Yeah I took your advice and killed every single mofo on the level (except forKill everyone. The book of the lord will help you with this.
the tied up security guard
Yeah I took your advice and killed every single mofo on the level (except forKill everyone. The book of the lord will help you with this.
Absolutely the best looking game I've played all year. Agent 47 especially looks incredible with tessellation on.
And then he called ME a faggot.
Historically speaking, have devs made significant changes (like the ones we've been talking about) through patches?
PS3 users:
Can you map fire to R1 in this?
Never played hitman before, overall is this game worth a buy? I'd be getting it on PC.
The concept is fine, it just needs to be tweaked. The long range stuff is the most annoying; sure, have the warning come up when you're being scrutinised, but it would be better if the actual disguise erosion didn't begin until you were closer. That would keep people on their toes but not make them afraid to simply walk around. When you're using the cover system and flitting from cover to cover on a level like Chinatown you have to say that the mechanic is not working the way it should be.Man, I do like this game but the disguise system just makes it frustrating. I get what they were going for, but in practice it just pigeonholes you too much, and dudes see you from way too far away.
Yes; Options -> Controller -> Alt. Shooting Controls (Off).
PS3 users:
Can you map fire to R1 in this?
Historically speaking, have devs made significant changes (like the ones we've been talking about) through patches?
damn this game looks good, i am almost tempted to want it now :<
Am I missing something, but if I have something like a vase or extinguisher, I can't knock out someone? Just throw it somewhere as a distraction.
Rosewood is a terrible mission. God knows what they were thinking when they designed it.
Man, all these problems people have with the game just seem like standard problems of the Hitman series, shifted to different game mechanics.
EatChildren, never stop posting those pics. I'm on Medium quality, and while totally stunning, the quality does not compare.
Loving this entire thing.
Even if you hate the game but admire the visual charm and world design, check out the team's take on Kane and Lynch. Dog Days is $9 on Steam right now and it is a spectacular little journey. This group has my money.
e; But for realsies, is there a way to get past the part right before Chinese New Year without being detected, wearing a disguise, and playing on hard difficulty? There is one guard who doesn't move, just stands there and watches over half the landscape. I ended up strangling him when everyone's back was turned and wearing the uniform out. That t'was very cool.
I was about to post this anyway, so take it as you will: Blood Money is the best Hitman game of the franchise, Absolution is the best game of the franchise. If that makes sense.
1) The problem exists on both PS3 and XBOX, the game freezes, forcing you to reset your console and your save is wiped.Couple questions:
1)Which console version to get? Was reading through the thread and thought I saw the PS3 version might be having a saving bug?
2)What difficulty to start on? Want a challenge and all but I've never played a Hitman game.
So annoyed! The game was stuck on the save icon, and waited 5 minutes so I tried to quit game but that didn't work either, turned it off from the power and bam, the whole save game for hitman is gone.... Gotta restart all over again....![]()
On the Playstation 3 too. Extremely frustrating..1) The problem exists on both PS3 and XBOX, the game freezes, forcing you to reset your console and your save is wiped.
XBOX thread: http://www.hitmanforum.com/index.php/topic/57276-xbox-360-wipedcorrupted-save-file-twice-now-help/
PS3 thread: http://www.hitmanforum.com/index.php/topic/57229-wiped-savegame-ps3/
On the PS3, you can only backup your save game with PS+ cloud saving. Not sure about 360.
PS3 wins visually compared to 360, according to Digital Foundry.
2) I would suggest Normal if it's your first Hitman game, you can have fun with the new mechanics without too much restriction and frustration. The game is meant to be replayed anyway with different routes and alternative approaches, you can change the difficulty setting whenever you like.
What platform are you on? Happened to me on the PS3 as well. I think I'll wait until there's a patch or until they decide to let us backup our saves onto a flash drive.
Seriously? You can't back it up to flash drive? I thought devs had stopped copy-protecting save games on the PS3.On the PS3, you can only backup your save game with PS+ cloud saving.
Seriously. It's not even the fact that it's evasion focused. I loved Run For Your Life. This is just terrible level design based around artificial difficulty. The first aspect of the game I find legitimately poorly made.
The mook outfit doesn't fare much better since there are so many guards and so few chances to regain instict.
Just beat Rosewood. Still a very shitty level, but it was satisfying to just cut loose those pricks. Wade's death and Lenny standing up to him was pretty sweet, as was the scene with Blake and Birdie in front of Mount Rushmore. I really don't see why people hate the story. Well voiced, quirky, interesting characters, Bateson's best job yet as 47, and all the different thematic notes it hits. Now, onto a little town called Hope.
PS3 users:
Can you map fire to R1 in this?
The plot of this game is beyond stupid.The cops only want answers about the dead maid but not all the other bodies I left in the hotel?
Seriously? You can't back it up to flash drive? I thought devs had stopped copy-protecting save games on the PS3.
Ah thanks for clarifying, I just tested it out and it worked too. I saw the little yellow plus sign next to the Copy option and assumed that it was for Playstation+ only.I just backed my PS3 Hitman save file up to a flash drive without any problems (and without PS+), so just wanted to point out that the people who said you could only do it to the cloud were mistaken (thankfully).
The plot of this game is beyond stupid.The cops only want answers about the dead maid but not all the other bodies I left in the hotel?
This game could have been great with some AI tweaks and a real scenario writer
Got stuck with the saving icon AGAIN, so I tried getting to the menu to quit the game and it's stuck on a black screen. What do I do?! I'm scared to shut it off by the power because it'll probably turn the file corrupt, meaning I have to start the campaign all over again, for the second time... :/
I backup'ed my save onto a USB flash drive as soon as I found out it didn't require cloud saving. I suggest you do the same. This is happening too frequently to not take the precaution.Ended up restarting it, and it deleted the campaign! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh