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House of Cards - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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The end of episode 12 was amazing.

And (episode 13 spoiler)
Claire breaking down after being told she's a good person and everything she's done was a great scene.
Robin Wright probably gonna get the Best Actress award again next year, in fact I think she had far better material this year.


Episode 13
why did Tusk suddenly decide to say something at the hearing and potentially go to jail? Even if he thought Remy was going to spill the details, just seems odd unless it was about getting revenge at Garett for going back on the pardon? Why not implicate Frank who was actually involved and he actually hated as well?

If Walker goes down, Frank can still pardon Tusk. If Walker and Frank go down, Tusk has no way out of prison.

He may have hated Frank, but Frank was the only one in that trio with any real power to affect the outcome.
So I've started digging through the UK one. Without potentially damaging what could be "spoiler area" for where S3 could go, where should I stop with the UK one? I'm enjoying the british smugness of it all already.
So I've started digging through the UK one. Without potentially damaging what could be "spoiler area" for where S3 could go, where should I stop with the UK one? I'm enjoying the british smugness of it all already.

(WARNING:- British specific HOC Spoilers ahead)

Season 1
"compresses" both S1 and S2 of the American version into one. The British F.U. actually becomes the PM in a vastly accelerated timeline as compared to his American counterpart, whilst tying up all of his loose ends in a brutally clinical fashion.

Season 2
introduces a new opponent for F.U. in the form of the monarchy. This is definitely uncharted territory in itself, since the US version would not have a similar analogue to rely on. They'd probably introduce a different challenger to the throne for the US F.U. in the 3rd US season, or probably just deal with his downfall sometime after he takes up the presidency thanks to all the loose ends he left behind at the end of Season 2 in the form of Rachel, Doug Stamper's death, Janine and probably Christina.

Which brings us to Season 3
The downfall of the British F.U. by none other than his wife. Yes.

So, in summation, I actually think you can watch S1 and S2 of the British series. Stop right before S3, which I regard to be the weakest season anyhow.


Just finished. WOW.

Did not really see (last episode)
Doug dying. I thought Rachel would die but I'm glad she didn't. The way Doug just kinda stood there I found to be a bit lame though.

Jackie Sharp was by far the best new character. And honestly, why has Frank not
dedtroyed Remi yet


The original lasted only three seasons. Do you think the U.S. version will have more? Then again, most UK shows have very short runs (or short before they go to shit).

With the popularity of the show, absolutely yes. Netflix is trying to build a stable of top quality shows. I doubt they just end HoC after next season.


With the popularity of the show, absolutely yes. Netflix is trying to build a stable of top quality shows. I doubt they just end HoC after next season.

Ehhh Spacey's a busy dude who hasn't really been tied down to TV shooting in the prime of his career before. I imagine he'll be ready for it to end after this next season.


Ehhh Spacey's a busy dude who hasn't really been tied down to TV shooting in the prime of his career before. I imagine he'll be ready for it to end after this next season.

Anything is possible but I doubt it, I really do. It's hard to come across a hit show and his movie career wasn't exactly hot before this. He did alright but I don't see why he would quit a successful show that he himself produces prematurely.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I'm 90% sure the third season will be the last. In fact I was surprised a third season was even announced, was expecting this to be the last one especially after Fincher bailed.


One of the producers had been saying just a couple months ago that they were leaning toward S2 being the last, just because Spacey and Wright were looking to return to their movie careers. Then they picked it up for a third season, so I'm guessing next one will be the last.

I also don't think Netflix is hurting for original content. Orange is the New Black was a big hit too, plus they've got four new Marvel shows coming up. They can probably afford to let HoC go after next year.
I have no idea what happens in the British version of House of Cards, but I hope that Frank's "downfall" is by loss of election. Obviously there are many reasons building up as to why he would lose election, but I think it'd be a good statement since Francis is so fixated on controlling people within Washington. It's like he's taken the whole election aspect for granted.


Death Prophet
Yeah I'll actually be mad if this show somehow gets another season after 3 just because of how 2 ended. If there is another season after 3, 3 will be boring.


Found this article kind of amusing on the ridiculousness of the storyline. Spoilers of course.

10 things ‘House of Cards’ gets wrong

1. No one cares what some blogger writes. A great deal of both seasons of House of Cards hinges on political bloggers “breaking” complicated inside-baseball political stories, Spacey’s attempts to manipulate those stories, and then his desperate acts when the bloggers get too close to the truth about his devious maneuverings.

It makes me wonder if the writers of the series have left their rooms in 30 years.

These days, nobody cares about political corruption. Nobody cares about inside-Washington machinations, except other political reporters. Nobody cares about complicated stories which require more than three seconds’ thought, because Kim Kardashian or America’s Top Pastry Chef is starting on the other channel.

Still enjoyed the show for what it is though.
Found this article kind of amusing on the ridiculousness of the storyline. Spoilers of course.

10 things ‘House of Cards’ gets wrong

Still enjoyed the show for what it is though.
Bridgegate says no. I didn't read the article but that's a stupid point and not true. Blogs do have sway in DC.

I think he might be right about people outside the beltway not caring but they matter and I don't think the show is trying to insinuate much more.


Found this article kind of amusing on the ridiculousness of the storyline. Spoilers of course.

I agree 100% with the article. I had a hard time believing that the American press and public would care about most of the things that happen during the season in real life.


One of the best things about the show is the "real news reports", makes it feel so much more genuine

They need to have The Daily Show and Colbert Report on too


I'm 90% sure the third season will be the last. In fact I was surprised a third season was even announced, was expecting this to be the last one especially after Fincher bailed.

I'm pretty sure he didn't "bail," but he was probably busy shooting Gone Girl. He's been a large part of the show in many different ways.


Found this article kind of amusing on the ridiculousness of the storyline. Spoilers of course.

10 things ‘House of Cards’ gets wrong

Still enjoyed the show for what it is though.

I agree with over half of that but some of it is kinda reaching. S2 spoilers:
The problem with the Freddie storyline was not the poor business logic behind it, but the fact that it was even considered a thing at all. I think the logic works out if you think about Freddie himself for a moment - he's not a particularly smart or educated guy in terms of business, and he just makes good ribs. But the bigger question is, why the fuck would that even be something Tusk wants to waste his time on, considering how it basically does nothing to Frank. Nothing. At. All. It's so stupid.

The final point about the president is dead wrong though. No one really cares about the Xanax or the marriage counseling. That was just stuff that he worried about on a personal basis. What sunk him in the end was Tusk selling him out and saying that he knew about the transactions. It's true that the entire storyline about the transactions and money funneling was nonsense, but I think it was pretty clear at the end why Walker resigned.


Found this article kind of amusing on the ridiculousness of the storyline. Spoilers of course.

10 things ‘House of Cards’ gets wrong

Still enjoyed the show for what it is though.

This kind of article would be better for me if the article wasn't essentially implying that the writers are morons. I think he makes a few good points, but statements like "It makes me wonder if the writers of the series have left their rooms in 30 years" are eye-rolling hyperbole, while the next sentence "These days, nobody cares about political corruption" is as astoundingly goofy as he thinks the storyline for this season was.
Finished Season 2 today. Will never watch another episode again. Terrible subplots.

Worst one:

Editor of a mainstream press outlet goes from not having a clue about the Deep Web to soliciting someone to help him hack the Vice President's cellphone in a few hours. Not only that, he takes just takes his word for it on faith. How is that guy a journalist and not a victim of of a get rich quick Nigerian email scam?


Finished Season 2 today. Will never watch another episode again. Terrible subplots.

Worst one:

Editor of a mainstream press outlet goes from not having a clue about the Deep Web to soliciting someone to help him hack the Vice President's cellphone in a few hours. Not only that, he takes just takes his word for it on faith. How is that guy a journalist and not a victim of of a get rich quick Nigerian email scam?
well I think they pointed out pretty well that he was obsessed with zoe beyond reason. and it got us cashew, probably the best thing about the whole season.
the worst subpot was rachel in my opinion.


Finished Season 2 today. Will never watch another episode again. Terrible subplots.

Worst one:

Editor of a mainstream press outlet goes from not having a clue about the Deep Web to soliciting someone to help him hack the Vice President's cellphone in a few hours. Not only that, he takes just takes his word for it on faith. How is that guy a journalist and not a victim of of a get rich quick Nigerian email scam?

Lucas storyline:
Was it just a few hours or was it over a few days? The part of it that bugged me was that he instantly trusts him after his computer keeps spitting out porn.
Finished the second season yesterday. I thought it was okay, but a huge step down from the first season.

The writing was weak and I was left scratching my head more than once. A few things that irritated me:

Why was the hacker spying on Doug? How did he get his phone number and how did he know he was on to something with his phone calls and text messages?

What was the point of having two separate threesomes, one involving Feng and the other involving Frank? Was it just for shock value? Both scenes really put me off and didn't seem to add anything at all to the story.

The Rachel Posner storyline was shit. I kept waiting and waiting for it to go somewhere and it never did. What was the point of including all the screen time for it?

I can go for one more season for Frank's downfall but hopefully they clean up the writing quite a bit next go around.
I am kind of disappointed that they murdered Stamper, he was such a cool guy...
anyway the second season was not better than the first thats true, but it was enjoyable though.


I've still only seen three episodes..

Has there been any discussion about the product placement? It's been pretty shameless and distracting, imo. The Stella scene was particularly offensive. And I have to call it the Stella scene; I don't know what they were actually talking about. I was so put off by the guy actually beginning the conversation by talking about Stella and then could only focus on the cans and how everything seemed to be part of a very expensive commercial.

Stella is horrible.

Need to say that to offset any marketing benefits of me now talking about Stella.

I understand that they want to recoup some cash in this way since they don't have commercials, but I think I'd prefer commercials instead. At least then the integrity of the show and its characters isn't affected.


I've still only seen three episodes..

Has there been any discussion about the product placement? It's been pretty shameless and distracting, imo. The Stella scene was particularly offensive. And I have to call it the Stella scene; I don't know what they were actually talking about. I was so put off by the guy actually beginning the conversation by talking about Stella and then could only focus on the cans and how everything seemed to be part of a very expensive commercial.

Stella is horrible.

Need to say that to offset any marketing benefits of me now talking about Stella.

I understand that they want to recoup some cash in this way since they don't have commercials, but I think I'd prefer commercials instead. At least then the integrity of the show and its characters isn't affected.

Why do the product placements bother you that much? I mean it's not like the Truman Show or anything. There are products that you would find people using anyway. The show is supposed to be kind of over the top so I don't think it really effects the integrity of the show. I could understand if they were beating you over the head with it but I don't really think they are. It sounds like it bothers you because you don't like a particular product but is it really that big of a deal.
On Episode 12, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it, although I find Frank's repeated interactions with Garrett to be pretty daft:

(Up to) Ep 12
Frank: Trust me, Mr. President, do this risky thing.
Garrett: Frank, are you trying to screw me over?
Frank: Mr. President pls

*Next Day*

Garrett: You screwed me over!
Frank: No, that was an accident. Do something risky to fix things...


Why do the product placements bother you that much? I mean it's not like the Truman Show or anything. There are products that you would find people using anyway. The show is supposed to be kind of over the top so I don't think it really effects the integrity of the show. I could understand if they were beating you over the head with it but I don't really think they are. It sounds like it bothers you because you don't like a particular product but is it really that big of a deal.

Nah, the product placements are pretty bad. It's fine to use stuff which people normally do, but you can also tell when something is fit in just to showcase the product for a commercial purpose. It's cheap and stupid. It was awful in the first season and it's awful here.
Why do the product placements bother you that much? I mean it's not like the Truman Show or anything. There are products that you would find people using anyway. The show is supposed to be kind of over the top so I don't think it really effects the integrity of the show. I could understand if they were beating you over the head with it but I don't really think they are. It sounds like it bothers you because you don't like a particular product but is it really that big of a deal.

I enjoy the show, but The Truman Show is exactly what it's like. Especially the Sony Vita scene in series 1. It doesn't bother me though.


After 9 episodes it feels like the show is picking back up after mid-season slog but it's still inferior to season 1 and gets reeeaaally dumb at times.

I enjoy the show, but The Truman Show is exactly what it's like. Especially the Sony Vita scene in series 1. It doesn't bother me though.


I found it hilarious tbh and yeah, very Truman Show-like.


Finished the second season yesterday. I thought it was okay, but a huge step down from the first season.

The writing was weak and I was left scratching my head more than once. A few things that irritated me:

Why was the hacker spying on Doug? How did he get his phone number and how did he know he was on to something with his phone calls and text messages?

What was the point of having two separate threesomes, one involving Feng and the other involving Frank? Was it just for shock value? Both scenes really put me off and didn't seem to add anything at all to the story.

The Rachel Posner storyline was shit. I kept waiting and waiting for it to go somewhere and it never did. What was the point of including all the screen time for it?

I can go for one more season for Frank's downfall but hopefully they clean up the writing quite a bit next go around.

I assumed that
since Gavin got access to all the AT&T call and SMS data, he naturally would have looked through the stuff of Agent Green, his tormentor. Either Green had correspondence with Stamper or with somebody else in which the agent referenced Stamper's helping him get the FBI's director of counterterrorism position.
On Episode 12, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it, although I find Frank's repeated interactions with Garrett to be pretty daft:

(Up to) Ep 12
Frank: Trust me, Mr. President, do this risky thing.
Garrett: Frank, are you trying to screw me over?
Frank: Mr. President pls

*Next Day*

Garrett: You screwed me over!
Frank: No, that was an accident. Do something risky to fix things...

Yeah, this did get to me a few times.
Especially in the final episode considering Garrett had Frank all figured out by then

The show hinged on Franks ability to manipulate a situation or people with somewhat limitless power. This worked really well in the first season, he was subtler in his execution. But
he manages to get colleagues to commit treason multiple times
which makes his 'ability' seem more like a super power than intelligence.

I enjoyed the second season but the first was put together better.
I wish they had kept zooey around for longer, she at least made the journalist story side of things interesting


The biggest mystery which will never be answered in House of Cards is how a totally spineless, incompetent, and indecisive loser like Garret Walker was able to not only win the Democratic Primaries, but actually get elected President of the United States. Especially when the Democrats had a majority in the House and Senate. It would have to be a job which no one in the country wanted, but why? The country wasn't even in any sort of crisis when he took office. Totally unbelievable!
The biggest mystery which will never be answered in House of Cards is how a totally spineless, incompetent, and indecisive loser like Garret Walker was able to not only win the Democratic Primaries, but actually get elected President of the United States. Especially when the Democrats had a majority in the House and Senate. It would have to be a job which no one in the country wanted, but why? The country wasn't even in any sort of crisis when he took office. Totally unbelievable!

It was all Frank's doing, obviously.
The biggest mystery which will never be answered in House of Cards is how a totally spineless, incompetent, and indecisive loser like Garret Walker was able to not only win the Democratic Primaries, but actually get elected President of the United States. Especially when the Democrats had a majority in the House and Senate. It would have to be a job which no one in the country wanted, but why? The country wasn't even in any sort of crisis when he took office. Totally unbelievable!

Tusk got him elected using money, duh.

edit: beat, lol


The biggest mystery which will never be answered in House of Cards is how a totally spineless, incompetent, and indecisive loser like Garret Walker was able to not only win the Democratic Primaries, but actually get elected President of the United States. Especially when the Democrats had a majority in the House and Senate. It would have to be a job which no one in the country wanted, but why? The country wasn't even in any sort of crisis when he took office. Totally unbelievable!
The actor is totally bland too.


Nah, the product placements are pretty bad. It's fine to use stuff which people normally do, but you can also tell when something is fit in just to showcase the product for a commercial purpose. It's cheap and stupid. It was awful in the first season and it's awful here.

I enjoy the show, but The Truman Show is exactly what it's like. Especially the Sony Vita scene in series 1. It doesn't bother me though.

I don't know, I guess it just doesn't bother me that much. The only ones from this season that even stick out for me are Sony and Apple.

Oh and Blackberry, even though it was kind of late for that.


I have to say, after the Everest heights of awesome that season one got to, season two sucked in comparison. It was just sooo slow after the first two episodes, basically everything after Tusk was introduced was boring as hell. The end seemed rushed as well.
Underwood's rise to the presidency was meteoric. Walker giving up without a fight and the secretary just disappearing off the face of the Earth only works to reinforce that point.

Also, and this is more a personal criticism,
I find the cruelty towards animals that is constantly portrayed in the show as just cheap emotional ploys. "Oh, this guy killed an animal out of pure malice. Look at what he did! He is absolutely contemptible! Hate him!".
It does nothing to serve the plot and is utterly pointless.
I just see this show as a bit of schlocky fun, elevated greatly by the performances of Spacey and Wright. The supporting cast are also, mainly great. Personally I have only a basic grasp of American politics, so the ridiculousness of some of the plot lines doesn't bother me too much.

I get where people are coming from though. I have read a great deal about crime, murderers etc. So, when I tried to watch Hannibal, the way they treated the killers and the police in that series really got in the way of my enjoyment sadly. Thank fuck for True Detective!

Although, (End of season 1 and beginning of season 2 spoilers!)
Having a Vice President that is also a murderer should really prepare you for the tongue in cheek tone)


I don't even remember any Stella talk.

The only product placement that ever jumped out at me was the PS3/Vita stuff, which I didn't really mind. I thought it was an amusing way of humanizing Frank.


I don't even remember any Stella talk.

The only product placement that ever jumped out at me was the PS3/Vita stuff, which I didn't really mind. I thought it was an amusing way of humanizing Frank.

Very humanizing.



I have to say, after the Everest heights of awesome that season one got to, season two sucked in comparison. It was just sooo slow after the first two episodes, basically everything after Tusk was introduced was boring as hell. The end seemed rushed as well.
Underwood's rise to the presidency was meteoric. Walker giving up without a fight and the secretary just disappearing off the face of the Earth only works to reinforce that point.

Also, and this is more a personal criticism,
I find the cruelty towards animals that is constantly portrayed in the show as just cheap emotional ploys. "Oh, this guy killed an animal out of pure malice. Look at what he did! He is absolutely contemptible! Hate him!".
It does nothing to serve the plot and is utterly pointless.

Again, it's been done twice in 26 episodes. "Constantly portrayed in the show" is a big stretch.
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