My god this game has been amazing so far! Got it for $30 on steam and just finished Club 47. My playstyle has been basically getting the kill(s) no matter what it takes which means basically willing to kill non-targets and spending periods of time just walking everywhere.
Start of the level, I was just walking around and managed to get a security guard disguise. Then I went on the major balcony that connected the west and east sections of the hotel. Killed all the guards there which led to a search. Discovered that an open window led to an opportunity of making the rock star's birthday cake. So I went all the way back downstairs to the kitchen, maneuvering past all the suspicious (closed white dot) NPCs due to the searching status.
Saw a waiter guarding the door to the restaurant's restroom. Knocked him out and stole his disguise. Walked into the kitchen wearing the waiter disguise and got to the chef that the opportunity wanted me to take out and steal his clothes. Knocked him out along with another chef in the room and took 2 kitchen knives. Managed to get the top half of the birthday cake which was what I needed to continue the opportunity but it was literally RIGHT NEXT to a chef who was suspicious of me. Basically I got noticed and ran straight out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I ran to the balcony and made it to the room where I was suppose to deliver the birthday cake. Although I was compromised, no one in the room was suspicious of me. I delivered the cake and waited for rock star to come into the room. I hid behind a counter on the right door exit of the room. Rock star comes in, everyone sings happy birthday, and BOOM! A perfectly thrown kitchen knife into rock star's head. Crime was noticed obviously and I fukking ran out the window back to the balcony.
I ran across the balcony back to the other side of the hotel where security guards were already searching for me. Only a couple of them had the closed white dot and they were opening doors to rooms without the required keycards to attempt to find me. I snuck behind one right when he opened the door to a room, knocked him out, and got me a new security guard disguise. Everyone was searching for me but there were very few suspicious NPCs thanks to the new disguise. I walked to the lobby and coincidentally met my next target, the attorney.
I followed the attorney (and his bodyguard) outside the front door of the lobby to the dock area. I saw that on the dock was a boat. I predicted that the boat would be a potential exit vehicle for the mission after I killed all targets so I decided that I should try killing the attorney while he's outside and nearby the dock. Turns out the attorney went outside to talk to some reporter. I hid behind some cover and aimed my gun at the attorney's head which apparently was normal for all the tourists around me to see since I wore the security guard disguise lol. Took the shot and ran towards the boat before anyone could react which did turn out to be an exit vehicle!
Low score since I killed a bunch of non-targets but goddamm that was a fun thrill ride to experience. This game is so good