$9 bucks an hour seems way more reasonable from a business standpoint.
I like how the woman in the picture has a smart phone.
I like how the woman in the picture has a smart phone.
yeah how dare she have a phone rite
"Look poorer for me!"I like how the woman in the picture has a smart phone.
Because doing unskilled labor means you shouldn't be able to reasonably afford things.You give them 15 an hour for unskilled labor any idiot can do then you'd better increase the wages of everyone in America 200% in turn to account for skilled and educated labor.
Something something cost of living.
Australia is the perfect example of the results of a high minimum wage, everything costs about double, so nothing is accomplished at all.
Paying for a smartphone isn't exactly the best way to live cheaply.yeah how dare she have a phone rite
Anyone who regularly feeds their family at McDonalds has far more money than I do, and I'm pretty well off.But what about the families searching for opportunity for their children with both the father and mother working multiple jobs whom rely on McDonald's dollar menu to actually be a dollar menu - not a dollar fifty menu - to feed five hungry mouths among other expenses? This is a devils advocate argument just for reference. However, with the way this discussion has went, I think it is an interesting perspective to call attention to.
And some even have TVs! And couches!Whats worse is that 99% of poor people have refridgerators
How do you know that person is paying for it?Paying for a smartphone isn't exactly the best way to live cheaply.
Because doing unskilled labor means you shouldn't be able to reasonably afford things.
... i'm sure this strike will be a huge success.This person has no idea what he is talking about.
Paying for a smartphone isn't exactly the best way to live cheaply.
Its $10.25 here in Canada. I didn't know it was still $7 in the US.
More or less insane than paying someone millions of dollars a year to be a CEO or professional athlete/actor?
You give them 15 an hour for unskilled labor any idiot can do then you'd better increase the wages of everyone in America 200% in turn to account for skilled and educated labor.
And why is that not a good thing? Take it out of CEO pay.
Uh, yes:Becuase the 1% have all the monies...hurr durrr
Let's get them back to that old ratio.According to a new report by the Economic Policy Institute, the wealthiest 1 percent of American households had a net worth 288 times as large as the median household wealth of $57,000 in 2010. This constitutes a huge increase from 1962, when the ratio was 125-1.
And why is that not a good thing? Take it out of CEO pay.
It just means you've created artificial demand for a product in high supply. Many skilled labor jobs pay 15 an hour. If McDonald's is paying that much they'll have to raise their wages in turn, etc, etc. Wages across the board would be raised thereby raising prices and creating inflation.
To quote myself
It's not rocket science. Only people who think this makes sense are people making 7 bucks an hour. Go figure
Limiting CEO pay can offshoot costs of raising wages across the board, that's the point I was making. It doesn't require raising prices and even if it did that's better than unlivable wages.
The CEO of McDonald's , the nation's largest hamburger chain, received compensation valued at $17.6 million for 2009, an increase of 29%
Number of Employees breakdown for McDonalds
Number of Employees shows total number of permanent full time and part time employees working for a given company and processed through its payroll.
Number of Employees = Full Time + Part Time = 420 K
Employee typically refers to an individual working under a contract of employment, whether oral or written, express or implied, and has recognized his or her rights and duties. Most officers of corporations are included as employees and contractors are generally excluded.
McDonalds and its franchisees hired 62,000 people in the U.S. after receiving more than one million applications, the Oak Brook, Illinois-based company said today in an e-mailed statement. Previously, it said it planned to hire 50,000.
The April 19 national hiring day was the companys first, said Danya Proud, a McDonalds spokeswoman. She declined to disclose how many of the jobs were full- versus part-time. McDonalds employed 400,000 workers worldwide at company-owned stores at the end of 2010, according to a company filing.
CEO pay is just a juicy target with no real meat, ala income taxes on the top bracket.
Alright, let's divy this up.
$41.90 for each employee per year?
2 cents per hour of full time employment?
I suppose we could narrow this number down to minimum wage employees but you get the idea.
CEO pay is just a juicy target with no real meat, ala income taxes on the top bracket.
Yup, its sheer coincidence that exploding CEO pay, low taxes and incredibly low capital gains tax has coincided with an ever increasing wealth inequality between the top 1% and the rest and stagnant/reduction in purchasing power for the rest of the nation
We persuade American corporations (and their owners) to hire more employees and pay them more, thus giving these employees (American consumers) more spending money.
Jerry Maguire might have put it this way:
"Lower profits, higher wages."
I'm willing to listen if you can walk me through the numbers. But to simply make a statement that CEO pay affects minimum wage workers isn't supported by the math. You would have to broaden the pool to the entire corporate management structure to even begin finding the numbers.
Those poor Australian CEOs and franchise owners must have to buy food from their own business to support their poor lifestyle since their workers are being paid a reasonable amount.They must be jelly if they find out that McDonald's Australia pays $16/hour.
His solution supports what I just mentioned above.
Yes, reduction of profit would be the key to paying workers more, not reduction of CEO pay. Now, the consequences of profit reduction would quickly play out as well with a publicly traded company, but that's a different discussion entirely.
My own unfounded suspicion is that income inequality has much more to do with the increase in large, publicly traded companies that have long left the stewardship of their founder and are now 100% profit motivated with no personal stake in the employees.
Welcome to the free market, my friend. Unskilled workers earn unskilled wages.
The minimum wage is provincial in Canada. It varies throughout the country. Same with the US.Its $10.25 here in Canada. I didn't know it was still $7 in the US.
Being a CEO does not require skills.
If they make those companies lots of money then why wouldn't'#t they pay out of their nose to keep them? These non-skilled workers are replaceable, they are lucky to even have a job in this climate. There would be hundreds of people waiting outside for a minimum wage job
what's really at hand here is a firm's ability to make profit; they don't act with any other consideration. whether their workers have economic security or enough disposable income for leisure, human capital, family, etc. is absolutely not a factor in their decision making or the laws of motion reproducing capitalist activity at large. creditors and governments can pick up the slack and buffer the low wages they pay. a wage is only 'too low' from a capitalist's perspective if their workforce can't return the next day to generate a surplus from their labour. i'm sorry to say, a $7.25 hour wage is indeed a livable wage in the sense it keeps them fed, alive and back at the grill the next day to extract profit fromLimiting CEO pay can offshoot costs of raising wages across the board, that's the point I was making. It doesn't require raising prices and even if it did that's better than unlivable wages.
Shit, where I live you have people with degrees and certifications that don't make $15 an hour starting out. They can go to hell with wanting 15 bucks an hour to do part time work at a fast food joint. I would almost be on their side if what they ask for was reasonable. Go get a better job, get a better set of skills if you have to.
And what if it wasn't the plan but that's where luck drops you to? You get cancer, get injured by a drunk driver, something else bad happens - do we just shrug and leave those people to work as pay slaves? It's no ones dream but how does that deny them the right for dignified pay?Indeed.
Working at a fast food joint shouldn't be the end-goal of one's career path. That is, unless you plan on going into management
People getting paid millions because they won the genetic lottery is one of the biggest injustices of today.
I'd say fastfood "cooks" provide more valuable services than athletes or many (not all) politicians.
I'm conflicted on the whole situation. A part of me says a McDonald's cashier shouldn't be paid $15/hr, yet at the same time, how much revenue does the company earn yearly? At Sports Authority, they pay $8 million to name a goddamn stadium, yet they can't give us payroll for the holidays. Effed up shit.
You got a good point. I mean, if fast food places where I live paid even $10 an hour you would see the lowly factory workers here jumping ship to work at McDonald and Burger King. It took me 7 years and 2 layoffs and a move to under management to even make $14 an hour at my last job and that was with shift premium for working 3rd.
A poster posted this earlier and I think it deserves more attention because it is the reality of how a McDonald's operates.
Unchecked immigration keeps unskilled labor wages low. The US would seriously need to consider closing it's borders before it can think about raising the minimum wage to $10+/hr
Uh, yes:
Let's get them back to that old ratio.
the grotesque executive pay doled out to top the of the company comes with that. even if governments created a ceiling on pay, that money wouldn't return to the workers at the bottom but be paid out in dividends or more likely invested and circulated in such a way to improve the firm's competitive position
Being a CEO does not require skills.
While I think $7.5 an hour is on the small end, paying a fastfood worker $15 an hour sounds like a joke. It's not going to happen. That's almost what teachers make. You want to get paid that much you need to go to school.
Gotta love marketplace apostles.