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How Much Sleep Do You Get Each Night?

How Much Sleep Do You Get Each Night?

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I can't even remember the last time I got a full 8h sleep night.

Between 5-7 hours is the norm for more than a decade here.


Needing 8 in order to call it a full sleep is a myth. 5.5 hours is the minimum needed in general, and any more gives an improvement on mood. People live longer on 7 than 8. I got all of this from an insomnia book written by Dr. Jacobs.


Needing 8 in order to call it a full sleep is a myth. 5.5 hours is the minimum needed in general, and any more gives an improvement on mood. People live longer on 7 than 8. I got all of this from an insomnia book written by Dr. Jacobs.
Might vary with age too. I can absolutely tell the difference between a 6 hour and 8 hour sleep. I feel more energetic and am able to solve tougher physics questions with more ease at 8 hours. More than 8 definitely starts to dampens the energy and makes me lazier.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member


i'll try, m8

my dreams are tuned to 11, accurately recalled w / sound and color

a few hours feels like an eternity, like a forever war

far be it from me to understand what's happening, i described some of this stuff in the mental health thread and would rather not frighten people w / some of the ultra violent imagery and prisonlike dream states
Yo I just heard a song like this



Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Around 4, becausel Tacrolimus, my life giver actually fucks the Maletonin...something...and it's sometimes genuienly painfull experience before I fall asleep.


I’m fine on 6, 7.5 max. Don’t remember the last time it was more than that, and I try to avoid exceptions on the low end but I’m a morning person so it’s not a big deal.


advanced basic bitch
I strive for 8 but rarely get it. Got a good night of it last night so I'm feeling extra great. Getting more sleep is a goal for me this year.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I got to bed around midnight and wake up at around 8:30, but I have a really hard time getting to sleep, so probably only 7, maybe less actual solid sleep.

It's because I don't exercise enough, no-one to blame but myself.


Gold Member
7-8 is the average. Typically in bed by 11pm and up at 6am. Fresh out of college I was getting up at 5am to leave by 6am for work which was 45 miles away. Glad that commute lasted only 1.5 years.


Unconfirmed Member
So I've been on a bit of a health kick after having some heart palpitation issues - this led to me getting an Apple Watch so I could monitor my heart a bit and to help me exercise in the right zones to improve the health of my heart, but also to improve my general fitness as I concluded this was part of the problem. What I didn't expect was that I have also ended up looking at my sleep habits. Autosleep is a brilliant little app which, if you wear the watch at night, analyses your sleep patterns using movement and heart rate data. The end result is that I found out I had rather broken-up sleep, even aside from getting up in the night to piss. Not great. So I decided to fix things - I even went as far as getting a sleep mask, even though it's a bit old-man-ish, and making a better go at going to bed at a sensible time, dimming the lights before bed, avoiding non-kindle screens, etc. The end result * has been quite striking as I've found I have more energy (probably also helped by more exercise of course) and my brain is working more effectively. It's worth doing.

* The end result has been a little more sleep but the big thing is the quality of that sleep. Far more deep sleep and quality sleep. I'd say the mask is the big thing that helped in that it stops random waking in the night and allows me to go back to sleep more quickly - I think it also helps in making it a bit harder to look at my phone when something pops into my head and I just need to check something which really isn't that important.
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Unconfirmed Member
4-6 hours.

I'm in bed before midnight and up at 7, but I have a house rabbit that wakes up at 5, by jumping on my head from the bedside table until I give him treats, which repeats on and off for the next couple of hours.

This is further exacerbated currently due to him wanting to sleep up against me under the covers in cold weather, which both wakes me up and necessitates my having to use pillows to keep me in place, so that I don't accidentally roll on him, which means I'm less comfortable and wake up more.
I have a similar issue with cats, in that they demand food at 7. I'm trying to retrain them to be fed at 9 (which works now with working from home) and it definitely helps. You should try having a few nights where he's not allowed in your room, and then you feed him at the time you decide, and he'll eventually get used to being fed at that time and not pester you earlier.


I’m generally 8 hours but on days off now I can go to bed at 9 and sleep till 11 the next morning. I haven’t been able to do that since I was a teenage. Nearing in at 37 now I’ve been able to sleep great again. Back pain has gone away and no longer getting back spasms all night long anymore (side effects from getting hit by a semi at 18). Plus my kids are older now and not running in the room at 7 to wake us up.
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It use to be 6-7 when I was working but now for some odd reason I wake up after 5 hours. I do feel tired since around 6 and a half hours is what I need to be optimum.


Pre covid 5-6. Now it's about 7. Actually I pretty much have to maintain a consistent sleep schedule because if I don't it gives me migraines.(So no sleeping in unless I want a migraine headache.)

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
4-6 usually

Back during shelter in place I was getting 7-8. But with a job taking up 9.5 hours of my day I sacrifice sleep for a little extra free time.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Sleep 6-7 hours a night.

Even on days where I don’t have a reason to get up, I rarely sleep more than 7. I don’t wake up groggy or tired or anything so I assume it’s fine.

On the very few occasions where my body is able to sleep for 8, I wake with a headache and the “too much sleep” feeling.
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When I've got work I normally go to bed about half twelve/one and alarm goes off at 5:15, at weekends I go to bed around 2-3 and wake up naturally around 8.

Sidney Prescott

Unconfirmed Member
Between 4-6 hours usually. My sleeping schedule is all screwed up, but I don't need as much as most people.

I reckon that will change when I get in my 30's. I have felt my body getting a lot more tired lately. It doesn't help I get bouts of really bad insomnia.


6-8 hours

But I’d rather sleep less than 6 hours than more than 8 hours. If I sleep for too long I’ll be drowzy the whole day.
6-7 hours, not more. Wouldn't even want to.

The time you gain by sleeping less is insane. I used to train myself to only sleep 4 hours a day. The time feeling I got because of this was something else. Remember the endless summer feeling you had as a kid? Well, I just got that back. No wonder, because if you do the math (I acutally did, lol) you realize that by sleeping less I gained around 1,5 months (!) a year waking time compared to someone that sleeps 8 hours per day.

Had to stop this after 6 months though because I started to feel drained all the time. Still confliced though because I'm not sure if it was due to sleep deprevation or wrong nutrition. Since I fixed my nutrition in the past few month I'm actually considering to limit my sleep again at some point.


4 1/2 to 5 hours on weekdays weekends is like 8 to 10 depending on how long the kids wait to wake me up LOL


Gold Member
I average 6-7 hours, but my sleep is shit regardless of sleep time. Wake up multiple times a night, have to shift position often, and I’ve been grinding my teeth in my sleep for almost 2 decades by now (I use teeth guards, but that won’t save you from the stiff neck, the posture problems, the headaches, and the constant muscle tension in your jaw and neck/shoulder area).

I used to sleep long hours, but now it’s very rare that I can. Even if go to bed at 4-5 AM on a weekend night, I’m up at 9.30 at the latest. I just need to wake up at the ideal time, which almost never happens. Waking up before 7 AM is torture to me, even if I spent 9 hours in bed. Often a 20-30 minute nap can refresh me better than the full 7-8 hours.

Working nights 8-10 times a month for years definitely didn’t help me with sleep quality, there’s that too.


I'm lucky if I can get 4-6. I just have a really hard time getting to sleep. By the time I actually do get to sleep I only have a few hours then I have to get up for work. Seems like the older you get the less sleep you get. I have friends who have similar issues. It's like I can sleep when its not time to sleep but when it comes time to sleep it eludes me.
Weekdays 5 to 6.
Weekends around 9 sometimes more when I’m tired.

Weirdly my sleep pattern is really different when I’m not sleeping alone, I can hit the bed by 11am, while single I struggle to sleep before 2am.


Shifting to Remote work has led to a Golden Age of sleep- between 8-8.5 hours a night. Wake up rested (but need to do something about being tired in the afternoons). It's a lot better then the other extremes (when I would get 4-6 hours a night in high school, or sleeping 10+ hours a day after Uni).

That being said, this thread is pushing me to try cutting to 7 hours a night, and seeing what I can get done with 5 extra hours a week.
I get at least 8 or more hours a night. Unless I stay up and have to be up early for an appointment or something else important, I’m not losing sleep over it. I like my sleep. My mom told me when I was a baby I’d sleep 15 hours straight and she’d have to check to see if I was still breathing. Straight up G over here, ya’ll.


About 6-7 hours right now, but heavily fragmented. I have a 16 week old son who wakes up 2-3 times a night crying. My wife has it much worse because she has to feed him. Hoping he will start sleeping better soon, as he’s approaching that age. 6 hours still sucks but getting it in one stretch would be amazing now.


I cast the 4-6 category. I’m older and the pandemic has got my sleep kind of fucked up because I’m not working like I normally do. Sometimes I get a nice 8 hours but rare.


Gold Member
my last month according to the heatlh app on iOS. the lighter blue bars are from my apple watch which i just got last week so they seem to be a bit more accurate.
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