Took out the kitchen staff (where his guard tastes the sushi), took out his guard and then finally him.
I just repeated it doing the same and unlocked silent assassin, suit only. Must've been bugged.
Edit: ^ Rat poison is not lethal. You can unlock lethal poison as a spawn option or get it from Dalia.
Ok, anyone know where the damnin the new Escalation Contract? I love the mode and the idea of it, but I'm not about to play needle in a haystack looking for the damned thing.bypass thing is for the tripwires
Anyone else having server issues? Was in the the middle of doing the new Escalation missions, was booted out to the main menu and now can't re connect.
If this is going to be a fucking weekly occurrence IO....
How is climbing a pole and shimmying down a ledge anything like assassins creed?
weird, probably bug.
Regarding the poison, I thought the syringe that is the spawn option can't be used to actually poison a drink?
Still getting booted playing Paris. Never been able to finish. Getting old.
It probably won't be long until the bypass is found by someone but it's possible to do mission without hitting any of the wires. Just watch out for the cameras at the front entrance to the mansion when you're escaping.
Took out the kitchen staff (where his guard tastes the sushi), took out his guard and then finally him.
I just repeated it doing the same and unlocked silent assassin, suit only. Must've been bugged.
Edit: ^ Rat poison is not lethal. You can unlock lethal poison as a spawn option or get it from Dalia.
They should make a costume that makes everyone on the map suspicious. The ultimate challenge.
How is climbing a pole and shimmying down a ledge anything like assassins creed?
I have an option to spawn with poison outside of the syringe. It's the same one that Dalia gives you.
I don't think this is correct. You unlock a sedative but it isn't lethal poison. I think they did this because it would make it too easy if you had lethal poison all the time.
Really? In game pic is the same and all. That's weird.
Edit: Bernardo, maybe you have Sedative Poison Vial. Seems I was confused.
OMG,the tripwires are scaring the sh** out of me.
I've tried poisoning the cocktail for Victor with the sedative and it juts puts them to sleep. The same happened to the bodyguard when I poisoned the sushi. It seems like the only way to use lethal poison is to use the stuff Dalia gives you. That's what unlocked the lethal poison feat for me. Dalia went down instantly.
New Escalation Mission in Paris does. Hahaha.wait what?!?
there are tripwires?
I've tried poisoning the cocktail for Victor with the sedative and it juts puts them to sleep. The same happened to the bodyguard when I poisoned the sushi. It seems like the only way to use lethal poison is to use the stuff Dalia gives you. That's what unlocked the lethal poison feat for me. Dalia went down instantly.
Weird, I have Paris Mastery 20 and I don't see it :/
>Finish both Escalations
>Realize both added a Feat each to the game
>Game doesn't register I completed them
What a fucking game. Not even the online-centric stuff is working right..
>Finish both Escalations
>Realize both added a Feat each to the game
>Game doesn't register I completed them
What a fucking game. Not even the online-centric stuff is working right..
I can't complete some challenges of the Paris mission because they won't register. This is disappointing indeed.![]()
New Escalation Mission in Paris does. Hahaha.
Don't know if this is what happened, but a lot of the feats and challenges don't seem to register if you load a save from a point after you've fulfilled the requirement for the challenge. As an example, I saved after introducing myself to Dalia as Mr. Reaper, then killed her with the silenced pistol and didn't get the challenge, but loading a save just *before* introducing myself as Mr. Reaper and continuing on to finish the level worked fine.
You cannot load saves during Escalation.
Ahh, I didn't read it right, I thought you were just referring to a regular old challenge.
Damn, that sucks man. :/
Yeah, its really weird they haven't fixed them yet. At the very least fix the damn timer bug.I just did a great level 5 escalation, but how is that fun with the ruined leaderboards![]() the other escalation required me to wear the palace staff disguise in the second floor
but that's the red butler outfit, right? and they are not allowed on that floor, is that correct?
It probably won't be long until the bypass is found by someone but it's possible to do mission without hitting any of the wires. Just watch out for the cameras at the front entrance to the mansion when you're escaping.
Yep. This happened to me when I did the Training Mission Escalation. It says I completed that feat, but after going back to the main menu it was back to unchecked. Thankfully I only had to do the Level 5 run again to get credit, but still annoying.>Finish both Escalations
>Realize both added a Feat each to the game
>Game doesn't register I completed them
What a fucking game. Not even the online-centric stuff is working right..
Maybe they have chips implented on their skin.It's just frustrating because it seems like completely logic-breaking artificial difficulty. This huge event with dozens of employees moving all over the place has explosive laser tripwires all throughout the place, and yet if you knock out a security guard or employee that YOU'VE SEEN walk through the tripwires, they don't have a bypass on them. You have to find ONE placed there just for you somewhere in this huge place. I know it's a high-level difficultly mission in an optional side mode, but it just feels unfair and stupid. I can't even figure out which starting position is actually doable.
Ok, anyone know where the damnin the new Escalation Contract? I love the mode and the idea of it, but I'm not about to play needle in a haystack looking for the damned thing.bypass thing is for the tripwires
It's in the same room as the laptop you have to hack. It also happens to be in a safe. The key to the safe is in the basement (a different one to the master key). It's entirely possible to do the mission without it. The only benefit I found was it enable me to walk out instead of having to shimmy along a ledge.
It's just frustrating because it seems like completely logic-breaking artificial difficulty. This huge event with dozens of employees moving all over the place has explosive laser tripwires all throughout the place, and yet if you knock out a security guard or employee that YOU'VE SEEN walk through the tripwires, they don't have a bypass on them. You have to find ONE placed there just for you somewhere in this huge place. I know it's a high-level difficultly mission in an optional side mode, but it just feels unfair and stupid. I can't even figure out which starting position is actually doable.
I played the whole Escalation Mission using the Kitchen as my starting point. There is also a device there inside the security room also inside a safe.
Just finished the Paris mission.
What are the escalation missions about?
they give you a different target and a set of rules (like, kill them with a pistol while dressed as a guard) but you have to do it 5 times and each time they add another thing you need to do that makes it more difficult.
Only one side is covered with tripwires. I went outside and managed to enter from the other side. I destroyed the computer recording the cameras as well.How on earth did you get in there? Aren't there tripwires covering all the entrances to that room? Don't tell me the fuse box turns them off or I'll feel like a right plonker.
The 1.02 patch broke them on PS4.and where the hell did my Requiem suit and explosive rubber duck go?