wild wild rice
I never finished the show, but I do remember disliking how she had the affair. Never got the hype for the show.
I never finished the show, but I do remember disliking how she had the affair.
I just completely disagree with every word of this. I definitely think negligence and loneliness in a relationship can push a person to cheat, and I also think that Ted is a better guy than Walt, which is really saying something considering how pathetic he was
That's what I said, yes. Argue it as much as you want, Walt did what he did for his family, to ensure his family were looked after if he died. He cooked meth, he killed people, he blew people up, he threatened people, he destroyed lives - all for his family. It seems like a really fucked up thing to do, but he did it all out of desperation to provide for the ones he loves. He literally put his life on the line to make sure Skyler and Walt Jr were looked after after his demise. And, yet, that's not enough for Skyler. She constantly treats him like utter shit. As I said, I would've left her with nothing out of spite.
That's what I said, yes. Argue it as much as you want, Walt did what he did for his family, to ensure his family were looked after if he died. He cooked meth, he killed people, he blew people up, he threatened people, he destroyed lives - all for his family. It seems like a really fucked up thing to do, but he did it all out of desperation to provide for the ones he loves. He literally put his life on the line to make sure Skyler and Walt Jr were looked after after his demise. And, yet, that's not enough for Skyler. She constantly treats him like utter shit. As I said, I would've left her with nothing out of spite.
The character I didn't "get," was Marie. She didn't add much to the show and it felt like her kleptomania never went anywhere.
Camilla Soprano the goat evil enabling wife.
The only reason to ever root against her, is because you as the viewer are rooting for Walt the whole time. You want to see him get away with things that he shouldn't. You also know that if he stays ahead of the curve it will minimize the repercussions on his family.
Skyler is justified in everything that she does. It's just that she gets in the way. Honestly, I feel like a lot of the hate for her comes directly from misogyny. Same thing with Marie. In fact I think sometimes that they wrote Marie as a clepto to try and alleviate they hate of of Skyler. Because it was getting in the way of how people were starting to view Skyler.
The only reason to ever root against her, is because you as the viewer are rooting for Walt the whole time.
Yeah, seems there are two camps who watch it. Those who want to fantasize about the power trip of being awesome at something and don't like having a nagging wife constantly interrupt it or people who see the psycho that Walt actually becomes and how it irreversibly effects everyone around him for the worse.
Skyler hate is stupid, I feel like we tend to hear it from people who mistakenly think Walter was trying to be a good guy.
I think the so-called hate just has something to do with the difficulty that the noisier people on the internet seem to have with women. Walter White was no hero.
One of the criticisms of Breaking Bad that keeps coming up is over the female characters. Skyler White is seen by some as this henpecking woman who stands in the way of all of Walts fun.
Gilligan: Man, I dont see it that way at all. Weve been at events and had all our actors up onstage, and people ask Anna Gunn, Why is your character such a bitch? And with the risk of painting with too broad a brush, I think the people who have these issues with the wives being too bitchy on Breaking Bad are misogynists, plain and simple. I like Skyler a little less now that shes succumbed to Walts machinations, but in the early days she was the voice of morality on the show. She was the one telling him, You cant cook crystal meth. Shes got a tough job being married to this asshole. And this, by the way, is why I should avoid the Internet at all costs. People are griping about Skyler White being too much of a killjoy to her meth-cooking, murdering husband? Shes telling him not to be a murderer and a guy who cooks drugs for kids. How could you have a problem with that?
My first post on Gaf and I get to say FUCK SKYLER?!
So good .
Fuck Skyler indeed. I don't remember the details,it's been a while since I watched BB but GOD DAMIN IT SON I remember my feelings towards her and her actions.
Fucking hell just nagging and whining and complaining and making Walt miserable.
Fuck that shit.
She's the personification of the phrase "it's not good enough."
Which is without a doubt one of the most annoying and disrespectful things you can say to someone.
Explain how anything Walter did was indeed good in the first place
she fucked ted, end of story
That's what I said, yes. Argue it as much as you want, Walt did what he did for his family, to ensure his family were looked after if he died. He cooked meth, he killed people, he blew people up, he threatened people, he destroyed lives - all for his family. It seems like a really fucked up thing to do, but he did it all out of desperation to provide for the ones he loves. He literally put his life on the line to make sure Skyler and Walt Jr were looked after after his demise. And, yet, that's not enough for Skyler. She constantly treats him like utter shit. As I said, I would've left her with nothing out of spite.
Vince Gilligan was asked about this by Vulture. Here's his response.
I think this is a huge part of it. She was never in on any of the 'fun' or amusing things that happened in the show. Anytime she showed up she was kind of a wet blanket if you liked Walt not that there was anything wrong with that.Yeah I've seen the Skyler is a bitch comments, which are totally out of line. Her busband all of a sudden dramatically changes his behavior, coming home at ungodly late hours. Refusing to tell her what he's doing. And when he makes up his lies, she knows it. He thinks he's telling good lies, but he's not, and she knows it. She has every right to be suspicious of him, and she's RIGHT about it. He's off killing people and making drugs, and her behavior towards him makes her the bitch. Right.
People give her a lot of shit for "cheating" on him with Ted. At the time, IIRC, she figured him out to be a drug dealer and handed him divorce papers. He wouldn't sign. Skyler had pretty much kicked him out of the house and he was living in that apartment, but he decided to sneak back into the house and start living there again. While they weren't legally divorced, he was still a legal owner of the house, they were romantically over at that point. She is allowed to pursue other people.
That being said, she's not a "fun" character and isn't involved with more of the "fun" storylines. While I think the character is fine, her not being a favorite makes complete sense to me. I don't hate her role or her scenes, but I don't think I was actually excited to see Skyler scenes until the whole season 5/6 fight with her, Walt and Walt Jr, ending with Walt kidnapping the baby.imo
I get a feeling, and it may be a completely off base one that people find cheating outspoken wives to be worse than maniacal, selfish drug-dealing murderers and it's a little sickening. I definitely find it to be a bit misogynist
My first post on Gaf and I get to say FUCK SKYLER?!
So good .
Been awhile since I watched, but hadn't she already thrown Walter out when this happened? Maybe I remembering incorrectly but I recall Skylar trying to end things with Walter, but he more or less muscled his way back into the house. Not that her cheating changes anything.
I think the so-called hate just has something to do with the difficulty that the noisier people on the internet seem to have with women. Walter White was no hero.
Ah, you're talking about something different though. None of the characters in Breaking Bad are particularly likeable. It's like that by design, the allure of the show. Which is why the specific backlash against Skylar is an indication of, I hate to say it, something a bit more toxic.I don't understand why you're equating disliking Skylar with like/roooting for Walt, you can still dislike both. Walt is quite clearly the biggest asshole in the show, killing countless people either by his bare hands or ordered but I can still say that I dislike Skylar has a character, not nearly has I disliked Walt, not for reason of the same caliber but I still did.
Wind Chime
Today, 12:59 PM, Post #52
Oh man, this has got to be a record![]()
I've always said that the fact that so many people liked Walter White and hated Skyler is proof of how well written and acted the show was. Really, Walter White is a horrible piece of shit who did everything he did for himself, because he liked doing it (how did that one poster above miss him actually saying that in the final season?). He ruined his families lives, killed countless people, had countless people killed, ruined people's lives by getting them addicted to the drugs he made, and yet.. He was a great character and a lot of people loved him on the show.
And Skyler was the one trying to get him to stop making drugs, be a dad, be a good husband, etc but many people hate her. Bryan Cranston remarked of his influence by what Gandolfini did as Tony Soprano, and it's definitely the same case here. A really, really shitty person that the audience grows to like. And lots of people hated Carmella on the Sopranos despite many similarities between her and Skyler.
I don't get it either-she was trapped in a horrible situation that her husband put her & her family into.
Absolutely. Walt even realizes this in the end. It wasn't about the money for him-it was his ego.
Carmella and Skylar as very similar as characters. That said I really liked Carmella and I always found Skylar to be off putting and annoying. I think it was because of the personality portrayal by their respective actresses.
Jesus, I swear it's like some people didn't even watch the show.
This is why people hate Skyler. Because they totally misunderstood Walt's character and see him as some savior. You missed the entire point of the show, including some of the things Walt himself said once he realized his mistakes.
He poisoned a child, for fuck's sake.
I never called him a hero or a saint. I know full well that Walt is, in fact, evil. But he did what he did for his family.Think you missed the point of the show.
Yeah, I didn't hate Skyler either...she is caught in an extremely difficult situation and I sympathized with her a lot more than I disliked her.
I really think you could make a case that she's in a domestically abusive relationship and that she legitimately tried to end things with Walt at multiple points, but he's stalks and manipulates those around him to make it extremely hard for her to live without him. She gets more criminally immoral as the show gets on, but I also chalk that up to Walt's almost supernatural influence on her others. He possesses an ability to turn everyone and everything around to shit.
Why do people jump to the terms nagging or whining when a woman expresses dissatisfaction with a horrible husband, and he was by all means a horrible husband right from the start.