What was going on with Beyond (the son of Netero)?
Was he being possessed by a dark continent entity or something?
Was he being possessed by a dark continent entity or something?
What was going on with Beyond (the son of Netero)?
Was he being possessed by a dark continent entity or something?
.... I don't even know why you would think that.
"Tell them 'I've captured Beyond Netero'"
The "I've" being some dark continent creature that has mind controlled him.
4chan Anon via Arlong Park said:Page 1
You've signed the contract, correct?
Our job is to manage, investigate, and to create a database of travel related information.
We calculate the travel risks and environmental protection levels while taking into account political and social aspects as well as the local life forms and changes in climate.
Finally, our job is to arrive at a safety index.
You've been assigned to here, the Tokko (Exceptional Travels Unit), it's an extremely important position encompasses all of the continents.
Yes, I'm very aware of the fact.
Page 2
Do you remember Article 1 of the staff covenant?
"To do a comprehensive investigation of any individuals wishing to go to the new world, and to train them according to our rigorous protocol before considering them for review"
"Staff members are obligated to accompany and put great effort into assurance of safety"
In other words?
We're not letting anybody into the new world.
If it is unavoidable, we keep a leash on them.
We're in a bit of a pickle regarding that very topic as we speak.
Kakin, correct?
As a non-member, they've been doing whatever happens to fancy them.
Not only did they ignore the entire Tokko review process, they're allowing an unlimited number of participants.
It turns out the biggest issue wasn't "investigation"(sight seeing), but in fact "colonization"(Business).
Page 3
The Gatekeepers of the new world despise "rude" people.
*automatic door opening SFX*
If the top level conference being held next month ends up being a bust
It's going to become extremely difficult to stop Kakin.
And what happens then?
"Calamity" (Pandora's Box)
A box that which ought remain sealed will be opened.
A metaphor of some sort....?
I too scoffed at it when I was younger, much like you.
Until I came here........
Page 4
Page 5
All human
-were- human.
Several hundred years ago a book called "Travel Journals of the New World" was written, thought to be the ramblings of a mad man at the time.
At the time of publishing it was placed in the fiction section of shelves. In the present, it's regarded as a legendary book.
Your first assignment is to read this book to the last letter
scribbles (You can mark it up if you like, this is a mass produced copy)
What in the world were...
The price that humans paid for setting foot in the new world
In fact, it's still being paid in the present
Page 6
*Shelf door opening SFX*
You saw all of those twisted rope people, didn't you?
In the book, people being killed by being twisted up like rope is mentioned.
However, all of those corpses back there were found here in "our world"
Did the victims ever go to the new world previously?
None, which is why it's giving us a headache
Based on their social circle and familial relations, some suspected connections to the mafia, however
The large amount of witnesses refutes that
They all say that the victims "suddenly began twisting up out of nowhere"
Among witnesses were doctors, teachers, pastors and policemen.
If all of them were high on drugs, I'd say the world is doomed
But even that would be better than our current situation if it were true.
Read that book and submit a report before next week.
Point out the risks of traveling to the new world from every angle you can think of.
Page 7
He's the sole survivor "within" this institution, but he isn't "human"
He doesn't eat as a human would
He's been living self sufficient for the last 50 years.
Page 8
He's essentially plagued by an illness that makes unable to die
Another document called the "Beyond Report" has much more detailed information regarding this.
He's the final end result of what is to become of Hunters who enter the new world
Basically, every single time we've made an attempt to explore, we faced crushing defeat and brought back a calamity, each of which has the capacity to make humanity go extinct.
All of this is the "fruit of labor" that V5 achieved after secretly attempting "Colonization" (business) after the treaty was put into effect.
So then V5 secretly created their own expedition party, avoiding the treaty so that they may head to the new world themselves. (Netero video)
My son was among the decision making specialists and made a name for himself. (Netero video)
Page 9
He ignored my warnings and preferred to travel routes that nobody else had used before. As a result, many people came back maimed...along with another new "calamity"
And so I too declared it taboo for the Hunter Association to enter the new world.
When I was younger, I set foot in the new world twice myself, however
The kind of "strength" required there was different from that which I was pursuing myself.
The type of "strength" that I desired required an opponent. Essentially the kind of "strength" that has individual winners and losers.
However, there was no individual victory in the new world. Only battle with harsh nature.
The strength that my son desired was essentially "stubbornness," and it's an indispensable trait for for expeditions in the new continent.
In fact, you could say that he makes for a much better Hunter than I ever was.
Page 10
And now to the real point!
I want you to lead a successful expedition of the dark continent before my son!!
The criteria for success is to overcome one of the "calamities" and to bring back Hope (return on investment)
The difficulty ranking is an indisputable A!!
However, this is not an order. Only a request.
It my selfish desire that the Hunter Association be the one to spearhead the "hunt" of the unknown and the difficult
It does have high returns, however...
The risks are by far much greater, and sure to put the association in a tricky predicament....!
Page 11
It's a haunted house that even -we- quickly ran the other way after just opening the door, not even setting foot!
*stare SFX*
This is most definitely -not- an order!!
Just think of it as the dreams of an old man six feet under....
I repeat!! This is definitely -not- an order!!
I repeat,
is not what this is...
It's definitely an order...
Page 12
Beans! Give us an honest answer
Huh? Yes!
There aren't any more wills by the chairman are there?!
Yes, absolutely
Uhm, any that I know of anyway...
That geezer shows up at just at these critical moments
It's almost as if he never left us....
His hair is longer, so I suppose this is before the first one
Well? Chairman Cheadle, are we doing this?
Not doing it is not an option, being that it's an order
As long as the fact stands that the late chairman claimed "this is not an order,"we can't involve any other association members
Just us Zodiaks, then?
Crap forgot to do the bottom panel
I don't mind us heading out to the dark continent, but
I'm against hunting Beyond in that case
Do you have a moment?
Page 13
I'm a rebel
I don't like the idea of just solving all of the problems just like that by doing them both
If we have the same goals, I don't like the idea of pulling the leg of our competitor either
And It's a fair match if it's between Kakin and the Association
Are you sure? The chairman's son has been preparing for decades for this expedition, you know?
Has anyone amongst us ever even thought about going to the new world?
I can only think of one
dreamer (idiot) like that
Page 14
I'd make a concession if Jing says he's going to cooperate
but he's already withdrawn from us and even if here were still with us, he'd do as he pleases anyway
It's not fair at all
We aren't even at the same starting point as Beyond
The hunt is a must! As long as there's no inconsistencies with the chairman's orders, Saiyuu and Kanzai's opinions are nothing but personal sentiments!
scribble bubbles (inconsissensees...?) (senniments...?) He means ok?
Are you sure?
Before we hunt, shouldn't we decide whether the V5 is even in the right?
(for simplicity, top right to left, then bottom right to left here on for this page)
They do claim they're working for the advancement of humanity, but in the end it's just a war for natural resources isn't it?
There's no just reason for just five countries to make such a decision.
That's not a decision for a nongovernment organization such as ourselves to make!
But we can make our intents clear with our actions
Then you're missing the whole point!! Are you saying you're going to put your political views before the will of the late chairman?!
It's all so complicated, can you guys just please make a decision
What? This conversation has something to do with the hunt?
Sorry, I'm not listening to the conversation at all~~~~~
Can you two please calm yourselves? We haven't even heard the reason for the hunt yet, Cheadle?
If he's charged for rioting or criminal incitement, the association will probably process it as an official mission → snake
Page 15
Page 16
Its been a while, Beans
These guys must be the Zodiacs
Can you give the V5 a call?
Tell them "We've caught Beyond Netero"
Page 17
Lets go for a give and take kind of relationship, shall we?
The five calamities that humanity brought back...
Page 18
The mysterious sphere that guards an ancient ruin
Brion, the weapon
The fiend that causes viral murderous intent
The twin tailed snake, Hellbell
Co-dependence of desire
The gas life form, Ai
Equivalent exchange of pleasure and life
Papu, the man keeping (make into a pet) beast
The illness that deceives (speaks) of hope, the bottomless despair
The illness of immortailty, Sobae (Sovae? whatever)
This place is...
Not somewhere that humanity should ever return to........!!
me said:So, humanity has made 5 expeditions to the Dark Continent, since it is stated that each time they brought back a calamity, right? Also the dead humans are said to have been found outside the Dark Continent, so I guess that each one of those panels in the 8th page represent a human killed by one particular calamity: the first from the left is due to Ai/Nanika, the second was clearly done by the man feeding calamity, the third lacks a head just like Brion, so there could be a connection, though I'm not sure about the other 2, I'd say the twisted ones are due to the snake... but what about the weird hand, how would it be connected to the immortal guy? Well the hand seems to be trying to regenerate or to "grow" somehow.
Alright, that's settled then.
Just realized they showed off 4 different types of corpses (and 1 living corpse), has anyone managed to link each corpse to each calamity?
Obviously the zoba disease of immortality is represented by the immortal dude.
But Alluka killed people. Those flat people are still alive, no?
Of course not, what made you think that? It was specifically stated that the immortal is the only living "human" in that laboratory.
That's a lot better, indeed.Found a better translation
Yeah, this looks about right.
This looks like Junji Ito stuff.
well zeno and netero go way back so maybe zeno went with him on his expedition. maybe their great grandfather is the one that went and brought back something with him.It really does seem like Ai is Nanika/Alluka
Which again, raises the question of how that even happened.
Still thinking Zoldycks had an expedition no one knows about..
well zeno and netero go way back so maybe zeno went with him on his expedition. maybe their great grandfather is the one that went and brought back something with him.
It's possible. Netero was like 112 or something, right? Killua's Great Great Grandfather must be around that age
Also Maha was most likely stronger than Netero at some point in his life. Zeno said that Netero is the only one who's fought Maha and lived.
Some of the corpses shown of Nanika's work are twisted like a string, like the twisted person in this chapter.Alluka is Ai so
Compared with
Or maybe Maha got stomped and Zeno is just saving his family some face. Or maybe they were equal and Zeno, obviously respecting his family and not being humble, said it was Netero who "survived".
Or maybe Maha is straight beast.
I like to think Maha is pretty strong, but I guess those are all possible lol
It's possible. Netero was like 112 or something, right? Killua's Great Great Grandfather must be around that age
But Alluka killed people. Those flat people are still alive, no?
you know, i get the feeling that alluka is going to be SO fucking creepy in the anime adaptation.
Let's talk about Bisky. Why is she stronger than Chrollo/Hisoka?
I always envisioned her as a kind of Kakashi of the HxH world. Lethal as she's maxed out her potential (she's old), but her potential isn't as high as the freaks of the world (e.g. Itachi and company).
Netero is 120, Maha is 98 I believe.
Just caught up to the manga after watching episode 131. I'll start by saying the ending to the chimera arc was fucking beautiful. I knew there wasn't going to be a big fight if I didn't know I would probably be a little dissapointed. And yeah Alluka is way too overpowered. The sole reason reason she has that power is to heal Gon. Anyway do we know why Kite became a little girl? It has something to do with his ability but was this ever explained?
Just caught up to the manga after watching episode 131. I'll start by saying the ending to the chimera arc was fucking beautiful. I knew there wasn't going to be a big fight if I didn't know I would probably be a little dissapointed. And yeah Alluka is way too overpowered. The sole reason reason she has that power is to heal Gon. Anyway do we know why Kite became a little girl? It has something to do with his ability but was this ever explained?
Just caught up to the manga after watching episode 131. I'll start by saying the ending to the chimera arc was fucking beautiful. I knew there wasn't going to be a big fight if I didn't know I would probably be a little dissapointed. And yeah Alluka is way too overpowered. The sole reason reason she has that power is to heal Gon. Anyway do we know why Kite became a little girl? It has something to do with his ability but was this ever explained?
I forgot, but didn't we have one or two chapters full of nothing but text bubbles? I wonder how they're going to adapt that.
It's okay but I want to see the Viz translation on Monday so bad. This region locking thing really hurts right now.Wow that second translation is way better, actually understood what was going on this time.
One of Kite's hidden slots is called "like hell im gonna die" which gives him enough luck to not die.
Also he became a girl simply because that's how chimera ants are born, he got the body of the girl that the Koala chimera ant killed and seeing as how he was born at the same time as Meruem, that means he will be close to the royal guards or king in physical power.
Can anyone remind me how Kaito got reincarnated in an ant? I'm talking of how his body was specifically repaired and used for nen training, not eaten by the queen.
You mean the fact that he was reincarnated despite not being eaten?Can anyone remind me how Kaito got reincarnated in an ant? I'm talking of how his body was specifically repaired and used for nen training, not eaten by the queen.
I forgot, but didn't we have one or two chapters full of nothing but text bubbles? I wonder how they're going to adapt that.