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iOS 6 |OT| New Maps? googy pls


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I've never come across a flap on Google maps, hence my asking.



quick question for anybody that has used the maps app, does it have "avoid tolls"? I really hate that the maps app right now doesnt have that option. Does the new map app have this option at all?


quick question for anybody that has used the maps app, does it have "avoid tolls"? I really hate that the maps app right now doesnt have that option. Does the new map app have this option at all?

It will tell you beforehand that the selected route will require tolls, but there doesn't seem to be an "avoid tolls" option.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I gotta say this is a pretty shoddy looking app, the skeuomorphism is out of control (the weird panel with turtle to rabbit option is just...uhhh what)
The turtle and rabbit are more of a matter of consistency as they were already used for speaking rate in accessibility options like VoiceOver and Speak Selection.


Isn't the app built to accept pretty much anything? So it's up to the app developer, and not Apple?

I think if you have cards, coupons, etc. that use those newer barcodes, you can technically just make your own card with an image of the barcode. You don't need to be a developer to put out a card.
RE: Wallets.

Here's what I have in my wallet:
Driver's License <-- I have no idea why I can't use my phone for this.
Costco Membership <-- 1D Barcode
Gas Card (-2 cents a litre!) <-- Magnetic stripe
Debit Card <-- Magnetic stripe+chip
Credit Card <-- Magnetic stripe+chip + NFC (Could be co-opted if Passbook adds NFC)
Ten year old high school graduation photo of my girlfriend <-- could be replaced by phone lock screen now

Apple won't be able to make my wallet thinner unless they manage to kill off my wallet altogether. Which I hope they do. Carrying a wallet sounds like something peasants did in the 1480s.

What happens when your battery dies? Or no signal?

I think wallet can replace a fair few things, but not my core debit, credit cards. Store/restaurant loyalty cards is fine though


What happens when your battery dies? Or no signal?

I think wallet can replace a fair few things, but not my core debit, credit cards. Store/restaurant loyalty cards is fine though
I've had Taxi Magic fail me due to AT&T's shitty network coverage too many times to trust this.


The cell signal of the phone wouldn’t matter. the processing of the card gets done on the POS terminal.

battery life would be the one killer for absentminded people.


NFC doesn't require wifi or data. You're just transmitting the data to the terminal over radio. You just can't run out of battery.


Battery is an issue, but I like that you should be able to act if you should loose your "E-Wallet", with Find my iPhone and stuff like a regular wallet can't.

Also fuck physical money. Let me live in a 100% digital world, please.


NFC doesn't require wifi or data. You're just transmitting the data to the terminal over radio. You just can't run out of battery.

You can always carry around a rewritable card with you and write to it every now and then with different accounts.
Battery is an issue, but I like that you should be able to act if you should loose your "E-Wallet", with Find my iPhone and stuff like a regular wallet can't.

Also fuck physical money. Let me live in a 100% digital world, please.

Tell Visa and Mastercard not to take a percentage of the sale or charge fees for credit card transactions. Until then, cash is here to stay.


Still Alive
The new podcast app is great, bit slow and glitchy but overall I like where they're going with it, and it's about damn time.


Ok, is it just me or is this Podcast app really weird?

When I first started it, it got the podcasts from my Music app and added them. I marked them as played in iTunes and synced and they were still unplayed in Podcast app.

I started adding subscriptions and it downloaded some episodes, but if I mark them as played inside Podcast, they're still unplayed in Music

Also there's not a lot of info on what it's doing, for example I couldn't interact with some episodes in Podcast until I opened Music and realized they were still downloading or in queue to be downloaded

Also there's no way that I can see to universally set all podcast settings or to mark all unplayed episodes as played, I have to go into each individual one
Is the podcast app pulling from the same data as the mobile itunes app? i.e. not being updated as soon as the rss is on the regular pc/mac one?


Ok, is it just me or is this Podcast app really weird?

When I first started it, it got the podcasts from my Music app and added them. I marked them as played in iTunes and synced and they were still unplayed in Podcast app.

I started adding subscriptions and it downloaded some episodes, but if I mark them as played inside Podcast, they're still unplayed in Music

Also there's not a lot of info on what it's doing, for example I couldn't interact with some episodes in Podcast until I opened Music and realized they were still downloading or in queue to be downloaded

Also there's no way that I can see to universally set all podcast settings or to mark all unplayed episodes as played, I have to go into each individual one

yeah, it doesn’t sync playback status or position with iTunes (that still hooks into the podcast section of the music app). makes it worthless for me personally at the moment as i still listen to lots of podcasts on the computer and want to sync positions between mac and iOS, not just iDevice to iDevice.

If the podcast playback is gone form the music app in iOS6, then they better get proper syncing set up with a new version of iTunes or some other dev better make a decent Mac client that syncs.
yeah, it doesn’t sync playback status or position with iTunes (that still hooks into the podcast section of the music app). makes it worthless for me personally at the moment as i still listen to lots of podcasts on the computer and want to sync positions between mac and iOS, not just iDevice to iDevice.

If the podcast playback is gone form the music app in iOS6, then they better get proper syncing set up with a new version of iTunes or some other dev better make a decent Mac client that syncs.

Plus can anyone who has this and has iPod functionality in their car, can they verify it can still read the podcasts or not?


Yeah, I always like having 50 to 100 bucks cash on me. shit happens.

i can’t see my phone replacing my wallet and cards completely for a while. Maybe 10 years.

and, one small thing that I was thinking about (NFC is not part of this). the current loyalty card at my grocery uses the stationary barcode scanner they use for food items to scan the barcode on the card. so they take your card from you, plop it down on the glass, then slide it back and forth a bit to scan it.

even if that card could get transferred to my iPhone with passbook, I don’t want to have to hand the phone over to the cashier so they can smack it around the glass and manhandle it like they do with my bananas.


hmm, so it looks like it does work. I just opened Podcast, it updated and found a new unplayed episode and downloaded it, opened Music and saw it there. I opened Podcast, marked it as played and it was still unplayed in Music. I quit the Music app (not just closed) and then opened it and the episode was gone.

It doesn't work with keeping the time though, only if it's played or unplayed and I don't see how it could interact with iTunes since the podcast ends up being deleted if it's finished


listen to the mad man
What about emergencies?

What's an emergency? Like... if I get robbed? I don't live in a place where people get robbed. If there's a multi-day power outage? The longest city-wide power outage in my life has been 2 days. If... uh... bandits overthrow the government? I don't know? I haven't carried cash except to pay my mechanic or buy stuff off Kijiji/Craigslist in about a decade. I really have no idea what emergency could possibly make me need cash.
What's an emergency? Like... if I get robbed? I don't live in a place where people get robbed. If there's a multi-day power outage? The longest city-wide power outage in my life has been 2 days. If... uh... bandits overthrow the government? I don't know? I haven't carried cash except to pay my mechanic or buy stuff off Kijiji/Craigslist in about a decade. I really have no idea what emergency could possibly make me need cash.

Car breaks down and it needs to get towed? I'm not talking about just cash here, but not having physical forms of payment at all. I use cash at a minimum but I still always have something stashed in case of a situation where cash is the only option too. We don't live in a world that is completely electronic yet so I think it's too soon and unreasonable to rely on a phone containing all forms of payment.


listen to the mad man
Car breaks down and it needs to get towed?

Pay with credit, NFC. But I also have CAA (I guess this is "AAA" in the US?) so I get free towing. All debit/credit readers now had to be updated for chip cards beginning in 2009, mandatory as of I think the end of this year. I still see some pre-chip readers, but they will be expunged.

I still always have something stashed in case of a situation where cash is the only option too.

This literally does not occur where I live. There are no such places. Maybe if I wanted to get a tattoo from a guy on the side of the road? Hippies selling fruit in an open air farmer's market use wireless debit terminals by and large.
Pay with credit, NFC. But I also have CAA (I guess this is "AAA" in the US?) so I get free towing. All debit/credit readers now had to be updated for chip cards beginning in 2009, mandatory as of I think the end of this year. I still see some pre-chip readers, but they will be expunged.

We have AAA; I have AAA, but I got in a situation once where there was an accident, cops came, and called a tow truck. I had no option to wait for AAA because they needed to clear the scene. I had to pay with a CC for the towing. How did I pay? They did the only school method of imprinting my card.

It's also unreasonable to expect every store and business to have NFC when you can't even expect every store and business to accept CC. It's an ideal goal for sure, but the real world doesn't work like that any time soon.

This literally does not occur where I live. There are no such places. Maybe if I wanted to get a tattoo from a guy on the side of the road? Hippies selling fruit in an open air farmer's market use wireless debit terminals by and large.

Where is it that you live where nobody accepts cash only?
I've seen a few markets and food trucks that take credit card.

I don't think it's a question of some; it's more of a question do they all take it? Putting everything from your wallet into a phone requires the infrastructure that everyone accepts payment in that form. If we don't live in a world where everyone accepts at least CC, I can't see how we can expect everyone to accept NFC.

Some of my favorite places to eat are cash only.


Maybe in America. Again, wireless debit is very popular here. *shrugs*
In Hong Kong, RFID-payments via Octupus are more ubiquitous than nearly anywhere in the world. I swipe the same card for subway, bus, train, groceries, restaurants, etc. There still are street markets and street food that sell things on such small margins that the cost for readers and the cut required isn't worth it. You can give that up of course, but life would be less interesting.
I don't think it's a question of some; it's more of a question do they all take it? Putting everything from your wallet into a phone requires the infrastructure that everyone accepts payment in that form. If we don't live in a world where everyone accepts at least CC, I can't see how we can expect everyone to accept NFC.

Some of my favorite places to eat are cash only.

For me, in NYC, enough places accept credit card that I feel fine going without cash on a daily basis and all I'm hoping for is the same for NFC in the relatively near future. As for places that are cash only, I hate them and I think it's a stupid gimmick for a business to have.
The hilarious thing about this is that I'm talking about my experience. I'm not talking about the whole world. I'm not talking about your experience. I don't care what your experience is. I'm talking about my experience. I don't use cash. Every single garage in the city I live in takes debit/credit.

So in Canada, all businesses can afford to accept credit cards? The percentage take and CC fees in the US make that very hard for all businesses to accept. Great if so, but I just find it hard that there is any city out there that doesn't accept cash only and that there isn't a situation out there where in an emergency, NFC might not be an option and having a physical card might be the only way to go. If Canada works like that, then great for all Canadians, but I just find it hard to believe there's a place where everything would be ok if you went completely with everything stored on a phone.

For me, in NYC, enough places accept credit card that I feel fine going without cash on a daily basis and all I'm hoping for is the same for NFC in the relatively near future. As for places that are cash only, I hate them and I think it's a stupid gimmick for a business to have.

It's not a gimmick though. For a small business, CC fees are painful.


For me, in NYC, enough places accept credit card that I feel fine going without cash on a daily basis and all I'm hoping for is the same for NFC in the relatively near future. As for places that are cash only, I hate them and I think it's a stupid gimmick for a business to have.
I lived in NYC for 3 years and I found it was much less credit-friendly than in California, particularly since most of the restaurants I'd go to weren't big, chains are less common, there are cheapo street food vendors everywhere, Chinatown is full of little mom and pop grocers and restaurants, those grocers selling ripe groceries for pennies on the dollar under the Manhattan bridge are definitely not taking credit, and most bodegas seemed to be cash only or had a minimum charge for credit. And you want to tip bartenders in cash.


I live in Chicago, and I don't have much trouble with card in restaurants - but none of the farmer markets here take credit. Cabbies give you death stares if you bring out a credit card.

Credit card rates at POS must be higher here than internationally.
I really don't wanna backseat mod, but I happen to really really really care about iOS 6 a lot.
You know what I couldn't care less about? How many joints in your hood offer or do not offer payment via credit card.
the iPhone's gonna have it and you'll be able to use it at a lot of places. the iPhone will most likely never replace your wallet because it is a piece of technology and they break. also it is used by people and sometimes people break too.


The "problem" with that in my experience is that there's a lag between the time a podcast episode is posted via the show RSS and the time it appears in iTunes. So it'll be interesting to see how this works and whether they've improved that lag.

I love Downcast, it's gonna take a great app to tear me away from that.

To follow up on this post, I just noticed the Giant Bombcast thread, opened up the podcast app, and the new episode was there. So far, so good.
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