Magnus said:My big beef is when people come in with acronyms that they assume everyone's been using. Homam (pronounced, 'hoe-mamm' -- heroes of might and magic), thug (actually pronounced like the word 'thug'), and 'pgr' are the biggest offenders. I actually had another customer ask for "Pee-oh-pee, tee-sott"...guess what he was after, and tell me you wouldn't smack him too.
My even bigger beef is when retards ask for Final Fantasy "Ex" or "Ex-two". It's X. You can't have an opinion about this. It's just wrong if you say "Ex". It's ten, end of discussion. I refuse to get it for them until they agree when I reply, "you mean FF ten?" I literally also had someone ask just yesterday for, and I quote, "Final Fantasy Ex-one", after which he explained he meant "the online one". I should've hung up on the bastard.
To be honest, saying "Final Fantasy ten-two" sounds worse than Ex-2.