Okay, I don't mind knowing what the achievements are before I play, I don't really care about spoilers since I don't play these kind of games for the stories, so I guess I'll grab a list online before I play it, much like I did for Vesperia (though that barely helps, other than the ridiculous secret missions).Hellraizer said:Yes IU has some Blue Draogn-ish achievements you can miss, most are rather easy, I found one to be really hard so far.rescuing the prisoners
BobM said:I just needed to chime in to say i am enjoying the hell out of this game. I think that some a being a bit harsh in thier criticisms, and if anyone is on the fence as to whter or not to give this game a try, I say give it a chance!
joesmokey said:Well I'm glad that I canceled my preorder and held off on this, but it's still disappointing that the game seems lackluster.
I'll probably rent it next week though to actually go through it.
rockman zx said:There is any logical explanation of the scene after the credits?.
How long is it taking people to finish the game? Is it really cut-scene heavy?
So awesome. I must have this game now. :lolecierif said:My time in the end was slightly under 17 hours. If I include parts I had to replay it would probably be slightly more than 18 hours. I think there may be about 2 hours of cutscenes. There's a fair number of brief ones and only a few long ones.
For me, the game just has not grabbed me and caught my interest in a way that would make me eager to see what will come next. I don't care about the characters at all and they annoy far more than endear.Princess Skittles said:How long is it taking people to finish the game? Is it really cut-scene heavy?
Kuran said:NM my previous question, the special voucher is in my inventory.
I was really excited about this game, and I'm loving certain Tri-Acey parts of it.. but the sound production is HORRIBLE! And I'm not talking about the voice issue.
For example, when these hounds approached me in a mini cutscene.. they didn't make any walking or growling sounds.. just a canned howl after a few seconds of silent animation.
Its all pretty awkward.. whoever was in charge of the sound design/production needs to be hung out to dry. How could they ship this?
Error said:I think I was a bit too harsh with the game. the game is not bad like... Radiata. but it's marred by some bullshit that drag it down. I think the worst part is the beginning and the last dungeon. the last dungeon specially, is a big offender.
Sometimes you get the feeling that tri-Ace totally phoned this one in, not the amount of polish VP2 or SO3: DC had, not by a long shot.
Orellio said:Edit: Meant to ask, is there a way to gain MP that doesn't involve aerial attacks or items/food? MP seems to always be in such short supply. I usually roll with my party set to "Save MP" otherwise my team mates use Battle Skills every other second and dry up all their MP in a couple minutes flat.
Apparently it's terrible, as it's the first time Tri-Crescendo hasn't done music for a tri-Ace game, and it shows.soul said:OST coming October 8. I haven't played the game yet, are the tracks any good?
Nemesis556 said:Apparently it's terrible, as it's the first time Tri-Crescendo hasn't done music for a tri-Ace game, and it shows.
To be honest, I'm pretty indifferent about the music, but I would never buy it.
WickedLaharl said:how do you get to?cassandra
Nemesis556 said:Apparently it's terrible, as it's the first time Tri-Crescendo hasn't done music for a tri-Ace game, and it shows.
To be honest, I'm pretty indifferent about the music, but I would never buy it.
Llyranor said:I just finished the woods section and just arrived at thedodging scene. Is this the dreaded beginning people were all talking about? That's it? It was fine for me. I might end up really liking the game, then.dragon
Nemesis556 said:I remember that part. It was stupid.
Basically, take the blue kid with you around the town, and talk to the cats. After that, talk to the maid lady, and she'll trigger a cutscene. After that, leave to the Dunes, and just turn to the right. You'll have a boss battle and then Gustav will join your party.
Close enough >_>Frillen said:Well, it's not really a boss, just a slightly more difficult enemy. But you'll meet more of them just a few minutes later.
Android18a said:The teleporter to the Timberlands now also goes to there, if you're at the right bit. The east exit of Kolton.
Nemesis556 said:Apparently it's terrible, as it's the first time Tri-Crescendo hasn't done music for a tri-Ace game, and it shows.
To be honest, I'm pretty indifferent about the music, but I would never buy it.
Nemesis556 said:Apparently it's terrible, as it's the first time Tri-Crescendo hasn't done music for a tri-Ace game, and it shows.
To be honest, I'm pretty indifferent about the music, but I would never buy it.
Is it another Sakuraba soundtrack?burgerdog said:The music is one of the best things about this game...
Ew, gross.duckroll said:Erm what? The music is always by Sakuraba, and he composed IU too.
Error said:I think I was a bit too harsh with the game. the game is not bad like... Radiata.
Error said:I got into the SG just to try it, and I got destroyed by the second group of enemies.![]()
burgerdog said:Aerial combo gives you extra exp, knocking them down gives you mp, by the way. Other than that, though, the only other way to get MP is to use potions. I wouldn't too much about having them save mp, as long as your healer is set to only do heals then you won't have much a problem. I always rolled with capell at ~50% mp, the other two attackers at 0%, and my healer at 100%. Oh, and this is my first tri-ace game since star ocean 2. I wasn't disappointed at all, now I want more rpgs with this battle system.
duckroll said:
GameGamer said:I liked this game but I had to give up on it.
The save points were too much trouble.
I would just play to get to a save point and then stop playing.
I could not enjoy it.
So save points = - 1 sale : (
Let me save when I want please.
Honestly Eugene is the best dedicated healer, his HP is pretty high for a magic based character and he has great healing spells. Plus he gets Astro, which at level 2 becomes ridiculous.Orellio said:Oh shit, thanks man. They explain to you in-game which situations give you Exp/AP/MP but that info is nowhere to be found in the manual afaik. I haven't picked a dedicated healer yet, that would probably be a good idea. I'm thinking Rucha.