Fuck, got spotted deleting the evidence and fucked up SA.
not this helps but always do that first because you can restart as long as you don't complete an objectives. Before I do anything I plan my escape, delete any evidence and remove any people that might cause me trouble. My times are atrocious but it gets the job done.
Winter Coat, you are mine. Don't think I've ever been so nervous doing one of these Elusive Targets.
Hours later, after a good workout, I'm still super mad about how my run got fucked up. The guy didn't even have a dot over his head!
If you felt the game was cheap, you can be cheap back
When you fail SA just pause the game, disconnect from the internet and return to the main menu. Then reconnect and you'll be able to retry the elusive again.
Well, that was easy and disappointing
Got rid of the hackers in the room, the target went out for a smoke, threw him off the balcony. Done.
If you felt the game was cheap, you can be cheap back
When you fail SA just pause the game, disconnect from the internet and return to the main menu. Then reconnect and you'll be able to retry the elusive again.
Hours later, after a good workout, I'm still super mad about how my run got fucked up. The guy didn't even have a dot over his head!
this elusive target might be one of the worst ever tbh
There's a lot that's already been said about this elusive on other sites, but it's more interesting to consider why it ended up like this.
You get the feeling that this one mainly serves to get data on whether the average player is actually capable of navigating Colorado and whether they have a grasp on what accidents are.
How damn long is he gonna sit in that chair. Seems like it takes forever.
Yeah I justpoked him with non-lethal syringe hoping I could drown him, but he went to a trashcan instead so I spiked his water with lethal poison while he was away.
Got my sweet winter coat and absolution suit.
Casual revelation on this page: lethal poison was allowed after all, even though we all thought it didn't strictly count as an Accident Kill.
And now in retrospect this tweet makes sense: https://twitter.com/TorbenEllert/status/816226337136451584 Enough people thought poison was an accident that they went along with it for this elusive.
Fuck, got spotted deleting the evidence and fucked up SA.
I got screwed on SA this run,No SA for me :/I knocked out all the hackers upstairs and threw the target over the railing but I went downstairs to leave at the same time that Ezra Berg was talking to the prisoner, so I had to wait for him to leave and while I was waiting guards found the hackers.
WHATNormally that wouldn't count as an accident kill but I guess they decided to make it work for this one.
I'm looking into buying this for the PC at the moment because I fancy playing a decent stealth game but want to know about the elusive target stuff. Are all the ones I've missed gone forever or is there a way to go back and play them without the rewards?
I'm looking into buying this for the PC at the moment because I fancy playing a decent stealth game but want to know about the elusive target stuff. Are all the ones I've missed gone forever or is there a way to go back and play them without the rewards?
fuck that coat is sexy af. Do you need to get SA for it or just successfully complete the mission?
Nah, no way to do them after the fact. There will be plenty more to come throughout the rest of this year though so any cosmetics tied to completing them are still able to be gotten. The retail release wasn't until this month so there's going to be a ton of people in the same position as you that the devs will be catering to.
From the outside looking in it's very easy to say something like, "Look at all that content I don't get access to! Screw them!" But it's really not that big of a deal. Even with the missed elusive targets there is still a ton of side content (escalations, contracts) and bonus missions to keep you busy for a long, long time.
I wouldn't worry about it. I got the game after the final episode released. I have 45 hours in it and have only completed one escalation, am only half way through the mastery of two of the maps, haven't touched one of the bonus missions, and have barely looked at contracts mode.
I don't mind that I missed 8 months of elusive targets because there's so much else to do. Even if I could I'm not sure when I'd get around to it.