Unless this game gets catastrophically bad reviews across the board, it’ll sell 15m copies in its first year. Easily.
Judging by the footage we’ve had, it looks competent. I’m buying it day one on Series S using a foreign market place.
Thats the problem, it won't be given a fair shake based on the merits of the game itself. I suspect there will be a lot of review tanking going on. Politics and agendas are already overshadowing this game. If journalists can't objectively review this game without bias, they need to not discuss the game at all or retire. I use the world journalist lightly. Despite the villain not having anything to do with the game, other than creating the source material. The battle of science and biology will rage across this front.
Anecdotally, several people at work played the mobile game and were pretty into it or have recently seen the live play (supposedly fairly good). There is definitely a thirst for this franchise amongst young adults with cash to spend. Hopefully it does well enough the developers can keep their jobs and make another game. I get the feeling this game is a dream come true, just like flying an X-wing or Tie Fighter.
If I was as rich as JK, I'd offer to subsidize the game and knock 50% off the launch price so it sells even more copies. I'd also make sure to send fancy gaming chairs and gifts to reviewers to buy them off like Cyberpunk. People should be allowed to like the game without having to agree with the creator, or agree, doesn't matter.