On a side note, does anybody have the giant Idle Thumbs mag-ad image? I'd like to use it as a desktop wallpaper, it's been a while since I changed it.
It lives on at http://www.idlethumbs.net/magazine
We'll link it up properly soon.
On a side note, does anybody have the giant Idle Thumbs mag-ad image? I'd like to use it as a desktop wallpaper, it's been a while since I changed it.
IIRC that's the one where Chris Kohler is a guest, so that would be The Sources' Duel, podcast 16.Okay since everyone is seemingly doing their own separate re-listens: can someone tell me which episode is the "Islam is the light" one?
IIRC that's the one where Chris Kohler is a guest, so that would be The Sources' Duel, podcast 16.
The Brodeo just wasn't nearly as consistent, mostly because of cast issues.
I heard the songs that came from the show and they are excellent, but can anyone point me to some awesome moments from the show itself possibly on YouTube?
Alright, I'm sorry in advance for being LTTP, but I always heard great things about idle thumbs. Just never got around to listening to any episodes when it used to be on.
I heard the songs that came from the show and they are excellent, but can anyone point me to some awesome moments from the show itself possibly on YouTube?
Very excited to hear the new episode.
I don't agree. It makes perfect sense. That was also, IIRC, the first time any of them ever mentioned Jeff Goldblum (certainly the first time he was ever discussed to that degree), so it's not like there was some precedence to the story. It just came out of nowhere.
But it is out of the ordinary and not really indicative of the majority of the episodes.
I don't really think that one works without context...
I am wondering if it was "Phat" or "Fat" loot.
Really enjoying these progress casts.
Lute, d'uh.I'm also wondering if it was "loot" or "lewt".
Argh I need to get paid so I can kickstart this shit. Will I get access to the progresscasts that came out before I kicked?
Yeah, I actually pictured it being spelled "lute".Oh my, that Phat Loot story was amazing.
Yeah, that's true. It's all coming back to me. Looking at the podcast page it's been a little over three years since it ended. Where does that time go?
Famous has the BEST stories.
Dota 2 cast :O!? <3<3
This comment is..interesting. A gaming-related podcast is essentially listening to a bunch of fans vocalize their opinions. It's the same as if you and me recorded our conversation and posted it in the internet. That's what a podcast is.
Except Idle Thumbs is entertaining and insightful.
This comment is..interesting. A gaming-related podcast is essentially listening to a bunch of fans vocalize their opinions. It's the same as if you and me recorded our conversation and posted it in the internet. That's what a podcast is.
This kick starter thing will have a burnout and backlash but hopefully not before Robert Ashley funds A Life Well Wasted. That's one I'd definitely pay for.
I know yr reading this. Do it.
Sorry to disappoint you, but Robert was banned a month ago.
Donated/pledged 10usd so I can listen to the progress cast, I'll donate another 50 next month (so broke right now)