If you like blood on the floor, go ahead.Wolfy said:Is it safe to try and fix an ingrown toenail by yourself? For instanec, if one was to take pliers, pull the side of the nail out from under the skin and then try to cut it with scissors or clippers? I heard doctors put nails into the toe and freeze it, that sounds painful.
Wolfy said:Is it safe to try and fix an ingrown toenail by yourself? For instanec, if one was to take pliers, pull the side of the nail out from under the skin and then try to cut it with scissors or clippers?
B'z-chan said:Take if from someone who has had the doctor do this to him a total of 10 times. Its worth it to get it taken care of by a doctor. They usually like to kill the nerve that grows the nail too. But for some reason my two big toes (both sides of the toes) have given me problems still to this day.
Some of the nerves actually live with bacteria in the bottom of your feet in this huge thing. Thats when they have to shave the bottom of your foot off and then they wrap your food. I've had this done a few times two. Not the best thing to have to deal with.
Yeah, I had that done to me a few months back -- no problems since then. And it doesn't take too long, either.robochimp said:You've had it 10 times and they havent sent you to a surgeon yet to take care of the problem permenantly? You should really ask about it. Its actual surgery not give you a local and trim away. THey put you under open up the skin on either side and remove the sides of the nail so they can never grow back. If you're still under your parents insurance go do it man.