Yeah they didn’t make it easy to find, I found it after almost being done making my really girly guy looking Fenyx. Thankfully I went and checked the body options before I confirmed.Oh didn't know, wanted to do another play through on nightmare mode but couldn't find anything male related. SO maybe i missed it
I thought that was the point of R3. Every time I climb a tower and clear the fog I use it to mark everything I can see from there. Similar to AC but you have to do it manually.Played like 6 hours today while listening to Joe Rogan's podcast on Spotify. Sniping minotaurs with my bow and remote control arrows from on top of a mountain has yet to get old for me.
Giant Bomb made a huge deal about holding R3 and being able to tag things but they didn't mention that there's enemies guarding a lot of the chests/ambrosia so it's not always that easy to get it even if you know where it is.
My point was they made it sound like a negative, like an easy mode, but there's still challenge involved in obtaining the chest/ambrosia a lot of the time, even if you know where it is. I like the mechanic.I thought that was the point of R3. Every time I climb a tower and clear the fog I use it to mark everything I can see from there. Similar to AC but you have to do it manually.
Yes man, I did the same as I'm on a PS5 and my sibling has a PS4 so I let them play my copy there using account sharing works a dreamIf I buy the PS4/ps5 version on the ps5 store can I play it on my PS4 too? My kids got the PS4 as a hand me down so a double license would be great.
Played like 6 hours today while listening to Joe Rogan's podcast on Spotify. Sniping minotaurs with my bow and remote control arrows from on top of a mountain has yet to get old for me.
Giant Bomb made a huge deal about holding R3 and being able to tag things but they didn't mention that there's enemies guarding a lot of the chests/ambrosia so it's not always that easy to get it even if you know where it is.
Yes mate.Has the stuttering been fixed on PS5?
Hello there,
I got a question. Could someone please explain to me what this yellow/golden wing below
the health bar does:
I know that it was not there from the beginning. But I literally do not know how I got it,
I do not know how it works (how do I charge it, how to use it etc.) But I saw a video where a guy survived being grilled by
one of those laser-walls. I tried the same but I got grilled
Please enlighten me.
Thank you!howdy sailor!
okay! That sweet, sensual decorative golden thingy majiggy is a blessing from Aphrodite. It’s basically an extra life! If you die in battle and that gold design is fully filled in, you automatically regenerate to full health. It takes about 20 minutes to come back once you’ve used it....You get it from doing one her very first main quests in her Zone.
you can check out all the his given abilities on the furthest right tab in the menus
Has the stuttering been fixed on PS5?
Has the stuttering been fixed on PS5?
I am definitely in camp “sleeper hit of 2020”.
It has Framerate problems and it's a bit blurry but other than that it's pretty good.Without going through 7 pages, how does the Switch version hold up? from what I am reading here, it seems like the perfect hand held game?
Just chiming in with my two cents here:
I am definitely in camp “sleeper hit of 2020”.
I felt excited by the prospect of this game when they showed it off initially, but the game has blown those expectations away.
it’s really enjoyable to play a video gamey video game - if that makes any sense. This has such a PS2-era action adventure FEEL to it, yet obviously wrapped in some modern’s a great balancing act they pulled off.
while it definitely has a Breath of The Wild-LITE vibe to it, I actually (for some reason I still can’t fully verbalize) get a lot of the same feelings playing this as I did Control more than BOTW. Why the fuck that is, who knows? I think it’s the feeling of stumbling on side/hidden quests, fighting unique side bosses and just the general feel that game is more handcrafted than a normal open world action game (Control obviously was not open, it was more akin to a Metroidvania if anything) but that’s all I can sort of figure. Hey, we’re all allowed to be retardo once in a while.
My bet is that shi**y name they came up with that looks like a subpar game you`d get from a cereal box.
Just in case I don't, how is it on PS4 Pro?
How do I get a mount? Either I didn't hit the point where I can get one or missed something. I'm 20 hours in and working through the 3rd area now.
How do I get a mount? Either I didn't hit the point where I can get one or missed something. I'm 20 hours in and working through the 3rd area now.
still on edge of getting this or not. it's 40 on psn rn and i have a 50 dollar psn giftcard. idk should i do it?
i got like 60 hours in acv and have stopped playing it as much because it's buggy it literally makes my character drunk everytime i load in.
This is the most polished ubosoft game ever. 60 hours in amd not a single bug .still on edge of getting this or not. it's 40 on psn rn and i have a 50 dollar psn giftcard. idk should i do it?
i got like 60 hours in acv and have stopped playing it as much because it's buggy it literally makes my character drunk everytime i load in.
Just got it, looks great. Any tips for a total noob that aren't spoilers.
I haven’t personally spent enough time with the rebooted AC games (origins onward) and I know this game gets often lumped in with AC, I. Just can’t speak to how similar they are....but Immortals hits a nearly perfect blend of arcadey beat-em up action, exploration of cool and interesting environments (with decent loot to boot) that make you feel like there’s something interesting around almost every corner, crack or cliff side...still on edge of getting this or not. it's 40 on psn rn and i have a 50 dollar psn giftcard. idk should i do it?
i got like 60 hours in acv and have stopped playing it as much because it's buggy it literally makes my character drunk everytime i load in.
It’s great. Barely any hiccups. I honestly I can’t tell any really slowdown if it’s occurring. Feels responsive and runs great.Thats nice to hear. I just put down CP2077 after about 40 hours (25 main quest, rest was spent on side quest) and was looking to either start AC Odyssey or get this. I'm more jaded on open world so will likely play 3 or 4 linear games and then jump back into some open world game lol
I'll check this out some time next year. I might already have a PS5 by then so I'm not too worried about performance.
Just in case I don't, how is it on PS4 Pro?
Enjoy.Just ordered off Amazon. My first ever birthday gift to me! Still rotating a lot of other games. Might sell Watch Dogs Legion