I was at EB just browsing, when a women comes up and asks "Do you have Sockem II?" Me and the employees were doing our best not to laugh. Once she got Sockem II she left and we started dying laughing.
Synbios459 said:I was at EB just browsing, when a women comes up and asks "Do you have Sockem II?" Me and the employees were doing our best not to laugh. Once she got Sockem II she left and we started dieing laughing.
Wario64 said:The funniest thing I heard today at EB was the sound of a knocked magazine rack
Wario64 said:The funniest thing I heard today at EB was the sound of a knocked magazine rack
Synbios459 said:I was at EB just browsing, when a women comes up and asks "Do you have Sockem II?" Me and the employees were doing our best not to laugh. Once she got Sockem II she left and we started dieing laughing.
I feel really stupid. I didn't realize it- I thought that the game "Sock'em II" just must've been shitty.Matlock said:HAHA, SHE MISPRONOUNCED AN ABBREVATION SHE PROBABLY NEVER SAW BEFORE.
ohamsie said:My dad pronounced Pikachu as kink-a chew. I don't even remember why he was talking about pokemon, I was never really into them.
Synbios459 said:I was at EB just browsing, when a women comes up and asks "Do you have Sockem II?" Me and the employees were doing our best not to laugh. Once she got Sockem II she left and we started dieing laughing.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Scarring a kid for life is funny!aparisi2274 said:Oh yeah I got a better one. I was at my EB today hanging out with my friends that work there, and this kid comes in and asks if they are hiring. Now this kid is 14 years old, and u have to be 18 to work for EB. So here is the exact conversation:
<kid> Hey are you guys hiring?
<mgr> you have to be 18 to work here
<kid> Oh, i am 18. Spiritually that is!
<mgr> ummm k
I looked at him, and he looked at me, and man we just started laughing in this kids face. I actaully told the kid that was best line ever. Oh man it was funny
Synbios459 said:I was at EB just browsing, when a women comes up and asks "Do you have Sockem II?" Me and the employees were doing our best not to laugh. Once she got Sockem II she left and we started dieing laughing.
LOLMe: "Um, is there something else you wanted?"
Him: "Yes, I need my game back."
CVXFREAK said:Anyone here ever get "PokeMan"? Or "Takken 4"? Or "Genma Omusha?"
I've been asked for ONIMOOSHMOOSH.CVXFREAK said:Anyone here ever get "PokeMan"? Or "Takken 4"? Or "Genma Omusha?"
TekunoRobby said:I've been asked for ONIMOOSHMOOSH.
A preliminary fuck you to anyone whose offended by this. I've also been asked for that "Niggah" game by two extremely ghetto white children (I do not kid, remember I live in Miami). When they asked it from me I thought I heard wrong and I asked them to repeat it. He says "you know MAN, that niggah game." I explained to him that I didn't know what game he meant, he just told me that it was that game where that "niggah" goes around and steals everything. OF COURSE THEY WERE LOOKING FOR GRAND THEFT AUTO 3.
AniHawk said:My dad called them Pokeyman for a while. He also frequently called my DC a Playstation and the PS2 "the Nintendo."
Magnus said:My big beef is when people come in with acronyms that they assume everyone's been using. Homam (pronounced, 'hoe-mamm' -- heroes of might and magic), thug (actually pronounced like the word 'thug'), and 'pgr' are the biggest offenders. I actually had another customer ask for "Pee-oh-pee, tee-sott"...guess what he was after, and tell me you wouldn't smack him too.
My even bigger beef is when retards ask for Final Fantasy "Ex" or "Ex-two". It's X. You can't have an opinion about this. It's just wrong if you say "Ex". It's ten, end of discussion. I refuse to get it for them until they agree when I reply, "you mean FF ten?" I literally also had someone ask just yesterday for, and I quote, "Final Fantasy Ex-one", after which he explained he meant "the online one". I should've hung up on the bastard.
The Promised One said:lol, *slaps you*
ROFLcatfish said:Yeah thats like the time someones mum said to me, whats this booble booble game?
Me and this other DUDE high fived each other so hard. Stupid mums don't they know all about video games or something.