Been stuck for an hour. Anyone who's finished can help?
The bit with the creature under water:
There's the chain operated by a button. I know you have to stick your toes a bit to lure it to the left, but as much as i try i can't reach the button with the closing door underwater. Any help?
I'm going to ask for a refund.Fuck.
I'm going to ask for a refund.
What do you do forJust finished it. Go play this ASAP, and avoid this place until you finish it.
EDIT: This game is now my favourite thing to be funded by the EU.
What do you do forthe 19 people thing, I'm on the bottom level trying to get the people out the hanging thing with the switch that shoots up, i can't reach them
Anyone help please lol
Guys, I'm telling you....if you have any interest in this game, leave this thread until you've played it.
Thank you! I'm an idiotActivate the switch, after it shoots up, push the crate underneath it. Now climb atop the switch and activate it. You will now be able to reach the cage with the other people.
This game's sound design is incredible, even in the first 5 mins. Stopped playing through, waiting for night.
Of course.I'm assuming you've uninstalled it, and reinstalled it?
According German Xbox support preorders don't work at the moment. I preordered via PayPal and because of that I won't receive a refund.
Why so?It was ok. Its not a 10/10 more like 8/10. The hype made me expect alot. There are some really awesome moments.
I can't answer that but there is a thread about this on the Xbox support forums.What all preorders?, or just German ones?
Any guides?