Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Sucker Punch Productions
Platform: PlayStation®3 system
Genre: Open World
Players: 1
Rating: Teen / 16 (Blood, Drug Reference, Language, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence)
Release Date: June 7, 2011 (NA) | June 8, 2011 (Europe) | June 10, 2011 (UK) | June 10, 2011 (Germany)

Cole MacGrath makes his electrifying return in inFAMOUS 2, the second chapter in the best-selling franchise exclusively for the PlayStation®3 system. Developed by Sucker Punch Productions, inFAMOUS 2 takes 2009s blockbuster to all-new heights in an immersive open world action adventure that offers a more visceral, emotional and powerful take on the true superhero experience.
inFAMOUS 2 opens in Empire City as a massive explosion rips through the town signaling the birth of a new evil. Nearly escaping death by the dark entity known as The Beast, Cole flees the city. Upon leaving, Cole discovers that The Beast has destroyed Empire City and is heading down the coast annihilating everything in its path.
In an effort to stop The Beast from destroying mankind, Cole heads to New Marais (inspired by real life New Orleans) in search of a scientist who is believed to hold the key to defeating this dark entity. Hidden within this town lies the key to Coles powers and possibly the salvation of the human race. Scared citizens roam the seedy Red Light district, armed militia patrol the French Quarter and deadly mutated creatures inhabit the sticky swampland. As the mystery of The Beast unfolds, Cole must learn to harness his powers for the sake of mankind. Will you be strong enough to save the city from self-destruction, or will you help it along?

True Superhero Experience Wielding god-like superpowers, discover what it means to be a true superhero with powerful cinematic sequences, stylized graphic cutscenes and epic boss battles which help bring Coles story to life.
Advanced Super Powers Featuring a complete overhaul of the power system from inFAMOUS, experience what its like to be a full-blown superhero with enhanced electrical attacks, an improved melee fighting system and a host of new superpowers.
Evolved Karma System Taking the franchises Karma system to the next level, Coles karmic choices to ally with different influences will now lead him down the path to becoming mankinds greatest hero or its most feared villain, ultimately shaping the outcome of the story.
All-New Open Dynamic World Explore a virtually dense and more vibrant open world, set in the southern city of New Marais, with an increased level of interactivity, featuring over 100 simultaneous characters on screen, new gangs, destructible buildings and collapsible environments.
Enhanced Urban Exploration Utilizing a highly-polished mo-cap and animation system to make climbing and exploring flow more fluidly, freely navigate the city and traverse nearly any surface with new fluid and dynamic parkour moves.
User Generated Content - inFAMOUS 2 allows players to create missions for the first time ever. The original inFAMOUS had an end; inFAMOUS 2 never ends. The countless number of missions and never ending stream of content keeps the game fresh and playable. inFAMOUS 2 is the first open world game that actually allows players to do anything; creating and populating the game world with one of a kind missions, limited only by the designers imagination.
Continue The Quest If you have trophies from inFAMOUS, use them to unlock bonus content and change your adventure in inFAMOUS 2. Alter karma level, unlock extra energy cores, and bonus XP. Side missions, dead drops, and dialog also is changed depending on your previous choices.

- Gameplay
- Behind The Scenes
- 2D Comic Cutscene
- Evil Decision
- Good Decision
- Karma Trailer
- User Generated Content Trailer
- Quest For Power Trailer

Pre-order Bonuses (North America)
- Amazon: 24K Gold Amp (Gold version of Cole's new electrical weapon)
- Best Buy: Kessler Skin (Play as Kessler, the evil antagonist from the first inFAMOUS story)
- Gamestop: Lightning Hook (Use the Lightning Hook to snare and pull enemies and objects towards Cole) & Exclusive Poster
- Walmart: Electrocution Grenade (Shock nearby enemies with electricity that ties them down for a couple of seconds before detonating)
- All preorders at participating retailers will include the following in-game items: Sly's Cane, Caveman Club, Samurai Sword, Reaper Skin
- Specially marked copies also include early access to the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta (begins June 28)
Pre-order Bonuses (Europe)
- Play: Stalker Grenade (Locks on to the nearest enemy and explodes when it gets close enough to inflict some damage) & Sniper Blast (Fire accurate, long-range attacks - ideal for taking down enemies on rooftops or further down the street). Also includes Uncharted 3 Early Beta Access
- Game: Uncharted 3 Early Beta Access
- Amazon: Uncharted 3 Early Beta Access
- Please consult your country's page on the official inFAMOUS website if you're confused by the offerings for your country
Special Edition (Europe Exclusive)
- £49.99 RRP
- 3D lenticular cover
- Voucher code (Electrocution Grenade Power, Original Cole skin, 24K Gold Amp)

Hero Edition
- $99.99 MSRP | £99.99 RRP
- Play.com exclusive in United Kingdom
- Highly detailed 8.5 Cole MacGrath statue
- Sportable sling pack modeled after Coles own in-game gear
- inFAMOUS #1 mini comic from DC Comics
- Official inFAMOUS 2 HERO Edition Soundtrack
- Super voucher code for a collection of in-game content (24K Gold Amp, Kessler Skin, Lightning Hook, Electrocution Grenade)

Good and Evil DualShock 3 bundles available in select European markets
320GB PlayStation 3 bundle available in select European markets

Behind the Curtain - Collect 50% of the available Dead Drops.
A Streetcar Named 'Boom!' - Complete BOOM!
Quid Pro Kuo - Complete Leading the Charge.
Playing Both Sides - Complete Fooling the Rebels.
Ambulance Chaser - Complete Hearts and Minds Campaign.
Am I The Daddy? - Complete Nix's New Family.
Exposure - Complete Exposing Bertrand.
The Cleaner - Complete the assassination side missions.
Frozen Asset - Complete the ice Conduit side missions.
Dazed and Defused - Take down the Blast Shard Bomber.
Back to the Bayou - Return to the swamp blockade.
Mountaineer - Climb to the top of the 3 tallest buildings in New Marais.
Extreme Makeover - Destroy 30 verandas or other large objects.
Watch That First Step - Defeat an enemy by destroying the object they stand on.
Finish What You Started - Perform 100 finishers or ultra melee combos.
Knockout in the Blackout - Defeat 50 enemies in powered down areas while no missions are active.
Go Long! - Hurl 50 objects using the Kinetic Pulse ability.
Cole' Blooded - Defeat 100 civilians.
Army Of Me - Defeat 300 enemies.
Hero to the People - Stop 80 crimes in progress.
Nothing Can Bring Me Down - Stay off the ground for 130 meters.
Return to Sender - Send a Helicopter's rockets back at it using any Blast ability.
Vehicular Manslaughter - Defeat 25 enemies by throwing cars at them.
Take Them For A Spin - Hit at least 6 cars in a single Ionic Vortex.
Shock and Awe - Thunder drop into a group of 5 or more enemies.
Thunder Flop - Thunder drop from the highest place in New Marais.
Head Hunter - Use the Precision ability to rack up three head shots in rapid succession.
Discerning Taste - Take down a street performer who is imitating a statue.
I'm As Shocked As You Are - Defeat an enemy or civilian by stepping in water.
Don't Fence Me In - Climb a chain link fence and rejoice.
Express Elevator - Ascend 50 vertical launch poles.
Heavy Hitter - Use your Ionic Powers 30 times.
Matching Set - Unlock and purchase a power of each type by performing stunts.
Level Up - Create a new mission using the UGC level editor.
UGC Curious - Play 10 user-generated missions.
UGC Veteran - Play 25 user-generated missions.
Trail Blazer - Play 5 user-generated missions under the Newest filter.
Closed Casket Affair - Give Bertrand what he wants.
Status Kuo - Choose Kuo in Storm the Fort.
Get Nix'ed - Choose Nix in Storm the Fort.
Status Kuo - Choose Kuo in Storm the Fort.
Get Nix'ed - Choose Nix in Storm the Fort.

With Great Power Comes Greater Power - Unlock and purchase all powers.
Shardcore - Pick up 50% of blast shards scattered around New Marais.
Fight the Good Fight - Unlock the good ending.
Forging Your Own Path - Unlock the evil ending.
Land Lord - Take over the first island in New Marais.
It's My Town, Now - Take over the second island in New Marais.
Well inFORMED - Collect all Dead drops.
Arch Villain - Earn full negative Karma.
Incorruptible - Earn full positive Karma.

Pain Builds Character - Finish the game on hard difficulty.
Just One More - Pick up all the blast shards scattered around New Marais.

inFAMOUS 2 Platinum Trophy - Collect all other inFAMOUS 2 Trophies

84 - Metacritic
Gametrailers - 92
Excels with a varied open world, bookended by monumental set-piece battles. The inclusion of user-generated content constitutes almost as a game unto itself, and while the morality system isn't one that calls for tough decision making, it pushes even further to provide two dramatically different gameplay experiences.
IGN - 90
Nothing exists in Infamous 2 just because, and that's something developer Sucker Punch should be commended for. When combined with how well-executed just about everything in the game is, the overall package is one of PlayStation 3's best and a must-play for fans of the first game.
Joystiq - 90
Infamous 2 tows a perfect line between too-strong and too-puny, between human and superhuman, between risk and restraint. It halfheartedly delivers on a few of its promises, but its shortcomings are far outweighed by this one stellar achievement: It knows how to make you feel powerful.
Game Informer - 88
The more I played Infamous 2, the more I found myself disengaged with the story, instead enjoying the experience solely for its amazing open-world superhero fights. The game sacrifices its narrative flow for more fantastic elements. This isn't a necessarily a bad thing; it just ends up being more about the action and random moments than Cole's journey.
Eurogamer - 80
During its best moments, it feels like something we might have been given by the Assassin's Creed team if they'd grown up immersed in the works of Steve Ditko rather than Umberto Eco: a hard-edged pulp adventure where your tools are perfectly matched to your missions. If the original game gave Cole a purpose, this one provides a little personality to go with it.
Gamespot - 75
Small problems hold Infamous 2 back from greatness, but there's still a lot of electrifying fun to be had in Cole's latest adventure.