YouTube app >>>>>
I will accept the change but I am in no way happy about it. is slow and clunky as hell
Yeah. Hoping Google has an app ready for launch. The mobile site just isn't up to snuff in terms of speed and UI.
You can add to the home screen via Safari. Boom.
More reason for google to release their own. Or for people to just use the mobile site.
Weird, update won't pop on my 4S. Just get an error asking me to check again later. Servers must be getting slammed.
If the Maps is the biggest news in iOS6 you know iOS6 is crap.
Weird, update won't pop on my 4S. Just get an error asking me to check again later. Servers must be getting slammed.
Try checking for the update without wifi, then it should show up, then turn wifi back on and download.
If the Maps is the biggest news in iOS6 you know iOS6 is crap.
If the Maps is the biggest news in iOS6 you know iOS6 is crap.
I'm quite happy the YT app is gone. now links to videos will open in the browser instead of switching apps.
I'm not surprised the YouTube app has been removed, although it does seem a little odd that Apple finally updated the app for iOS 6 activity sheets feature etc. Why bother doing that if you're just going to remove it anyway?
Use for ten minutes, then you will understand.
They are VERY conservative with iOS, apparently.
That's another word for boring.
If the Maps is the biggest news in iOS6 you know iOS6 is crap.
I don't understand, the iPad Youtube app is good.Use for ten minutes, then you will understand.
You can't search by user on the search bar, can't do playlists and no quality setting I think it defaults to best. Anding a subscription is kinda hard from the app.
People asking for a big revamp are in for a shocker imo. The reason Android has seen so many changes is because that was an OS still being birthed. Expect many many many future updates to be like ice cream sandwich with some other updates, usually in features rather than UI or visuals. Like iOS.
That's just the nature of the beast. In fact I'd wager that apple has more room to grow at this point since they're still missing some notable stuff. With that said I'm disappointed they didn't try to implement some of those notable things with iOS 6, but I guess they are coasting/stretching themselves out. Which is worth complaining about.
We are working with Apple to ensure we have the best possible YouTube experience for iOS users.
nice nice
There really isn't much left to improve unless you start changing things for changes sake.
Steve Jobs would be very mad with you cheebs.
nice nice
Seems like YouTube's removal be a good thing for everybody.
Apple rids themselves of Google and saves money on license fees, Google has freedom to add new features/update it faster, and iOS users get a better app rather than a shitty outdated one they hide in a folder.
OSX has basically been the exact same OS for 10 years with tweaks here and there, but no complete UI overall. Sure he'd be fine with iOS looking the same for a while![]()
Seems like YouTube's removal be a good thing for everybody.
Apple rids themselves of Google and saves money on license fees, Google has freedom to add new features/update it faster, and iOS users get a better app rather than a shitty outdated one they hide in a folder.
You could say the same thing about going back to OS X Mobile (iOS 1). It improves each year, but the same core design is the same. No matter what they do it will remain an app based, layed out in a grid, navigation/title themed bar at top, vertical scrolling, shortcut tabs at bottom, interface. Not sure why anyone would want to change that.Go back to 10.0 then come back here and let us know how you got on.![]()
YouTube has been removed in Beta 4. Cutting those Google ties. Not surprising to see it go.
I guess because we've seen great improvements on this theme from both Android and webOS, and believe Apple could do even better if they would just do anything at all.You could say the same thing about going back to OS X Mobile (iOS 1). It improves each year, but the same core design is the same. No matter what they do it will remain an app based, layed out in a grid, navigation/title themed bar at top, vertical scrolling, shortcut tabs at bottom, interface. Not sure why anyone would want to change that.
I guess because we've seen great improvements on this theme from both Android and webOS, and believe Apple could do even better if they would just do anything at all.
Go back to 10.0 then come back here and let us know how you got on.![]()
Has anyone ever seen some concepts of an iOS redesign? I'd be curious about what people would like to see.
I'm using the mobile version on the phone, but haven't tried it on the iPad so far. Will do so when I'm back home.
Yeah, it's time for a big revamp. Also, apart from a visual redesign I was hoping for a more powerful inter-app communication, like on Android. Many parts of iOS are quite appealing in terms of usability and design, but often it feels so damn limited and primitive. But I really doubt they'll do that because it might confuse non tech savvy users..
I just wish they'd implement the obvious shit that I have to wait for a jailbreak for. I don't understand why simple things like, say, a mail icon in the status bar when you have an email, or being able to scroll through folders or SBSettings shit isn't standard at this point. These are really tiny things that wouldn't be overwhelming at all. The fact you can have stocks in the notification centre but not a brightness toggle is just baffling to me.
In terms of appearances, whatever. I don't get the fetishising of the home screen people do. When I have my phone in front of me, I have fast access to my most used apps. That's really all I want.
You're over-embellishing the impact. I would equate the iterations to cleaning up your place before guests come over, as opposed to getting a nicer house.They do. Use iOS 1.0, vastly different experience. But nothing drastic from one version to another. It's gradual so you don't notice it as it evolves but after a few years going back would be a huge difference.