Seeing that pricing was announced for the new Navi 5700 cards, what is everyone's thoughts prior to benchmarks. The XT @ $449 is going up against the GTX 2070.
Leonidas (as usual) is being a bit overdramatic.
Im speaking as somebody who owns a 2080 Ti, so my opinion does have some value.
The answer to your question is easy:
Wait and see what the benchmarks are and how it performs. You've waited this long, might as well wait another month and see.
If the 5700XT does outperform or is at least on par with the 2070, then quite frankly it's a better buy. Of course that could be null and void if the Super series from nvidia is as good as leaked. At that point, by all means, buy the new super 2070 Ti if priced competitively.
In regards to ray tracing:
Yes, the 5700XT lacks ray tracing, but as someone who owns a 2080 Ti and played many games using ray tracing, it is very questionable as to whether the visual improvements are worth the performance cost and that's using a 2080 Ti.
I would argue that ray tracing is so barely usable on the 2070 that the feature barely exists. And don't get me started on what an epic fail DLSS has been.
Metro Exodus I would argue has been the best use of ray tracing in a modern game, but I can guarantee you that most people could not tell the difference between a rastuerized image and a ray traced one. On a 2070 the ray tracing options are so limited they're pretty much pointless to use. Quake 2 RTX is a masterful use of full raytracing, but jesus christ does that come at a cost in performance.