Looks like 15 levels from the stage select screen.
Question - how do I get the rest of the masks if I passed every level?
Finally the download works.
But why is this game 1 GB??
The add up the ps3 and vita versions' file size on the store page for some weird reason.
In reality the ps3 version is around 600 mb, vita is around 350 mb
Can you play it almost like Geometry Wars?
I don't even understand why this is even the case, really. The game obviously uses the same assets across the board, so why the discrepancy? Not that I mind or anything, but kinda interesting. I guess they might be using higher levels of compression that seemingly go unnoticed at the lower rendering res on the vita, or something.
Bought this last night and I'm loving it!
Only played the first 4 or 5 chapters so far, and I'm playing it 'wrong' (just like a twin stick shooter, not bothering with lock-on), but I've played enough to know I really like it. Looks great on the Vita and the soundtrack deserves a decent pair of headphones. I'm really looking forward to getting home and firing it up again, which is always a good sign.
Is there a guide with pictures for where all the letters are? Don't really want to use a video since all I have is my phone.
It has been a rush. I love it when I rip through a room and take out several guys in a row before they know what's hit 'em. I'm not sure ill be able to ignore the lock-on forever though.Aww yeah, lock on is for pansies!i recommend learning to play without it for a better challenge. Its so satisfying taking out dudes with the Magnum without autoaim.
It has been a rush. I love it when I rip through a room and take out several guys in a row before they know what's hit 'em. I'm not sure ill be able to ignore the lock-on forever though.
What's the crack with the little 'fetch some food / drink / a VHS' interludes? What am I actually supposed to be doing there? I feel like I'm missing something.
Part of the story
What's the crack with the little 'fetch some food / drink / a VHS' interludes? What am I actually supposed to be doing there? I feel like I'm missing something.
what an amazing story.. pizza, drinks and VHS.. it all makes sense..
This is your first time playing HM? Oh man, to be in your shoes...It has been a rush. I love it when I rip through a room and take out several guys in a row before they know what's hit 'em. I'm not sure ill be able to ignore the lock-on forever though.
What's the crack with the little 'fetch some food / drink / a VHS' interludes? What am I actually supposed to be doing there? I feel like I'm missing something.
Part of the story
Nice, cheers. I thought it'd be something like that. I kept meaning to check my apartment after missions, but I was too busy rushing to the next one to stove some heads in with a bat.They are like "normal" activities the characters do. And they will start to get really bizarre quite fastThe apartment also has hidden items to pick up like newspaper articles. The apartment also changes after certain events and missions. Pretty cool little details!
Yup, certainly is! I'd been meaning to buy it for ages and then the Vita announcement came so I held out. It was worth the wait.This is your first time playing HM? Oh man, to be in your shoes...wearing a pig mask
The endboss...*rage*
So hard and I have to skip his stupid lines every time?
Have absolutely no idea how to finish the second (?) stage of the fight, I just die instantly.
Edit: finally...
If you've played it on PC and still think the Vita version is a decent port, then that's enough to sell it to me. Thanks!Played the Vita version for a bit over an hour yesterday and it's certainly a phenomenally well done port. Compared to the PC version the aiming is a bit more difficult as soon as things get hectic and I don't really care for controlling the camera with the touchscreen, but it's not the end of the world. I'm starting to get behind the idea of the Vita just being a platform for indie games.
If you've played it on PC and still think the Vita version is a decent port, then that's enough to sell it to me. Thanks!
Yeah, from a technical perspective it's a 100% sound port. Looks sharp, runs super smooth, basically no loading. The controls aren't quite there compared to M+K, but it's more than serviceable.If you've played it on PC and still think the Vita version is a decent port, then that's enough to sell it to me. Thanks!
Oh, I played the PC one with a 360 pad.Yeah, from a technical perspective it's a 100% sound port. Looks sharp, runs super smooth, basically no loading. The controls aren't quite there compared to M+K, but it's more than serviceable.
Played the Vita version for a bit over an hour yesterday and it's certainly a phenomenally well done port. Compared to the PC version the aiming is a bit more difficult as soon as things get hectic and I don't really care for controlling the camera with the touchscreen, but it's not the end of the world. I'm starting to get behind the idea of the Vita just being a platform for indie games.
Anyone able to get the These Are My Guns - Complete chapter five barehanded trophy?
I beat Ch. 5 with the Tony mask and punched everything to death, but the trophy didn't pop. Is it bugged?
Anyone able to get the These Are My Guns - Complete chapter five barehanded trophy?
I beat Ch. 5 with the Tony mask and punched everything to death, but the trophy didn't pop. Is it bugged?
Worked for me. Did the same exact thing. That sucks man.
Did you equip weapons at any point? I threw some golf clubs at the gun wielding guys, but used my fists to kill them. Also, melee executions are ok to do, right?
Did you equip weapons at any point? I threw some golf clubs at the gun wielding guys, but used my fists to kill them. Also, melee executions are ok to do, right?
be careful not to kill anyone by accident from throwing stuffif an enemy drops a knife when hit by a flying object the knife might kill another guy.
Yeah, I've been careful to throw only bats and golf clubs. Just tried again, still no trophy. *sigh*
try no picking anything up. that's what i did.
but really, you should just use the Tony mask and be done with
I am using the Tony mask, it's hard to sneak up on a shotgun toying Ruskie, though. Hence, weapon throwing. I'll try to do it without picking anything up.
What's the Tony mask again? I just have fond memories of using whatever the one was that killed people with a good swing of the door... wait until one of the guys walks past, burst in, grab his weapon then go apeshit. Love how much of a badarse you can be with this game.just lure them out. I'll dance in and out of a door until they see me and start chasing me. run back in the door, wait, then blind-side with fists-of-fury.
What's the Tony mask again? I just have fond memories of using whatever the one was that killed people with a good swing of the door... wait until one of the guys walks past, burst in, grab his weapon then go apeshit. Love how much of a badarse you can be with this game.
Does anyone ever die so much that they get filled with so much rage that their next attempt is some nicely executed, combo filled, awesome thing.
Happened to me last night. I went from dying about 15 times straight to just flat out destroying everyone. Why cant every attempt be like that? Felt like such a badass after.
Does anyone ever die so much that they get filled with so much rage that their next attempt is some nicely executed, combo filled, awesome thing.
Happened to me last night. I went from dying about 15 times straight to just flat out destroying everyone. Why cant every attempt be like that? Felt like such a badass after.