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House of Cards - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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Season 2 Episode 1

For those who're saying that they're shocked by what happened to Zoe at the end... Well, I guess you haven't seen the British miniseries. The British Frank Urquhart did away with his own reporter analogue right at the end of the first season itself, shoving her off the roof of the British Parliment.

I was actually surprised that The American Frank Underwood allowed her to live for so long, knowing what she did about the whole sordid affair; I seriously thought she would be dealt with by the end of Season 1, but I guess that was their way to screw with our expectations.

Excellent start to the Second Season, well done folks.


Fourth episode was very good and the VP spent the majority
locked in his office
. L

Episode 2: We need a gif of
Francis closing the door and staring down the camera :lol



Junior Member
Well this is officially the first time product placement has worked on me. I made it three episodes and could go no further without making a run for Stella Artois. I did manage to resist the urge to buy a certain video game from episode 2.


Lucas is going to end up somewhere he doesn't want to be if he keeps going after Underwood. At least Janine was smart and left.

What about this new candidate for the whip? Illegitimate daughter scandal? she's doing everything Underwood wants and I can't take much more. Ruthless but c'mon, this is getting out of control.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Just finished the series, really really good stuff, much better pacing that the first season, now the long wait for another season :(


Episode 1:
Great episode, way to hit the grounding running. I did not see that with Zoe. I knew that as soon as she said murder that Frank would want her out of the picture. Also Claire might be the worst character on the show. I don't recall the quote to well but when she said "i will watch your child wither and die inside you before you get a lawsuit on me" DAYUM.

episode 2 was good too. Robin Wright is killing every scene she's been in.


Generic ep 1-2-3 spoilers

I really love the show (I finished ep3) but goddamit there's nothing I hate more than ridiculous tech talk. It's so obvious when show/movie writters have absolutely no idea how technology actually works. The whole "deep web" thing is so stupid. "Hey dude, to access the 96% of the Internet that nobody knows exists you need to use Tor!!!"...... COME ON....


Just got done with the first four episodes.

Ep 1:
Did not expect Zoe's death, but started it seeing coming as the subway scene progressed. The framing for it was great and Zoe's statements about herself, making peace with her actions, really foreshadowed it, among other this. For those talking about how shallow Frank is with his viciousness is missing the point that Frank offered Zoe a way out. Clean slate, remember? All she had to do was drop Russo. When she refused, he realized what he had to do. Sure, it was evil, but that bridge got crossed with Russo. Second one is alot easier, and I bet he actually is relieved to be done with her. Still, I said 'holy shit', and my wife initially thought 'dream sequence' as well.

Ep 4:
Claire's interview was beyond incredible. Loved how she took down the General herself and how Francis was so proud of her for doing so. Anyone else think that the General's female assistant loved trying to put his wife through to him? Also enjoyed the new Whip and how in trying to not be Frank, she ends up being much more like him. Its not the methods of victory, its the determination and will to succeed.


S02E01 Spoilers:
Just audibly fucking gasped when Frank threw Zoe at the train. I can not remember the last time a show caught me off guard like that. I said god DAMN.

I'm so ready to really sink my teeth into this season.


Welcome back.

Is it normal that I am (201)
laughing HYSTERICALLY at Frank's speech? The FU, oh my god. Comic book villainy, and I mean that in the best way possible, I think

Also, a request: instead of just spoiler tagging an entire post, can people please post what episode what they spoiler tag pertains to? Thanks.


Holy shit

Claire is Cold. Blooded.

Season One hinted at it but I didn't know if she had it in her.

That line from Claire in Ep 1:

"I will watch your child wither and die inside you." To a pregnant woman,
my small mind cannot even string together words more evil and full of invective than that.


Fantastic way to start the season. That
monologue at the end of the episode was perfect
. This season's going to be a wild ride!

I also legitimately thought that
Zoe dying was either a fantasy of Frank's or a fear of Zoe's. No way did I think they had the balls to go through with it.
Holy crap is that Lt/Cpt. Aceveda from the Shield representing the Republicans dealing with Frank? Talk about a major political advancement lol.
I'm just about to watch the 4th episode... I can't stop, and I have a wedding to attend tomorrow. Oh well, the train has left the station, and I think I might just watch another 2-3 episodes.
Episode 4

hacker stuff
is still awful the rest is awesome.
I think that the
publicity from the rape accusation
will come back to bite them though.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Thru Ep 4:

About the hate on the
Hacking stuff: Is it because it's in the show, or you find it "non believable"? While they haven't gone into specifics, the main terms they've used like Deep Web and TOR exist. That, and the end of episode 4, the McPoyle Brother (as I know that actor from It's Always Sunny) is a mole/asset for the government, because he was already caught and stuck doing asset work for that FBI Liaison (or whatever he is now)
Halfway through episode 2. Holy motherfucking SHIT

Why wouldn't he just play God of War single player if secret service disabled network connection??? What the fuck is wrong with him? Or does he have to dominate other people at all times, even when gaming
Episode 1:
I'm willing to let your child wither and die inside you if that's what's required. Claire is so fucking amazing.

And holy shit, Zoe!!!!
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