Third power was spoiled for me. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
Time to go total blackout. Won't be entering this thread or any other infamous related threads until I finish the game.
No Preload is BULLSHIT Sony, BULLSHIT!, get your fucking SHIT together, FUCK!
I want this game.
The endings have both been great so far. I just don't want expectations like power numbers guiding how I view everything. Just rather let it happen. These games are fun comic book stories and I like to discover which tropes they integrate on my own. Nothing serious but still fun to go in fresh.
You should only have to download a certain amount of it to boot up the game, but yeah PSN needs to support pre-loading everywhere, I don't get why it doesn't.
I thought the actual villain in the first game was really well done. But I tend to like time travel and paradoxes, etc.
I forgot but didn't TLoU have some kind of preloading?
I really wonder why people do this to themselves, just have the willpower to resist looking at spoilers
Apparently there will be no preloading of any kind for Second Son, wich is stupid, why have a new shiny hardware with all this new features and not take advantage of them?
How much is the digital version of this going to be on UK PSN?
For those that have been spoiled, are the other powers cool?
So I expect low 80's metacritic. Frankly I can't wait. Haven't played a game on my PS4 in weeks.
So I expect low 80's metacritic. Frankly I can't wait. Haven't played a game on my PS4 in weeks.
I'm in dreamland
Probably 49.99? Just a guess based on how much Thief is.
That's cute! That duck ain't triflin' with no stale-ass open world games.
My copy is about 15 miles from me. I'm hoping I actually get it today instead of tomorrow.
First ever GAF post!
Would playing through infamous 2 be a good idea? I played the first one which I really enjoyed. I want to catch up with what happened but I'm a bit worried if I play it I might get infamous burnout before next week.
GTA v fiasco dudeApparently there will be no preloading of any kind for Second Son, wich is stupid, why have a new shiny hardware with all this new features and not take advantage of them?
I think this .gif should be in the OP.
Mine was at the post office which is 2 min away from my house lol. It left there at 8 am, but my mail doesn't get here until about 1 pm, so now I wait.
First ever GAF post!
Would playing through infamous 2 be a good idea? I played the first one which I really enjoyed. I want to catch up with what happened but I'm a bit worried if I play it I might get infamous burnout before next week.
So I expect low 80's metacritic. Frankly I can't wait. Haven't played a game on my PS4 in weeks.
How are you guys getting this early? It's out next Friday right?
How are you guys getting this early? It's out next Friday right?
This seller on eBay sold hundreds of early copies.