Be a good brother and buy it for him, I'm sure he'll let you have a shot![]()
Brotherly love doesn't work like this!
Be a good brother and buy it for him, I'm sure he'll let you have a shot![]()
Could this end up being the game with the highest metacritic rating on XB1? Seems like it, and well deserved.
The comments are all overwhelmingly positive for this game. I usually get home at around 12:10am EDT every night after work... I've got the game preloaded so I'll fire this up as soon as I'm home!
Brotherly love doesn't work like this!
Hey, I may be 10 years older, but he's taller and a freshman defensive end/running backHe could tell his brother:
"I'm going to buy this game on your XB1 and you'll let me play it or I'm going to beat you like when we were kids".
aww dude you can preload? I'm so there.
OH SHIT I even have the $10 from getting fallout 4 for free. so happy!
Hey, I may be 10 years older, but he's taller and a freshman defensive end/running back![]()
yeah it's up in the US too, thanks for reminding me.Yay, at least in EU. (Don't know about UK)
aww dude you can preload? I'm so there.
OH SHIT I even have the $10 from getting fallout 4 for free. so happy!
No. GTA V and MGS 5 both have better scores.
So how difficult are the puzzles purported to be?
aww dude you can preload? I'm so there.
OH SHIT I even have the $10 from getting fallout 4 for free. so happy!
It's dramatically better than Limbo in every way but particularly in puzzle/gameplay design, which is a lot more robust and involved, and in the sheer scale of the environments and scenarios.
This probably sounds hyperbolic, but Limbo seriously feels like a proof of concept or prototype next to Inside. God I am dying to see what people think about some of the insane shit in this game.
I've seen length range from 3.5 to 5 hoursi haven't bought anything from xbox since Halo 5 came out, inside might break the curse, i just want to know how long the game is, congrats to microsoft on their first exclusive to reach 90+ from MC on xbox one
Waiting for PSV version. Don't want to play this kind of game on big screen.
Hmm... Midnight in Germany, thought it would unlock now.
It didn't, going to bed.
Just like Another WorldLooks really cool and I'll grab it when money isn't so tight but from watching the Kotaku thing it's more of the trial and error so you kinda have to experience the "lolz look at this kid meet horrible deaths!" thing the developers seem to fetishize a bit which is a bit of a bummer.
- Grounded in reality - characters are anatomically correct, extremely vulnerable, take lethal falling and environmental damage, firearm combat requires you to pull out weapon before use, items and interactive elements are always in a logical location (on floor, wall, no floating coins etc.)
- Realistic movement - fluid step-based movement, slow and clunky compared to mascot platformers, realistic jump height/distance, running inertia and shifting weight, vertical movement is often done by climbing on platform ledges, rocks, ladders or using elevators
- Trial and error gameplay - revolves around memorization and trial and error, frequent deaths are a part of the learning process, checkpoints are often implemented, unlimited retries, item and environment based puzzles (bring battery to generator, blow up rock to open a path etc.), often fairly short games once you know what youre doing
- Environments and hazards - plenty of one-hit-kill hazards and traps, cliffs and pits, destructible doors/barriers, hostile creatures and enemies, levels often have backtracking and free roaming between small areas
- Well animated visuals - 2D side view, exceptionally fluid rotoscoped or 3D pre-rendered character animations, screen flipping scenes, UI is minimal to nonexistent, numerous (and gruesome) death and plot cutscenes
- Minimalistic storytelling - ranging from no text or dialogue to a few short lines or cutscenes, silent protagonist, the plot often revolving around being suddenly thrown into a hostile and/or alien environment over the course of a few hours to a day or so
- Cinematic presentation - achieved with well animated characters and action sequences, unique cinematic set pieces with special actions and input requirements (Another World rocking the cage, kicking an enemy in the nuts, pressing random buttons on a cockpit etc.), long stretches of silence broken by dramatic music in action situations, custom cutscenes and animations for almost every brutal way you can die
So was the marketing for this game by design? You don't hear anything and even the E3 trailer said absolutely nothing, then the embargo lifts and it looks like it's almost unanimous praise.
So was the marketing for this game by design? You don't hear anything and even the E3 trailer said absolutely nothing, then the embargo lifts and it looks like it's almost unanimous praise.
Game is short and is best experienced by going in completely blind. I guess they saw no reason to reveal much and thought the game would speak for itself with the review scores.
Little marketing was on purpose for sure. They already have their own fan base for those who bought Limbo on launch. The goal is to show as little as possible because people that play their games want to know as little as possible (at least I do). They've established a form of trust where I don't care what they make after this because I'm buying it anyway. These guys are fucking pros at making games & take their sweet time.
I think we still have 5 hours?