So, as someone that has probably replayed Blood Money somewhere between a bajillion and a bazillion times, is this worth the money so far?
absolutely, best level design in the franchise and by far the highest replay value
So, as someone that has probably replayed Blood Money somewhere between a bajillion and a bazillion times, is this worth the money so far?
absolutely, best level design in the franchise and by far the highest replay value
So, as someone that has probably replayed Blood Money somewhere between a bajillion and a bazillion times, is this worth the money so far?
Thanks guys, consider me sold! I'm so excited to finally have a new Hitman to explore.
Will you be playing it on PC?
I have put 21 hrs into the single mission already. Its awesome, and i am still discovering ways to pull kills and what not.
Also, i escalation missions are tons of fun. I yet to get into contracts! and i am waiting for Elusive targets to make their appearance. Its gonna be sweet!
Then in April new place comes and i'll be ready. I actually like the episodic format. It really does let me wrap my head around once place only for a long time. If i had the choice to keep moving forward i don't feel i would be getting so much out of the place already.
Any word on when exactly the new location will be out in April?
PS4, but I'm hoping the server issues won't be too bad!
So, as someone that has probably replayed Blood Money somewhere between a bajillion and a bazillion times, is this worth the money so far?
So, as someone that has probably replayed Blood Money somewhere between a bajillion and a bazillion times, is this worth the money so far?
So, as someone that has probably replayed Blood Money somewhere between a bajillion and a bazillion times, is this worth the money so far?
If you're happy to support online only DRM. Then yes. Its might get kicked to the main menu if the servers crap out. But in regards to it core systems its almost the best the series has been. Bit too hand holdy and more directed "obvious" means to kill... But generally great.
If you like the idea of replaying this with the campaign challenges and unlocks in 10 years time like you can with blood money. I'd probably avoid it. Because once these servers inneviably get switched off the games a coaster.
gemini is tough. Akiko's pathing sucks and the boxes where you have to try and lure her behind are close to a dozen NPCs and also half the time she doesn't respond to coins.
I sucker-punched her and ran away
Man, I have no idea how to take out Akkiko Criley without just doing it openly or letting her spot you. She's never isolated and there doesn't seem to be any chance to isolate her without blowing cover.
Any word on when exactly the new location will be out in April?
I don't know if you can classify it as online only DRM:If you're happy to support online only DRM.
Any word on when exactly the new location will be out in April?
Found this nice article about the art and visual style of the game (well, just Paris so far):
SFW despite the link
The screens from the Italy level look amazing.
I really like the idea of "virtual tourism". Globetrotting was a big part of the appeal of the older games, but they can really capitalize on it now with modern graphics.
It's not DRM, they're using Denuvo so you can't pirate the game anyways.
Of course, that just makes it more confusing why they would implement such a consumer unfriendly system.
any news on the patch?
The link I posted explains the decision for the dark, candle-lit Paris that we have. It's a pretty good read.Now this looks more like it. Paris looks nice but it doesn't have all of this nice lightning and material definition that this showcases already.
I wonder if they'll be updating previous episodes with better materials, any optimizations and lightning. I hope so.
I'm having trouble finding the link with the information at the moment, but I recall reading that it's just telemetry. They want to see the routes/paths we're taking and I guess they're parsing information from that to develop later levels.Datamining is the only reason I can think of.
The two new Escalation Missions are Live. One for the first tutorial level and one for Paris.
The two new Escalation Missions are Live. One for the first tutorial level and one for Paris.
The two new Escalation Missions are Live. One for the first tutorial level and one for Paris.
Excellent. I love going back to that military base.
I'm having trouble finding the link with the information at the moment, but I recall reading that it's just telemetry. They want to see the routes/paths we're taking and I guess they're parsing information from that to develop later levels.
Edit: It might have been in one of the surveys they sent me, because I can't find the link for shit. Sorry.
Yeah, that was my understanding. They're meant to be using the data to make the game better too, which is kind of funny.![]()
have they fixed the fucking leaderboard bug yet?
that possibly irks me the most since their excuse was partially OH YOU WON'T GET LEADERBOARDS and then leaderboards are absolutely worthless
You're not missing anything, they're all 100+ people with the exact same score (210,000) thanks to the time bug. They're useless.You're asking the wrong guy. I can't stay connected long enough to look at them. XD
the first tutorial level is the yacht, though
The link I posted explains the decision for the dark, candle-lit Paris that we have. It's a pretty good read.
The Vampire Magician Challenge Pack
Includes 10 new challenges that were inspired by how our community have been playing the game. Each challenge requires you to wear the Vampire Magician disguise while taking down targets using a range of different methods.
Continued improvements to load times
The improvements will be most notable when loading The Showstopper mission in Paris and we're already working on improving all loading times even more.
Improved responsiveness for in-game menus and image loading
We've implemented an image caching system that will improve responsiveness and loading times for all images in the game menu.
Fixed issues with scoring
Primarily, this fixes an issue that resulted in many players earning a 0 second time bonus and an incorrect score of 210,000. A leaderboard reset will be implemented at a later date.
Continued improvements to connectivity
Server stability improvements.
Missing 'Requiem Pack' items have been restored
For those affected, these items will now be available to choose from the planning screen again.
Fixed numerous issues that were causing crashes
General improvements to game stability.
It's a slight improvement nothing to get excited over. Paris loading times are still too long imo.Paris mission
Initial loading time -> 1 minute 43 seconds / 1 minute 13 seconds
Restarting/reloading save games -> 44 seconds / 46 seconds
Yacht mission
Initial loading time -> 27 seconds / 22 seconds
Restarting/reloading save games -> 10 seconds / 9 seconds
Final Test airport hangar mission
Initial loading time -> 23 seconds / 18 seconds
Restarting/reloading save games -> 8 seconds / 7 seconds
a leaderboard reset is not really necessary, they can simply delete all the 210'000 scores
PS4 loading times after 1.03 patch
It's a slight improvement nothing to get excited over. Paris loading times are still too long imo.