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How has your gaming taste evolved over time?


For me having tight and challenging core gameplay has become a must pretty must. If I don't like gameplay or in some cases it feels like filler, I usually just drop the game. For example bg3. Now I only like 3d games, so my selection has mostly narrowed to Cod and from software games. I kind of would like to finish games more often and broaden horizons, but at the end of the day I have most fun with those previous games.


Badly, I would say.

I still game on consoles but since time is now more scarse, I lean a bit more into mobile gaming.

It fills the need, but it's not the same.
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I consider themes over game genre now. Years ago I wanted platformers or jrpgs or fighting games. Now I want a game that's basically a mystery or has a lovecraftian theme or some other kind of horror theme. At that point, if it looks good, the genre doesn't really matter.
Got older, got married, got a kid ...so my gaming time dropped to the single digit hours per week, sometimes per month.
So my tastes narrowed down to pretty much "only the absolute best" which resulted in me pretty much dismissing anything that`s not an absolute homerun or requires grind and/or a lot of practice.
I dropped the RTS and MOBA genres for that reason f.e.
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I used to like first person shooters, now I find them boring. I still like RPGs and dungeon crawlers, but I have given most of the puzzle games I used to enjoy. Also I used to like some gacha multiplayer games, now the thought of having to log every single day to get something is stressful, I don't even care about keeping a streak in Wordle lol

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
  • Began with NES / Arcade and pretty much was just all in on action games and platformers of all kinds. Also into puzzle games from the beginning, whether it's Zelda or Tetris or Dr. Mario.
  • SNES era, added RPGs for the first time. Chrono Trigger, FFIV, FFVI. Considered myself a lifelong fan since then. Huge into 2D fighting games.
  • Very welcoming of new input methods from Nintendo. Reminds me of the arcade era when every game had a custom controller essentially. Handhelds, motion control, very into all of it. Into gyro now, big time.
  • PS1 / PS2 / Xbox gen onward, hugely into stealth games. One of my favorite genres.
  • Xbox 1: Taste expanded, adding WRPGs to my list for the first time. KOTOR, Jade Empire, Morrowind.
  • Gamepass: massively expanding my acceptance of other genres. I used to think I didn't even like FPS games. Played through multiple this gen and they're pretty fun, even including Call of Duty, which I never thought possible. High on Life, Halo Infinite, couple others. Massively more accepting of experimental art / indie games, even including walking simulators, visual novels. Even got into Age of Empires on GP despite never liking RTS games. Played my first sim racer this gen too and I'm into the Forza games now.
  • VR: Got a Quest 2 about 1-2 years ago. It's great for small scale arcade stuff but I kind of stopped using it for a while. I'm actually about to move to a bigger place, so I might be busting it out again.
  • Growing more critical of Japanese RPGs lately. Skipped FFXVI after the demo, which was unthinkable for me, for pretty much my entire life. Ended up borrowing it and completing it, but highly critical of some of the choices there. Having a hard time getting into Persona as well. I just feel like we should be getting better than this. Still a fan, but feeling underwhelmed at times. You still see great content though like Triangle Strategy, NieR, Fire Emblem, Dragon's Dogma and a few others.
  • Growing very critical of From Software. Played every game they've put out since Demon's Souls, and I'm just tired of it now. Ready for them to shake things up, or I'll probably sit it out.
  • Played 1 MMO, FFXI. Loved it, played for 5 years non-stop. It's a dead genre to me now and I will never touch another one again. I just can't do it as an adult.
  • Sim sports games.
  • 2D fighting games: I just think they're primitive and boring compared to 3D fighting games. Just can't do it anymore. Need Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter or something new.
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I feel the need to have a "side hoe" now, if my narrative-focused wife is with me everyday.

If I'm playing a narrative focused game, I need to be playing something else that satisfies the side of my brain that likes execution, rhythm, and flow.

I used to be able to play games like Uncharted alone.
But now If I were to play a game like that, I need to be playing King of Fighters, Dead or Alive, Bayonetta, so on, on the side.

If I'm playing something like a Nier Automata or Final Fantasy 7 (OG), games that are both engaging narrative and gameplay wise, that's the best of both worlds.

I can stomach gameplay focused alone, but not narrative focused.


Used to very strictly only play racing games and flight sims. Over time i got into more and more genres, slowly branching out from racers to GTA/GTA-like games, to shooters, to whatever else was available for me to play at the time, etc. There's stuff i play today i would've never considered touching 10 years ago.

Nowadays i play pretty much anything. Only genres i lost interest that i played at some point in the past were fighting and sports games. I'd say what tends to hold my attention the most are VNs or adjacents, though only very few. Alternatively, i like playing boomer shooters sporadically if i'm too busy.
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I grew up playing on PC and with stuff like Jane’s combat sims and I played so much Cabelas Big Game Hunter it’s crazy.

I also liked stuff like Starcraft.

I think you’d have to pay me to play any of that stuff now outside of Cabelas Big Game Hunter 1998. You put that in front of me and I’d spend a good few hours.


I mostly play games on easy mode or use Cheat Engine to enjoy the story and relax. I wasted too much time in my youth grinding pointless levels, when that time could have been better spent grinding in real life at the gym or making money.


Yes. Shooters and RTS used to be my main games but because they've mostly transformed into abominations of their previous selves, I catch myself enjoying more single player games now and retro stuff.


Souls game spoiled me... somethings I just cant play anymore. Mindles hack n slash and action rpgs come to mind.

I also now tend to favor more strategic classic turn based rpgs.

Heavily narrative and story games specially from Sony have strongly lost traction with me... but I think is just because of the dog shit modern/wokeish storylines

Some years ago I used to play mainly to have a chill time. Enjoyed scenery, story and characters.

These days am much more gameplay focused. If the gameplay doesn’t click in a few hours I drop it. Also if I am enjoying gameplay, but there is too much filler between good sections, I drop it. Recent eg MGS5.


Neighbours from Hell
Yes, as a kid I basically played JRPGs only and each decade I try more and more genres and eventually in recent decades I play everything. One genre I've grown to absolutely love is puzzle games, I can't get enough of them.
I have really grown to appreciate challenging games. I didn't appreciate it as much as a child because NES hard is still leagues harder than whatever Souls can throw at you. I have no patience for pretty much everything Sony 1st-party these days and adjacent AAA games.

I have also really taken to VR and it's for many of the reasons people dislike about it. I personally love the janky nature of VR, it's small developers trying to wrap their head around a new gaming medium and the feeling of being inside a videogame and learning to work within it and master the mechanics is incredibly satisfying.
I never play on Hard anymore. I'll play on Normal and even have no shame in putting a game on Easy from time to time.
I've started to hate first person view outside of VR games. It almost feels lazy to me, like all flat screen games should be in 3rd person.
I'm definitely more open to Japanese games, especially action RPGs and Eternights type weirdness. I still can't do turn based games.


I play a much wider variety of games and are more willing to give games a chance, i notice its the opposite for a lot of other people but i have the financial freedom to do so now and its great. I play both PC and console games.
  • Growing more critical of Japanese RPGs lately. Skipped FFXVI after the demo, which was unthinkable for me, for pretty much my entire life. Ended up borrowing it and completing it, but highly critical of some of the choices there. Having a hard time getting into Persona as well. I just feel like we should be getting better than this. Still a fan, but feeling underwhelmed at times. You still see great content though like Triangle Strategy, NieR, Fire Emblem, Dragon's Dogma and a few others.
  • Growing very critical of From Software. Played every game they've put out since Demon's Souls, and I'm just tired of it now. Ready for them to shake things up, or I'll probably sit it out.
Agree about Japanese games.

My top 10 favourite games are filled with Japanese games, but outside of a masterpiece every now and then, they just dont vibe with me all that much.

I would like to see some mid level stuff from there taking steps forward and work out proper gameplay loops. That I can really get into and addicted to.

Though some Japanese devs I feel are doing pretty good.


It's hard to say.
I've been playing games for 30+ years at this point so I'm sure that something changed over time, but thing is... As your taste changes over the years, you tend to feel like "you've been always been this way from the beginning" even if looking back at times gives you hint that's obviously not true.

I remember I used to absolutely adore point & click graphic adventures when I was 12, for instance, but even putting aside that they are on the brink of complete extinction now, I'm not sure I would care for getting new ones.
I also used to love beat'em up. They bore me to death after few matches now.
Then again CRPGs are a genre that I loved then and I never grew tired of.

I'm probably a lot more picky when it comes to user interfaces and that kind of stuff.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Agree about Japanese games.

My top 10 favourite games are filled with Japanese games, but outside of a masterpiece every now and then, they just dont vibe with me all that much.

I would like to see some mid level stuff from there taking steps forward and work out proper gameplay loops. That I can really get into and addicted to.

Though some Japanese devs I feel are doing pretty good.
I'm not anti-Japanese games (I don't think you are either). I just think some series in particular have been overrated lately, and there's too much focus on remakes across the entire industry.


Gold Member
I no longer play fighting or racing games. Neither hold my attention for longer than a weekend. So I just don’t even bother anymore. I can’t remember the last fighting game I played. And the last Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport were my last racing games.


I started playing video games in 1982. The older I get, the more I value what's left of my limited life span, and what I choose to spend it on. In regards to gaming, this has equated to having far less patience for video game bullshit than I had as a kid. If I start to feel a game is intentionally wasting my time, especially in ways that are blatantly disrespectful to the player, I will drop that game without remorse. When I was younger to do so bothered me like it was a personal failing or "the game beat me". In reality though, the game failed me, and doesn't deserve my time. I've become immune to sunk cost fallacy.


I now have very little patience for cutscenes and slow walk and talk sections. I think RE4 Remake did the right amount to tell the story but games like TLOU2 and GoW Ragnarok go too far taking agency away from the player. I also am wary of starting open world games as map transversal is typically boring, although some of my favourite games are open world, I need to be choosy. I recently got a Steam Deck so am very much enjoying Balatro and replaying Hades, with my eye on some smaller game play focused games next.
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Loved story driven single player games from 2010 to 2017. Played them multiple times. Now I usually play them once (exceptions for ganes I love like Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 and the Halo series, old God of War Games). Focus is on my Switch as they provide more fun for me nowadays, PC multiplayer with friends or building games like Anno or Planet Zoo / Jurassic World Evolution.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
I used to like first person shooters, now I find them boring. I still like RPGs and dungeon crawlers, but I have given most of the puzzle games I used to enjoy. Also I used to like some gacha multiplayer games, now the thought of having to log every single day to get something is stressful, I don't even care about keeping a streak in Wordle lol
That includes Doom Eternal on nightmare???


In the 8 and 16bit era, I used to play mostly platformers and fighting games. And the occasional racing game.
During the first Playstation era, I stopped playing platformers, because I got tired of the genre. But I kept playing fighting games and played more racing games. Also started playing RPGs.
Then I got into PCs, and the FPS became my main genre. Followed by the RTS.
But eventually, I got a bit tired of RTS, and switched to 4X and other turn based tactical games, such as Xcom2.
Also had a period when I played a ton of tower defence games.
More recently, I got into Souls games.
I'm not anti-Japanese games (I don't think you are either). I just think some series in particular have been overrated lately, and there's too much focus on remakes across the entire industry.
Not Anti- Japanese. Lol.

Sharing my observation.

I was looking forward to playing Tales of Arise. A well made JRPG.

Gave it good 5 hrs. There was something missing to really hook me.

There is decent progression but game still pushes you forward with mediocre story tid bits. When I got into combat, it doesn’t feel as precise and satisfying. Etc.

Overall I felt a good gameplay hook was missing. Outside of that, really well made game.

Compared to something like, say Wo Long. Mediocre game according to many. But I was hooked to parry counters. Couldn’t get enough of them.

This type of quality I think, a lot of games need to develop.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
It evolved to add more genres.

Now I'm getting into the genre like Visual Novels, Souls like and currently in VR Games.

I still like several genres, except sports.
I have less and less time to sit down and enjoy games, like lots of other folks. I've noticed I don't really care much about the stories or characters anymore. I used to make a point to watch through every cutscene, read every piece of dialogue, and pause every now and then to get centered on what was happening with the characters and the world. Today... I basically skip all of that with some exceptions. Sekiro and FF7R I paid attention to what was happening but, that's the biggest change I've noticed in my gaming habits.


Cyberpunk 2077 quests are far from memorable, we can't lie to our senses, we only remember when something our senses could tell it's important, modern games are mix of many tastes and you can't tell which one is really different or special and right for you.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
I grew up playing on PC and with stuff like Jane’s combat sims and I played so much Cabelas Big Game Hunter it’s crazy.

I also liked stuff like Starcraft.

I think you’d have to pay me to play any of that stuff now outside of Cabelas Big Game Hunter 1998. You put that in front of me and I’d spend a good few hours.
I mean.... you like hunting animals!!!



I grew with platformers, NES or Spica to be precise. Rockman 4 is my first, then contra, supermario, zelda, and then because of zelda, i'm more to action adventure, aka longer game with some degree of exploration.

Up to brave fencer musashiden, Then i met rpg, SRPG to be precise, ff tactic. That w as my first foray to rpg, and then ff7, ridge racer 4, gt 2, then my game are broaden.

Between these all, i play arcade, especially shmups and beat em up.

I carve my path to shooter by doom, unreal, and halo. Halo is the one who made me deep into fps genre eversince. Im also play neverwinter 1 and diablo.then titan fall.

By this time, im still at JRPG and ate lot of them.

I think i play without structure, whatever i like, i play it. Whatever i got some theme to play, i will try to play something like that theme.

Thats why i play elden ring and yakuza liek a dragon, while also play mario kart or wonder.
They haven't. I'am still into SNK fighters, 2D plateformers, Mortal Kombat, Dead Or Alive, Tekken, Tetris, shoot them up and RPG.
The only "new" licences I love are yakuza and Sony 1st party... I ignore anything else.
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As a sports kid grew up ONLY playing sports titles now I RARELY touch the genre. Also used to play fps but now I have simulation sickness and cannot play anything fps for longer than 5 mins.


In weird directions.

I pretty much only care about PS3, Vita and PSVR these past two years, following an era of hardcore PC gaming between 2020-2022. Now I'm waiting for the Deck 2 to continue to experience my Steam library, while I'm letting current generation games pile up until the release of the Pro.


Gold Member
So you regressed. The thread is about evolving.
Magic Trick Middle Finger GIF by Norwalk Brew House


Yes, if it's an American/European made game from a big publisher, it's almost immediately a no for me.

Indie games from all regions I am open to.

Japanese/Korean/Chinese games if they have the aesthetic I like (swords and magic) is an almost certain yes.
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