This is the situation; in my house there are two computers, my computer and the family computer. If I'm home, my computer is on whether I'm on it or not. Downloading something, encoding video, sitting there idle... what have you. If my brother/sister/father are home, the other computer will be occupied as well. This presents a problem (to them, not me), three people to one computer never works. My sister has apparently been reading a lot of J-Pop forums (Stay away SSX.
), my brother usually plays gunbound or surfs other forums, and my father seemingly just collect spyware and installs it for hours. More often than not, frustration arises as to who uses the computer and for how long.
Seeing as we don't have space at all for another desktop, the only other solution is a laptop, and hell I had been meaning to get one anyway. The only issue is whether or not to go with a Apple based laptop or a PC based one. On the plus side for the PC based is that it shouldn't be a problem to put whatever kind of filetype I would use at work onto the thing, it would be easy for any of them to use, and I'd get a *lot* more bang for my buck. Pluses for the Mac are that iBooks are fuckin sexy, whenever I get around to trying to install Fedora Core 2 I'd have all three major platforms easily accessible, iBooks are fuckin sexy, my dad wouldn't be able to use it well keeping him effectively off of it, iBooks are fuckin sexy, and I'd like to try out the reportedly much better video editting capabilities of a Mac (probably should check out a Powerbook then eh?).
Anyone have any advice one way or another? I really don't care at this point, I just don't want to be bothered by all that fuckin arguing anymore. Of course, I'd use it whenever I felt like it. I'd like to keep price under $1500 if at all possible. Anyone know how fast/slow an iBook with a 1 GHz cpu and 256 MB or RAM is...? That's the base spec.
Seeing as we don't have space at all for another desktop, the only other solution is a laptop, and hell I had been meaning to get one anyway. The only issue is whether or not to go with a Apple based laptop or a PC based one. On the plus side for the PC based is that it shouldn't be a problem to put whatever kind of filetype I would use at work onto the thing, it would be easy for any of them to use, and I'd get a *lot* more bang for my buck. Pluses for the Mac are that iBooks are fuckin sexy, whenever I get around to trying to install Fedora Core 2 I'd have all three major platforms easily accessible, iBooks are fuckin sexy, my dad wouldn't be able to use it well keeping him effectively off of it, iBooks are fuckin sexy, and I'd like to try out the reportedly much better video editting capabilities of a Mac (probably should check out a Powerbook then eh?).
Anyone have any advice one way or another? I really don't care at this point, I just don't want to be bothered by all that fuckin arguing anymore. Of course, I'd use it whenever I felt like it. I'd like to keep price under $1500 if at all possible. Anyone know how fast/slow an iBook with a 1 GHz cpu and 256 MB or RAM is...? That's the base spec.