thetrin said:I thought it was common knowledge this was fantasy Gears. I was wondering why you guys were interested in this.
thetrin said:I thought it was common knowledge this was fantasy Gears. I was wondering why you guys were interested in this.
PuppetSlave said:Placed an preorder. As long as this is half way decent in split it will be worth it.
Reviews goes up two days before release right? Time enough to bail if revealed to be putrid digital offal.
Ken said:Preorder bonus at Amazon :
jaundicejuice said:Uhh, this game comes out today. Unlocks in less than 12 hours on Steam.
Yeah, but is the forge demon-y?RobertM said:Well, this game surely won't win over many hearts. Pretty piss poor introduction; questionable color pallet and the game gets dark to the point that you can barely see shit; combat doesn't have much depth to (no parry system) with tacked on magic abilities that don't do much to alleviate the boring combat; very linear environments and a guide spirit that shows you the way if you get lost (lol). This is not a loot whore game. You do find unique (purple) weapons, but everything degrades with use so eventually you will have to swap weapons , and the enemies don't drop loot or items very often. I do not want to marginalize the dumb fun one might experience playing this game with a buddy, as it stands though, the single player experience is kind of meh and the story doesn't do any favors to this game. I do like the idle chatter between the characters, must say that's probably what keeps me going.
zoner said:Game's unlocked now. Did they not sent out review copies?
It's a bad practice that's certainly turned me off any Bethesda published games without reviews.jaundicejuice said:Perhaps release day review embargoes and no demos is Bethesda's policy with new releases. They ran dark leading up to Brink's release date, they seem to be doing the same with Hunted.
Aaron said:Splitscreen is the only reason I'm buying this. The make your own levels feature could be great, but from what I've seen it looks too simplistic.
A bunch of skeletons and a bunch of enemies straight out of Lord of the Rings, I wouldn't call that demo-y but then again I'm not too far into the game.Mr. B Natural said:Yeah, but is the forge demon-y?
At least with Brink reviews were out the night before the release date. With Hunted, it doesn't seem like anyone cares much for it.jaundicejuice said:Perhaps release day review embargoes and no demos is Bethesda's policy with new releases. They ran dark leading up to Brink's release date, they seem to be doing the same with Hunted.
Mairu said:Played through the prologue. Game seems mediocre at best, maybe a little more fun co-op. Probably will play a little more tomorrow
Ken said:At least with Brink reviews were out the night before the release date. With Hunted, it doesn't seem like anyone cares much for it.
Will install and play tomorrow morning and maybe offer impressions.
RobertM said:A bunch of skeletons and a bunch of enemies straight out of Lord of the Rings, I wouldn't call that demo-y but then again I'm not too far into the game.
There is no level system but you do earn experience.
I can guarantee the reviews will be in the 7/10 range.
I got the game for free through Bethesda's retail employee site, I do not recommend paying $60 for it. I don't think the game is going to do well and it will likely drop in price quickly. I'll still give the game a bit more time than just the prologue and hopefully find someone to try out co-op but I don't think it's good enough to buy at launch.elfinke said:Please both continue to post impressions. For whatever damn reason, I hadn't heard of this game, or if I had, it slipped out of mind.
I love me a good single-system-on-the-couch co-op ARPG, so I'm interested to hear how this has panned out.
Gamasutra: Approaching this genre what was your go-to in terms of the way you wanted to present the action or player interaction? Because it's sort of a new spot for you guys as a developer.
Matt Findley: Well, you know, we analyzed the long history of video games. I think these games always wanted to be action games at their heart. I think all those old turn-based games, it's just that's all the technology would allow.
The tech today, using Unreal Engine 3, which allows us to prototype really, really fast and spend more time to make the game than worrying about the technology, it allowed us to deliver on that action experience.
When you play a modern action game, whether it's set in World War II or outer space, they all have similar mechanics -- jumping into cover, ducking into over, and shooting. We thought that applied equally well to spellcasting and shooting a bow as it did to shooting a machine gun. It was really our primary goal in the beginning to just find all the ways we could...
Yeah that pretty much guarantees I'll never buy this game(even used for fifty cents).dejan said:
dejan said:
Except this game is much, much closer to Heretic or Hexen, which are pretty old games that were multiplayer action in a fantasy setting. Ultima Underworld was far more RPG than this game is, and that was real-time as well.KuroNeeko said:I mean 25 years or so ago there was very little technology out there to support a real-time, fantasy RPG - and if you wanted to take a party of adventurers out on an adventure you were (are) pretty much stuck playing something turn-based. Fans of the genre didn't really care since most of them were into p&p rpgs already to begin with, but I don't disagree with the statement that (at least) some of those games really wanted to be action-rpgs but were shoe-horned into a turn-based system due to the lack of technology. Especially if he's talking about the RPGs that they've made like Bard's Tale.
bigdaddygamebot said:I was so close to buying this game but the complete and utter lack of information/reviews from websites really discourages me.
Should we wait for the summer sale? I'm down to get it today though if you are.Tokubetsu said:StallionFree, you still down dog?
You have to be shitting me. It runs gamespy for co-op? Ugh.Seventy5 said:I just picked up my PS3 copy and I'm waiting for the DayOnePatch to download. My friend at Gamestop said I was the only pickup so far, but a few guys have called to make sure their preorder came in. I don't think there is going to be too large an online community for this game, so anyone on PS3....please add me, I need some co-op partners. I'll post impressions after I get to play a bit.
edit: Ugh, fucking GameSpy.
It's not really an RPG as far as I can tell so far. It's a dungeon crawling action game. It runs well enough on PS3, it seems like they kept the graphics scaled back a little bit to make sure of it. It's not ugly, but it's not amazing either. Gears of Swords is pretty accurate. It actually is kind of cool playing the cover shooter with a bow and arrow. I haven't gotten any magic yet, so I can't comment on that.PatMcAtee said:I thought this wasn't an RPG...
DaBuddaDa said:This strange lack of reviews reeks functionally of when a movie isn't screened for critics. The result is never a good thing...