Year Walk is a perfect example of a game I would much rather play on XBLA/PSN
Think of what a compromise it would have been to shrink games like Journey or Papa and Yo or whatever to iOS screen / experience. Actually, I am annoyed that so many people play The Walking Dead on iOS too because it is a scary zombie game and atmosphere is so limited on a smaller screen.
I feel the exact opposite.
Playing on iPad in the dark with headphones it's incredibly immersive, much more that being in front of a TV set or a PC monitor IMHO (I tried with AirPlay too).
Besides, the tactile experience in Year Walk and some puzzles wouldn't be the same at all on another platform (mouse or, even worse, a The Room).
If you are talking about iPhone, I could agree...tried it briefly and deleted.
If you can, play the game on iPad and the companion app on iPhone.
Completed the game 2 more times btw...the real ending blew me away every time.
Many are implying there is even more...I left some possible clues on the OT, if you are interested.
MUCH decrypting has already been done on TA forums, but I STRONGLY advice everyone to stay out of there till you are sure you have REALLY completed the game (seeing the credits isn't enough

because it's a spoiler feast.
To everyone who is playing and feel lost after 15 minutes...just stick with it...the game is not difficult and it's short...but belive me, you won't regret it.