Firestorm said:I found it enjoyable enough. I think it's a good rental, just like Eternal Sonata.
MMaRsu said:Hey guys what's the verdict on this game? I just started it ( first cutscene )... why no japanese voice track by the way?
I can still probably return it tomorrow if it sucks.. I want to know the gaf verdict cause reviews dont mean that much to me.
Great for $10 if you did that Best Buy sale. I would pay $30 and find it completely worthwhile.MMaRsu said:Hey guys what's the verdict on this game? I just started it ( first cutscene )... why no japanese voice track by the way?
I can still probably return it tomorrow if it sucks.. I want to know the gaf verdict cause reviews dont mean that much to me.
BenjaminBirdie said:So, I hear that it gets better after the first five hours (yikes! that's still a long time), but the first hour of this game was abominable.
Custscenes: Terrible. Half of them have no VO but go on like they do. Also, written by eighth graders
Graphics: Awful. Drab, uninspired, completely free from detail
Characters: Oh my god, when they introduce the rest of this band of plucky rebels, not only were they embarrassingly voiced, not only were they stiffly animated, but they were by far the most poorly designed characters I've ever seen. Like, laughably so. This one guy has a beard...I mean. You have to see it to believe it.
Gameplay: I suppose the fighting was fun, but it's hard to tell when you spend the first hour of the game in pretty much complete darkness. Which is bad news for a game where you actually have to direct yourself towards enemies. This also makes traveling the map a chore. But hey, at least you can just guide yourself through it with the mini-map, right? Oh no wait, that frequently, for some reason, gets buried in static. I walked into more poorly textured walls than Jumping Flash.
I'm starting to feel like $10 might have been a little steep of an asking price.
How much better does it get, and how does it do it?
Saiyar said:The start of the game, the chase sequence in the prison, the stealth sequence (hence the minimap static) in the forest, and the short sequence after the forest are easily the worst parts of the game. After that it reverts to normal dungeons/combat so if you liked the comabt system it will improve. Decent crafting system aswell.
If you think the characters and VA are bad now wait till the two kids are added. Script is hit and miss. Story is okay but it seemed to me that it was incomplete (plotlines that go nowhere, characters that are forgotten about etc).
Aru said:I didn't think that the graphics were so terrible.
Well, it's not great. But artistically I found it good.
Each character is pretty unique and well designed.
I do agree that their personality are quite generic.
The music is good too, especially the main battle theme![]()
MMaRsu said:Hey guys what's the verdict on this game? I just started it ( first cutscene )... why no japanese voice track by the way?
I can still probably return it tomorrow if it sucks.. I want to know the gaf verdict cause reviews dont mean that much to me.
vandalvideo said:The core gameplay and story itself isn't all that bad. I think where IU goes wrong is the voice acting. Square didn't give Tri very much money to hire good localization staff, and they ended up getting these awkward, dry deliveries. I muted the VO about halfway through the game and started enjoying it alot more. The VO really removes willful suspension. It is an otherwise great game sans the VO.
BenjaminBirdie said:Oh my god, fuck this!
I just went through the forest to the shrine, lured the two fucking animals to the door (surprise, snakes can't climbs stairs very well, game designers!) and then I get fucking murderized by a massive boss fight? And the last save point was in TOWN?
Aru said:It wasn't THAT bad. I've heard VA way worst than that.
I actually liked Aya and Capell's VA.
The worst character, IMO, was the Dreadknight. Awful VA, awful design, awful personality.
And about the graphics, some places are really beautiful:
- the desert
- the forest with- the city just before that forest, I forgot the name. Nice BG music too.lunar rain
The graphics are very nice.Aru said:It wasn't THAT bad. I've heard VA way worst than that.
I actually liked Aya and Capell's VA.
The worst character, IMO, was the Dreadknight. Awful VA, awful design, awful personality.
And about the graphics, some places are really beautiful:
- the desert
- the forest with- the city just before that forest, I forgot the name. Nice BG music too.lunar rain
I'm at that exact same part. I just opened IU the other day after buying it at the $10 Best Buy sale. The game wasn't awful but I've dragged every single enemy in that dungeon to that door and nothing happens. I'm sure I'm missing something that 5 seconds on google could fix but I've never been one to use strategy guides. I wish the game could be a bit more clear on certain things.BenjaminBirdie said:Oh my god, fuck this!
I just went through the forest to the shrine, lured the two fucking animals to the door (surprise, snakes can't climbs stairs very well, game designers!) and then I get fucking murderized by a massive boss fight? And the last save point was in TOWN?
Wrekt said:I'm at that exact same part. I just opened IU the other day after buying it at the $10 Best Buy sale. The game wasn't awful but I've dragged every single enemy in that dungeon to that door and nothing happens. I'm sure I'm missing something that 5 seconds on google could fix but I've never been one to use strategy guides. I wish the game could be a bit more clear on certain things.
dgenx said:Ehh.. my friend gave me just disc 1 as a "gift" (he hated thegame and his xbox scratched disc 2).
Is it ok to play just disc 1? I know that sounds weird
Aru said:And about the music: Sakuraba surprised me a little here. Some tunes remind me of Valkyrie Profile 2 but some other ones don't sound like Sakuraba at all.
Spirit Icana said:This game has some of Motoi Sakuraba's best music. Nice epic stuff. I think it all sounds very much like him. He's pretty creative, it's just that he works on ten million games every year so some of his songs start to sound like remixes and the listener, who may have heard half or more of his works, start to get a good feel of his style. I hope he continues to do full orchestral music for some of the games he works on. I enjoy this style of his best, much more over the progessive rock stuff, which can be good too.
He's my favorite composer. I don't think I would've enjoyed Eternal Sonata or Infinite Undiscovery as much if his music wasn't so darn great in these games. I want to see him deliver this musical punch to a real great game now (Mario Galaxy/Zelda calibur titles). I hope to hear Mio Sakuraba sing another nice song too.
I hope Golden Sun 3 will be a musical masterpiece.
Aru said:Yeah, I think music can transform a generic & mediocre game into something really enjoyable.
Spirit Icana said:This game has some of Motoi Sakuraba's best music. Nice epic stuff. I think it all sounds very much like him. He's pretty creative, it's just that he works on ten million games every year so some of his songs start to sound like remixes and the listener, who may have heard half or more of his works, start to get a good feel of his style. I hope he continues to do full orchestral music for some of the games he works on. I enjoy this style of his best, much more over the progessive rock stuff, which can be good too.
He's my favorite composer. I don't think I would've enjoyed Eternal Sonata or Infinite Undiscovery as much if his music wasn't so darn great in these games. I want to see him deliver this musical punch to a real great game now (Mario Galaxy/Zelda calibur titles). I hope to hear Mio Sakuraba sing another nice song too.
I hope Golden Sun 3 will be a musical masterpiece.
Harteex said:I haven't heard much of Sakuraba before, what is your favourite game ost from him that isn't IU?
Harteex said:I never figured that out by myself, I looked it up.
Link or whatever it was called with Mico and use one of his skills... charade something, on the enemies and they'll follow.
Kreed said:I picked this game up for 10 bucks too a few weeks ago at Best Buy and I've been enjoying it excluding the voice acting (one of the reasons Square Enix needs to start including the original VAs for their games).
Glix said:I spent about a half hour getting them to aggro me, and slowing moving to the door so that they stayed with me and kept attacking me. As soon as I clicked on the door, they would bolt back to their original spot.
Man, did that piss me off, I had to look it up as well.
Llyranor said:Of Sakuraba's recent work, I prefer Eternal Sonata by a huge margin, but IU is pretty good as well. SO4/Vesperia are pretty forgettable.
MMaRsu said:Well I'm stuck in Blue Dragon ( goddamn water temple like dungeon, fuck that thing is shit ), so I'll just go and play this instead. I got up to the point where the two kids were added. It's so strange that alot of cutscenes don't have any VA but allright. Graphics aren't that hot, and the prison part sucked ass. Fucking Ogre. So did the forest part.
But I hope it's better from now on..Combat is cool![]()
Harteex said:Wow I didn't know he did the music for Eternal Sonata. I've got the game but haven't started playing it yet![]()
Capell sounds bad, but in return it's all about Aya and Michelle, and Komachi sounding good.batbeg said:The videos I saw with the Japanese voice acting were pretty fucking abysmal, to be honest. Capell was just... so annoying.
Agreed. Once you get your full cast of characters, the game starts picking up its pace and it never really lets up. An IU2 with all the rough points addressed would be a surefire hit. Hopefully MS will make it happen.eXistor said:Such an underrated game. Just don't expect the second coming of Jesus and you'll like it fine. It's very solid all the way through.
Spirit Icana said:Hartex, I want you to listen to this. This was sung by Motoi Sakuraba's daughter when she was just 9 years old. The music is composed by him and his wife wrote the lyrices, which were then translated to italian, and then Mio sang the song in italian.
Enjoy! I think you'll have a lot of nice listening sessions since you haven't heard much of Sakuraba before.
BenjaminBirdie said:In terms of music, the Start Screen piano theme is really quite nice. I often just let it play for a little bit.
Achievements are a very, very hard 1000. You will get any where from 350 to 500 on a first play through on Normal but to get some of the other achievements you'll be taking a very long time. I've played through it once on normal and am trying to get all of the rest of the achievements this time on Hard (besides one more that I can't get on this playthrough that is worth 1 point).daycru said:Is this worth 17.99? I have a 120 gig which mitigates many of the problems from what I've read. How are the achievements? Jonesing for a JRPG for some reason.
dragonlife said:I've been playing this game for about 16 hours now.'s actually pretty damn awesome. I dismissed initially and thought it was the worst JRPG I had ever played. That was last year. I decided to give the game another shot two days ago and brought it with me (along with Catherine) when I had to house/dog-sit for my sister and her husband.
I really like it. I like all the trait stuff and seeing another group of four members on the map besides your own at times. It makes it feel like a true party of people traveling together.
This has always been something I wanted to see in more JRPGs. I've never seen it, really, but I was pleasantly surprised that it was implemented in this game. It cemented my love for it quite a bit. I really liked the Vesplume cool.FreeMufasa said:I really like it too. This game is unbelievably hated though. I mean sure, it does have quite a few legitimate criticisms but people would make you believe it's Big Rigs level.
I wish more JRPGs implemented the big party feature (I think it was like 4 teams of 4?). Give you access to order each one around. Looks like PSO2 is doing that.