I need help after someone tried to update my Ipad 3 (A1430) - with jailbreak on it- over WLAN. FW was old, like 6.X I think.
iTunes stops after a short while when trying to update through it now -once giving me error 9006- and the iPad stays in the "connect to iTunes" screen after starting up. I'm DLing 9.3.5.ipsw right now, because some tech forum posts told someone else to try that and update manually?
I don't know, I'm not an Apple guy, I just used it to browse and read ebooks.
I don't want to try to restore it to factory status unless I have to, because there are some Uni ebooks from an USB stick that was likely stolen recently (yay), so I can't just put the files back on, then there's some pics of my dead cat on there, as well as some nudes, etc.
Help, please?