Trump supporting co-worker wanted to beat me up because I stood up to his bullshit
Want to preface by saying that this occurred at work last Sunday but I was banned so I couldn't make a thread.
As I'm sure many of you guys know, our fearless leader Trump had the fucking brilliant idea of calling NFL players who were kneeling during the national anthem "sons of bitches" who should be fired. Huge point of contention that, in my opinion, served nothing other than distracting from the actual issues that were being protested.
Anyway, fast forward to Sunday evening in the break room at work. There were 7 people total in there. A bunch of us were watching Sunday Night Football as they aired the half time highlights. Unavoidably they mentioned the players and how tons of them were kneeling.
Then one of my coworkers, who I'll refer to as Steve (a proud Trump supporter), said "Fuck these guys, disrespectful as hell. Trump was right." Naturally I had to ask what exactly he meant. He said that NFL players were millionaires and had no right to complain as they don't know what true discrimination is. I then told him that unless he was with them for their whole lives, there was no way for him to know what he was talking about. He then turned the argument around to me and asked, "why the fuck do you care? What do you know about racism?" For context I am a 24 year old Mexican-American dude and Steve is a 37 year old Half-Black, Half Cambodian guy as well. Anyway, half way through him trying to bring my experiences into the conversation I sort of interrupt him and he starts asking, "Can I finish?" I think fair enough and hear him out. His argument is basically that if I have not had a gun pulled on me I have no right to bitch or protest about anything. I begin to tell him that there are no "prerequisites" to equality when he begins to interrupt me. I then ask if I get to finish when he responds, "You can, but your point is bullshit." I then say, "You haven't even heard my point" to which he says "yeah, but it's bullshit though.
Then one of my coworkers chimes in saying, "why don't you hear what he was to say?" He then yells at her to "shut the fuck up." At this point I stand up as I'd been sitting the whole time and tell him to not tell her to shut up. He, being the bastion of maturity that he is, says "I just did." She tries speaking again and the he tells her again to shut the fuck up.
At this point I'm asking the dude what his problem is and how he rationalizes supporting someone who calls Nazi's very fine people while calling people peacefully protesting sons of bitches who deserve to be fired. He then tells me how I'm an idiot, that every president ever is a racist, and that he prefers a president who is open about his "hate towards n****rs." Homie threw the hard R out at work with not a care in the world.
We go back and forth for a bit and then he gets up in my face asking if I want to "cash this check" because I'm talking a lot of shit. I tell him I'm not going to fight him to which he says, "we're both off at 10:30, let's see what's up then." Thinking I'm way cooler than I actually am I respond, "I'm here right now, what are you going to do?" He keeps pushing up against me trying to goad me into swinging and I just keep telling him that I am not going to hit him. Eventually a co-worker steps between us and he leaves to room cursing at me the whole way out.
I eventually talk to a bunch of co-workers and they tell me that he usually gets super aggressive when people challenge his views so they just let him run his mouth. I ended up having to write up a report to management and it's being currently being reviewed by corporate, although most signs point to him being canned.
While I think the dude is a piece of shit, I said in my email that my main issue with him was yelling at a co-worker to shut the fuck and trying to intimidate me by resorting to physical violence. However, I did make it clear that although I could have done a better job in deescalating the situation, I would do everything the same exact way because fuck letting an ignorant, self-hating Trump supporter walk all over you.
Trump supporting co-worker wanted to beat me up because I stood up to his bullshit
Want to preface by saying that this occurred at work last Sunday but I was banned so I couldn't make a thread.
As I'm sure many of you guys know, our fearless leader Trump had the fucking brilliant idea of calling NFL players who were kneeling during the national anthem "sons of bitches" who should be fired. Huge point of contention that, in my opinion, served nothing other than distracting from the actual issues that were being protested.
Anyway, fast forward to Sunday evening in the break room at work. There were 7 people total in there. A bunch of us were watching Sunday Night Football as they aired the half time highlights. Unavoidably they mentioned the players and how tons of them were kneeling.
Then one of my coworkers, who I'll refer to as Steve (a proud Trump supporter), said "Fuck these guys, disrespectful as hell. Trump was right." Naturally I had to ask what exactly he meant. He said that NFL players were millionaires and had no right to complain as they don't know what true discrimination is. I then told him that unless he was with them for their whole lives, there was no way for him to know what he was talking about. He then turned the argument around to me and asked, "why the fuck do you care? What do you know about racism?" For context I am a 24 year old Mexican-American dude and Steve is a 37 year old Half-Black, Half Cambodian guy as well. Anyway, half way through him trying to bring my experiences into the conversation I sort of interrupt him and he starts asking, "Can I finish?" I think fair enough and hear him out. His argument is basically that if I have not had a gun pulled on me I have no right to bitch or protest about anything. I begin to tell him that there are no "prerequisites" to equality when he begins to interrupt me. I then ask if I get to finish when he responds, "You can, but your point is bullshit." I then say, "You haven't even heard my point" to which he says "yeah, but it's bullshit though.
Then one of my coworkers chimes in saying, "why don't you hear what he was to say?" He then yells at her to "shut the fuck up." At this point I stand up as I'd been sitting the whole time and tell him to not tell her to shut up. He, being the bastion of maturity that he is, says "I just did." She tries speaking again and the he tells her again to shut the fuck up.
At this point I'm asking the dude what his problem is and how he rationalizes supporting someone who calls Nazi's very fine people while calling people peacefully protesting sons of bitches who deserve to be fired. He then tells me how I'm an idiot, that every president ever is a racist, and that he prefers a president who is open about his "hate towards n****rs." Homie threw the hard R out at work with not a care in the world.
We go back and forth for a bit and then he gets up in my face asking if I want to "cash this check" because I'm talking a lot of shit. I tell him I'm not going to fight him to which he says, "we're both off at 10:30, let's see what's up then." Thinking I'm way cooler than I actually am I respond, "I'm here right now, what are you going to do?" He keeps pushing up against me trying to goad me into swinging and I just keep telling him that I am not going to hit him. Eventually a co-worker steps between us and he leaves to room cursing at me the whole way out.
I eventually talk to a bunch of co-workers and they tell me that he usually gets super aggressive when people challenge his views so they just let him run his mouth. I ended up having to write up a report to management and it's being currently being reviewed by corporate, although most signs point to him being canned.
While I think the dude is a piece of shit, I said in my email that my main issue with him was yelling at a co-worker to shut the fuck and trying to intimidate me by resorting to physical violence. However, I did make it clear that although I could have done a better job in deescalating the situation, I would do everything the same exact way because fuck letting an ignorant, self-hating Trump supporter walk all over you.