Gravijah said:
The problem is there are lights and other details, not just buildings and shapes, located in BOTH pictures.
Ok, but i ment that there are still much work done to the inFamous artwork, it is not exactly a copy in this way, at least in my opinion. Fire is added to some of the building, there are more lights on some of the buildings, a new building is added to the down left corner, Cole is added and some trees are removed from the street.
How much of the details are located in both pictures by the way? I noticed that some of the lights on the skyscrapers are basicly the same. What else is there?
I guess that what "copy" is can be discussed though, since the inFamous artwork is most likely based on that skyline picture, so in this way i guess that it can be defined as a copy, i agree. But there have been done some work with this skyline picture, so it is not exactly the same picture eventhough that the buildings got the same shapes, that the buildings are in the same locations, and that there are lights and other details that are located in both of the pictures. So i dont know know if i would call the inFamous artwork exactly for a copy in this way, but that is just my opinion
But i do think that the guy who took the skyline picture should be payed a bit of money by Sucker Punch and/or Sony for using the picture, if he wants money and if Sucker Punch didnt have permission to use the picture that is (i know that the guy who took the skyline picture said he didnt give permission, but does he own the copyright to the picture? I guess that this guy would have mentioned that he didnt own the copyright to the picture if this was the case though).
EDIT: I added some text.