle east,specially between Iran and Saudi Arabia
- Israel reactions if Iran comes close to adquire nuclear capability.

You are literally spouting nonsense. Inform yourself instead of making baseless assertions.

Those are problems likely without the deal, not because of it.


you can't put a price on sparks


You are literally spouting nonsense. Inform yourself instead of making baseless assertions.

Any point you want to make?

So the BBC is also "spouting nonsense"?


The easing of restrictions on financial transactions which are part of the international embargo will give Iran extra economic muscle.

That will mean more funds - and more guns - for the proxy armies it funds around the Middle East, like the Shia militias of Iraq, and Hezbollah, the Lebanese military force which is helping to prop up Iran's ally Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

That is likely to reinforce Iran's view of itself as the champion and defender of Shia communities wherever they are found and to push the Sunni kingdoms of the Gulf - led by the Saudis - into responding in kind.

The conflicts raging around the Middle East in places like Iraq and Syria can be viewed as part of a growing confrontation between followers of the two main traditions in the Islamic world - Sunni and Shia.

Giving Iran access to more money and more weapons may well serve to intensify that confrontation.


Any point you want to make?

So the BBC is also "spouting nonsense"?

Yeah, I posted it for you earlier. Go read it. But since you ignored it I just figured I call a spade a spade at this point.

I see you are trying to move goalposts now though. How admirable. This is also something that has been addressed. Sanctions regarding terrorist activity are not going away. Those are driven by United States sanctions and they are outside of this deal.

But im more interested in hearing your technical breakdown of how this deal allows Iran a nuke? Actually defending your earlier assertions. And how this deal is worse then the alternatives? Heck what are your alternatives?
I mean they could've used Iran as a testing for Thorium based reactors. I think there is at least one in China, but since you cant make weapons out of thorium; Iran would get the energy they need without any restrictions.
It's hard to engage intelligently when it is clear one person hasn't actually researched the topic at hand. How can compliance be verified? Are you fucking kidding me? Go pick any major newspapers breakdown on this and just spend 10 minutes of your life educating yourself before you actually make sweeping generalizations and damning speculative conclusions. There is a robust verification process in place that includes inspectors and benchmarks Iran must satisfy. If they fail to comply there are swift penalties that get put into place.

They probably are going to develop other military technology as time marches on. But I would rather then develop that sort of technology as opposed to a nuke. The former is not going to ever threaten the major super powers dominance in any real capacity but a nuke would. America is much safer with an Iran in check and a nuke break out time of 1+ year then an Iran in the dark with a program 1-2 months from obtaining a bomb if they wanted.

America is better off with China and Russia being deeply invested in this strategy as opposed to leaving the table and going back to business as usual with Iran and thus decreasing our leverage and ability to reign in or punish Iran outside of direct military action.

You're reaction to anyone who doesn't agree with the deal is they're not informed. If only they would educate themselves... Have you ever thought that maybe those people are informed and still don't agree with this deal? You don't exactly come across as a scholar of Middle East foreign policy.

There are big problems with the deal. Iran gets to keep most of their nuclear infrastructure. There are no anytime, anywhere inspections - Iran can appeal requests to inspect military sites thereby giving them advance notice and time to prepare for the inspection. Lifting of sanctions will allow Iran to provide more funding to their proxy groups to exert more influence in the Middle East as well as develop other weaponry and prepare obtaining a nuclear weapon in 10 years or less. Iran will be able to to import/export weapons and obtain ballistic missile technology from China and Russia...(who pushed for an end to the UN imposed Iranian ballistic missile embargo to be included as part of the deal...why do you think they were invested). In the face of all this Iran's enemies in the area may respond by escalating development and acquisition of their own weaponry.


That's not all the deal does if you read the rest of that post.

Edit: Oops, that post doesn't have the rest of the infographics. Check out this one: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=171851900&postcount=197

I haven't been following the latest on the Iran nuclear talks, though it is a great step forward, nothing on that short list (if it is a true summary) prevents Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, it just slows them.

The Mullah's in Tehran are loons, though I am more concerned about the nukes in Pakistan than Iran right now.

EDIT: I just saw your edit. Cheers for the link.


Yeah, I posted it for you earlier. Go read it. But since you ignored it I just figured I call a spade a spade at this point.

I see you are trying to move goalposts now though. How admirable. This is also something that has been addressed. Sanctions regarding terrorist activity are not going away. Those are driven by United States sanctions and they are outside of this deal.

But im more interested in hearing your technical breakdown of how this deal allows Iran a nuke? Actually defending your earlier assertions. And how this deal is worse then the alternatives? Heck what are your alternatives?

That BBC article is kinda a joke, only confirmed for me by noting that its author is Kevin "3 dead Israeli boys is a greater tragedy than a generation of dead kids across the Middle East" Connelly.

Anyways, I'm going to cherry pick a line from that article.

It has unhelpfully unearthed a few video memories from the mid-1990s when US-led negotiators appeared confident they had managed to defuse the nuclear ambitions of another international pariah state, North Korea.

That is a reminder that while the diplomats negotiating on behalf of the global powers may sincerely believe they have made the world a safer place, they may also be wrong about Iran, as the Clinton administration was about the North Koreans.

Wrong.. North Korea acquired the bomb because Bush and his Conservative friends shit all over the deal, started talking "tough", and then decided to invade Iraq over false pretenses. North Korea resumed production of nuclear weapons at the end of 2002 and finally completed one a couple years later. I don't particularly blame them for reneging on the Agreed Framework, when the Bush already did his part to screw North Korea over.

Conservatives, for some reason, want to be repeat that brilliant success with Iran. I think the whole "America is omnipotent and we should get everything we want because we're America" rings completely true with a lot of the hardcore Conservatives - shining city on the hill nonsense amplified. When the reality is that our foreign policy the last 60 years has been an unmitigated disaster all throughout the world, but especially in the Middle East. We're good at making war and destabilization, but not so good at anything else.


Iran never really had serious Nuke ambitions anyway, they only stepped up and geared production to that end as a backward ass response to sanctions (plus Israeli airstrike threats and sabotage/assassinations).

I'm glad reason has prevailed on this, for now at least.
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