Realized I haven't posted here in a long while now, and that certainly isn't because I haven't been playing in Vive-land! Curious if this is still a good place to hang out, or if many have moved on to the "High-end VR" thread: ?
I've fallen into the trap of not really considering my VR time "gaming" even though it has comprised something like a third of my gaming time over the last couple of months. I figure I'll start hanging out here more and undo that perception.
I don't know if anyone remembers how I'd been plagued by a skipping/jitter issue while playing, but I'm happy to say I've just "gotten over it." It is still there and noticeable to me depending on context but seems to have been lessened by SteamVR updates. Biggest factor to me was letting family/friends try the thing, and not a single one of them has seemed to notice it, including my nephew who has now spent more time in VR than I have. He can't get enough of Holopoint and Audioshield. My niece is supremely entertained by Job Simulator and Tiltbrush. It's pretty great stuff. I think the jitter to some extent is just par for the course for VR in its current state and completely unnoticeable to some.
I'm still staying away from paid Early Access stuff for the moment which means I've missed out on some pretty great looking titles, but I've loved Vanishing Realms and Spellfighter VR and played the shit out of the Budget Cuts Demo, Job Simulator and The Lab. I'm also trying to make Call of the Starseed last as long as it can

Also Rec Room is completely mindblowing for a free product. I'm sure I've probably slept on some other awesome stuff that's out there...
I have also picked up a weighted vest to give some VR fitness sessions a try after falling in love with Holopoint and seeing
this guy's experiments. I think I'll have to pick up Thrill of the Fight from what I hear, to round this out.
Then on the other hand on the pure gaming front I've decided to finally give Elite: Dangerous a shot. I knew the the additions of roaming planetary surfaces and deployable fighters had come in the last few months, and what put me over the edge was reading about a plugin you can use to put a screen in your cockpit to watch Netflix on. That is the kind of space simulation I can get behind.

Got a Saitek X52 coming on Friday and I'm planning to get VoiceAttack and the Orion pack (William Shatner's A.I. performance).
So that's my update on the VR front, all told it's a damn good time to be alive.