Might be smart to upgrade to 4.1 while keeping your baseband where it is that way you always have the choice to unlock it.LovingSteam said:Nope. I'm no AT&T for another year at least.
What baseband/modem firmware is your iPhone on?
Might be smart to upgrade to 4.1 while keeping your baseband where it is that way you always have the choice to unlock it.LovingSteam said:Nope. I'm no AT&T for another year at least.
rc213 said:Might be smart to upgrade to 4.1 while keeping your baseband where it is that way you always have the choice to unlock it.
What baseband/modem firmware is your iPhone on?
Wario64 said:Does the newest JB work on iPod Touch 2g?
No you're not screwed if you have your SHSH blobs saved for 3.1.3. Open up Cydia and when it's fully loaded it should say it at the top. You can also back up your SHSH blobs locally using tinyumbrella.LovingSteam said:Firmware 3.1.3 and baseband is 05.12.01 Also, if I update to 4.1 and something doesn't go right with the jailbreak, I'm pretty much screwed with no chance of downgrading back to 3.1.3, right? Also, if I want to keep my baseband, do I need to wait for the other jailbreak?
DeathbyVolcano said:Does anyone know how long a mac version for these things usually takes to release? :-/
rc213 said:No you're not screwed if you have your SHSH blobs saved for 3.1.3. Open up Cydia and when it's fully loaded it should say it at the top. You can also back up your SHSH blobs locally using tinyumbrella.
If you decide to keep your baseband intact then wait for the dev teams tool. They always make it clear how to keep your baseband intact.
Anyone knows?Mairu said:So what's the protocol for this? I've got a 4 jailbroken. Do I update & restore then jailbreak & put all that stuff back on?
Was hoping it would be easier than that, but oh well. 4.1 jailbroken is 4.1 jailbroken
marc^o^ said:Anyone knows?
details? restored using TinyUmbrella?LovingSteam said:Thanks for the advice! I was able to update to 4.1, keep my baseband, and then jailbreak using limera1n. Loving 4.1!
Dreams-Visions said:details? restored using TinyUmbrella?
I'm staring blankly at TinyUmbrella right now. So you started the "TSS Server", which shuts down iTunes...then you re-opened iTunes and Shift/Option + Restored to 4.1. then jailbroke.LovingSteam said:Yup. The newest version. Worked like a charm. Only thing was all of my jailbreak apps were no longer there so I had to download those again. It also took a very long time for the restore to take place and I didn't get the error that the how to guide said I would. Either way, I'm good.
rc213 said:Beta 3 with new bootrom 3GS support is up.
Dreams-Visions said:I'm staring blankly at TinyUmbrella right now. So you started the "TSS Server", which shuts down iTunes...then you re-opened iTunes and Shift/Option + Restored to 4.1. then jailbroke.
New bootrom 3GS usually come with a newer baseband that can't be unlocked yet. Has no bearing on old bootrom 3GS iPhones.LovingSteam said:If I already have installed LimeRa1n without the new bootrom, is it just a quick update?
understood. thank you, kind sir.LovingSteam said:Yup. Downloaded the 4.1 firmware and then restore using it. Like I said, its going to take awhile. From my experience, it takes longer than just a normal restore (for whatever reason). Also, don't be surprised if you don't receive the error at the end. Your phone should just boot up.
seems a few in the community think he cared more about "stealing" then the "show"Mailenstein said:Wow, geohot really stole the show. Way to go, mate!
Yeah, not really.Mailenstein said:Wow, geohot really stole the show. Way to go, mate!
rc213 said:Got limera1n on my new bootrom 3GS 4.1 but it's white and when I click it all it does is close immediately.
It takes awhile. I'd say at least 15 minutes for me.Dreams-Visions said:those of you using TinyUmbrella...how long is it taking for your restore to finish? roughly?
Dreams-Visions said:I tried it out and would have kept it installed, but for some reason, I couldn't scroll like I could with Infinifolders.
DeathbyVolcano said:If you decide to try FolderEnhancer, just delete Infinifolders and if you don't like the former, reinstall the latter. I like the former better just because it loads the folder quicker, but some people may not like that it covers most of the screen once it loads up.
I'd say its definitely worth trying, though.
It's actually a bootrom hole. Unpatchable.Mejilan said:In this case?
Probably because he was trying to force-convince the competition to (edit) WITHHOLD releasing their SHAtter exploit method by beating them to the punch with his own version that uses a still-surprisingly-viable-but-probably-soon-to-be-patched-by-Apple exploit, so to speak.
Edit - Haha, fixed a typo that effectively indicated the exact opposite of what I meant.
red shoe paul said:Just updated and jailbroke with limera1n. Working flawlessly on my iPhone 4 fw-4.1.
Ugh, I'm gonna use his tools but Geohot really pulled a dick move here. My respect for him is non existent.Mailenstein said:Wow, geohot really stole the show. Way to go, mate!
Seanbob11 said:You have iPhone 4?