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Is Ellie from “The last of us: Part ii” on steroids??

Jon Neu




Inb4, Shaggy telling me if I know that Dina is based on a mediterranean girl.


Dem problematic titties dissapearing to take away the evil male gaze.


Jon Neu

As I mentioned before, this is nothing new. This has been done throughout the past 50 years.

That's like comparing first wave feminism with third wave feminism.

At distance and in theory, they are the same; but with a closer inspection, they are almost antagonistic.


The funny thing is that with anti-SJW and non PC we had variety, we had all kinds of characters and narratives. Videogames have been diverse since always, despite what SJW believe.

With SJW we only have one way to do things the "right way", everything outside that way is "problematic".

So if you want variety, you should fight against SJW taking control of the media narrative.

This just isn't true. There's a lot more variety now than ever before. We have anything from Bayonetta, to Chun-Li, to Ellie, to Ys' Dana, to Nier's 2B, etc. What variety is lacking now that was there before? Don't confound this question with what SJWs want, since I agree that they want one way. Fact is though, they are not getting it, they are just having influence in adding the stuff they want to the mix, but we're nowhere a place where that is all or even 'most' of the things.

To be clear, I don't want SJWs to take control of the media narrative, but I also don't want the people clinging to the status-quo to do that either. And this is a thread where the status quo people are arguing about half an inch on Ellie's shoulders and how Ellie and her girlfriend are not supermodels.
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Jon Neu

This just isn't true. There's a lot more variety now than ever before.

There is more of everything because videogames have reached peak cultural level massification. And they have reached peak cultural level because of how non PC they were all this past decades.

That's why SJW authoritarians have jumped on the bandwagon, the same way they have jumped into nerd culture now that is cool and massive. When you want to do propaganda, take always the bigger fields. Especially if they are so masculine in nature.

Ironically enough, SJW authoritarians are doing cultural appropriation in hope to further their political agenda and destroy the maleness of both videogames and nerd culture.

We have anything from Bayonetta, to Chun-Li, to Ellie, to Ys' Dana, to Nier's 2B, etc

Except Ellie, all of them were created by japanese developers.

And that's why SJW authoritarians hate japanese developers and Japan in general.

but I also don't want the people clinging to the status-quo to do that either.

Again, there has always been variety in videogames.


There is more of everything because videogames have reached peak cultural level massification. And they have reached peak cultural level because of how non PC they were all this past decades.

That's why SJW authoritarians have jumped on the bandwagon, the same way they have jumped into nerd culture now that is cool and massive. When you want to do propaganda, take always the bigger fields. Especially if they are so masculine in nature.

Ironically enough, SJW authoritarians are doing cultural appropriation in hope to further their political agenda and destroy the maleness of both videogames and nerd culture.

Except Ellie, all of them were created by japanese developers.

And that's why SJW authoritarians hate japanese developers and Japan in general.

Again, there has always been variety in videogames.

So far variety has steadily continued to increase as a result of SJW efforts, regardless of what they may want. The slippery slope fears have not and will not come true. More types of people are represented as main characters, not less. For example, we finally have a female lead with huge shoulders that are the envy of even chilleverest. Based on the reaction in this thread,we never had that before :) And about to get the first gay main character in a AAA game.

And for every chun-li there's a Kitana, (or hell, Mileena), or Juliet Starling, or whatever. Japanese-ness of this list is a function of games I play, and the fact that more Japanese games have 'set' characters rather than the 'create your own' that western games often have.
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Inb4, Shaggy telling me if I know that Dina is based on a mediterranean girl.


Dem problematic titties dissapearing to take away the evil male gaze.


Why would I not be aware you know who Diana's character model was based on when you spent half the thread complaining than Diana's tits are smaller than hers. Very mature, by the way. What I don't get is what pic's of her and Dina alongside Antia Sarkeesian's year book photo (I assume) has to do with anything.
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
Kat is an exception because she's unique in those abilities, there is no typical staple for a character like her. A soldier? Yes, there's a staple, something to expect. A survivor in a post apocalyptic world? Yes, there's a staple, something to expect. An assassin? Yes, there's a staple, something to expect. A gravity shifter? No. The concept is to indigenous. She could have had any look and it would make sence. The only reason your using such a counter productive example is she's my avatar. If my avatar had been someone more stereotypical what would you have said then?

Dont listen... use this marvelous avatar. =)

she is unique .... :messenger_peace:


Geki-D, enough with the disingenous BS. You know full well that many of the people here are left leaning folks who are also sick and tired of the SJW/far-left ideological BS that seems to be interjected at every step.
lol Hey man, when you hold what are traditionally conservative beliefs hidden under the guise of "anti SJW", what exactly do you want me to think? You guys are triggered as fuck by what the devs want to put in their game and your attempts to browbeat them with accusations of SJW conspiracy and "wrong think" isn't going to work. The game will still come out and most likely still be successful. 🤷‍♂️


The nicest person on this forum
For fuck sake, I'm so god damn sick of this stupid conversations. I personally love sexy designs in my games but in the same way developers should be free to have sexy design in their games the they should also free to make none-sexy design if they want to, it their game they can do whatever they want and people free to like or not like it.

Jon Neu

So far variety has steadily continued to increase as a result of SJW efforts, regardless of what they may want.

Again, your entire premise is false. Variety has always been there, it has grow in numbers simply because videogames have grow in numbers, not because of SJW.

SJW are not making games more diverse, they are making games more loaded with propaganda and they are actively trying to censorship and establish what and what not can be done. Two different things.

And for every chun-li there's a Kitana, (or hell, Mileena), or Juliet Starling, or whatever.

And for every Kitana (a character created before SJW had any relevance or power), there's an Ellie or a Dina, female characters purposedly made to not be sexy because some crazy feminazi like Anita Sarkeesian says it's sexist to have sexy female characters. Western developers with huge amounts of white male guilt such as Neil Druckmann listen and design their videogames based on what crazy people like Anita say.

But japanese developers don't give a crap about what SJW say, and that's what makes their games and designs so unique and so infuriating to the SJW.

Japanese developers have been dealing with women protagonists and all kinds of gender identities since always. And you know what? NOBODY COMPLAINED, quite the contrary, we are all happy and grateful for those japanese creations dealing with all kinds of sexuality identities. We are not afraid of women or of the representation of diferent gender identities as the more simple minded here claim, we are sick of a certain western toxic and antagonistic ideology trying to appropriate the cultural landscape and establishing itself as the only possible option.

Being a SJW is not embracing diversity, quite the contrary, it's embracing authoritarianism, puritanism, censorship and mob mentality. As someone as simple minded as Geki-D has said, those are conservative beliefs, therefore you are the conservatives here.

Jon Neu

Why would I not be aware you know who Diana's character model was based on when you spent half the thread complaining than Diana's tits are smaller than hers. Very mature, by the way.

Shaggy, do you really think I care about the tits of some goblin lesbian videogame character?

The fact that they go out of their way to eliminate her tits and maker her look more unattractive simply tell us what are the guidelines they are following to create this characters. The design of the characters, the interviews, the words they use and the particular topics of interest of their creators when talking about the game tells us a story.


Being a SJW is not embracing diversity, quite the contrary, it's embracing authoritarianism, puritanism, censorship and mob mentality.
Said whilst chastising a game dev for putting what they want in a game. Again, zero self awareness detected.

BTW please provide proof for anything you just said.
Said whilst chastising a game dev for putting what they want in a game. Again, zero self awareness detected.

BTW please provide proof for anything you just said.

Druckman has admitted in interviews he runs every new character idea by a woman on his team who tries to figure out if the character is any different with the gender swapped to make sure all characters are interchangeable gender-wise, pushing the narrative that men and women aren't biologically different in any meaningful way beyond reproductive organs which is anti-science. He might WANT TO be more anti-science and inclusive and all this but he also wanted to put characters in and then stopped himself from doing them how he did them because he found out it was problematic or whatever else. It's like saying "the corporation wanted a person who decides how well they're doing with diversity" or something.

Naughty Dog are amazing devs, though, the game is going to be fantastic regardless of these decisions. Get woke, go broke is beyond true when it comes to stuff like Mass Effect Andromeda but are people going to tell me the people behind Andromeda or Anthem didn't WANT to do what they did just because those games turned out poorly and this one will work out because of the writing talents at ND? There's a weird belief that when something goes wrong things were forced on people and when things go right everyone working on a project totally agreed with every decision. When Druckman himself is admitting he needs to check his characters by someone else to be sure they're PC enough it's a red flag, not a big one since they've seemingly only been improving by the game but it's hard to argue they just naturally decided on these things because it's what they most wanted to do.

Again, TL;DR the idea is he didn't say "Oh, Nathan Drake will have a daughter because that's what I want to do." He went to someone else and said "Look, Nathan Drake's son and she said "what if he was a girl, would the character be different?" and he said "wow, you're right, now it's a daughter" which if you don't believe me please refer to my prior post where I did a link dump, I'm paraphrasing what happened but he out-and-out admits it was originally Drake having a son and he runs these ideas by some SJW woman on his team. It's really just not the same as him doing what he wanted to in the first place.


pushing the narrative that men and women aren't biologically different in any meaningful way beyond reproductive organs which is anti-science.
Proof the game is doing this? From what I've seen Ellie always uses a weapon, unlike Joel and in the gameplay reveal trailer Ellie gets thrown around by a guy -because you know, she's lighter than him- which is something that never happened to Joel.
When Druckman himself is admitting he needs to check his characters by someone else to be sure they're PC enough it's a red flag, not a big one since they've seemingly only been improving by the game but it's hard to argue they just naturally decided on these things because it's what they most wanted to do.
So you disagree with how he's decided to run decisions through his team? Ok? So what exactly? How does this fit into the big, scary SJW conspiracy? Please show me the "authoritarianism, puritanism, censorship and mob mentality" this promotes or in what way this games promotes any of that.

I guess he could just decide everything himself and then maybe put "A Neil Druckman game" on the box. Because I've never heard anyone complain about devs doing that before...

So is this it? The guy getting feedback is his crime? The maker and his team's active choices are the problem? Well, how do we fix that, then? Tell them what they can and can't put in the game? Remove them from all creative decisions? Fire them? Damn, this is all sounding very authoritarian.

And what's even wrong with more female characters in games? This is a fun one; how do you have an openly gay character in a game without it being considered "SJW propaganda"?
Proof the game is doing this? From what I've seen Ellie always uses a weapon, unlike Joel and in the gameplay reveal trailer Ellie gets thrown around by a guy -because you know, she's lighter than him- which is something that never happened to Joel.

So you disagree with how he's decided to run decisions through his team? Ok? So what exactly? How does this fit into the big, scary SJW conspiracy? Please show me the "authoritarianism, puritanism, censorship and mob mentality" this promotes or in what way this games promotes any of that.

I guess he could just decide everything himself and then maybe put "A Neil Druckman game" on the box. Because I've never heard anyone complain about devs doing that before...

So is this it? The guy getting feedback is his crime? The maker and his team's active choices are the problem? Well, how do we fix that, then? Tell them what they can and can't put in the game? Remove them from all creative decisions? Fire them? Damn, this is all sounding very authoritarian.

And what's even wrong with more female characters in games? This is a fun one; how do you have an openly gay character in a game without it being considered "SJW propaganda"?

My dude... are you okay? I don't need to prove TLOU 2 does anything, as I said, earlier in the thread I linked to the interview where Druckman made it clear this is how he does business now. It's why he claimed he made Nathan Drake's child a girl when he originally intended a boy. I never argued he has consistent anti-science beliefs, I'm saying this act of pretending the sexes are interchangeable promotes that idea. You want to get into who throws around who but in Uncharted 4 a woman kicks Nathan Drake's ass, he talks about how one play tester who he described as "sexist" thought this was ridiculous.

I actually didn't say I disagreed with how he does things. Big, scary conspiracy? The argument is he isn't just doing what he wants but running it through checks to be sure it's PC. Why do I need to show you those things are promoted when I never argued that?

I mean, there's nothing people don't complain about so yeah you might as well do what you want.

Yeah, the straw man version of what you think I believe does sound authoritarian. The problem is I never said it was a problem that needed solving.

Who argued that there was a problem with a higher quantity of females? I didn't say having an openly gay character is SJW propaganda, though. I spoke to what Druckman has said in interviews about how he handles making his games inclusive. Normally motive or intent is something you can't identify but he made his clear. Let me put it another way to you, let's say I'm rich and decided I want to lose weight and hired a fitness coach to tell me when I shouldn't eat or whatever else, now yes I WANTED that person there to do this but what is their job? Their job is to stop me from doing things I want to do. They wouldn't be required if I naturally wanted to do healthy things.
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Inb4, Shaggy telling me if I know that Dina is based on a mediterranean girl.


Dem problematic titties dissapearing to take away the evil male gaze.


Whoa. That is a noticeable modification. For some reason, I find Dina and the actual model that played her cute. Am I the only one lol?
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I had to replay twice to make sure who in this shot was. I seriously hope there is a backstory to how she managed to get those side delts, traps like Bane and a solid upper back. I don't think its naturally possible for a female to achieve this much muscle density at all. Look at Olympia fitness competitors, even they are not this dense and defined. This is post apocalypse universe . Unless, im missing something, i was absolutely dumbfounded by this design choice.

I mean look at this:


Looks like she has been hitting those chin up bars and dumbbells more than she's been playing guitar.

Edit: Added my 10+ years of grueling workout progress in comparison to Ellie's. I wish i had Ellie's freaky genetics. I clearly should add swinging baseball bats and mashing clickers to my workout regiment.


Dude you are fat.

She look like a normal, not fat, girl who works out. Have you ever saw a fit girl naked in your life?


Who argued that there was a problem with a higher quantity of females? I didn't say having an openly gay character is SJW propaganda, though. I spoke to what Druckman has said in interviews about how he handles making his games inclusive. Normally motive or intent is something you can't identify but he made his clear. Let me put it another way to you, let's say I'm rich and decided I want to lose weight and hired a fitness coach to tell me when I shouldn't eat or whatever else, now yes I WANTED that person there to do this but what is their job? Their job is to stop me from doing things I want to do. They wouldn't be required if I naturally wanted to do healthy things.
My questions were more directed at people like the guy I originally quoted. If you don't actually hold those views then you needn't feel concerned. However one thing you are wrong about is that you make it sound like Druckman has a hire especially to question if a character is "PC". Actually it was the lead concept character artist, and Druckman makes it pretty clear he always had final say and only accepted it if it didn't change anything to the plot. Only 2 characters were changed: old person in the mansion and Drake's child. And whilst Drake's child might have implications for any future games (if ND even want to make any more and I get the feeling they're pretty much done with UC at this point), for UC4 these do make no differences.

As for Nadine, I didn't really like that bit either but it can be put down more to "video gameiness" and having a badass boss fight and action scene than anything else. In Lost Legacy she's suddenly depowered in the last boss fight, for instance as it's again 2 against 1 and both Nadine & Chloe are having trouble.


Ah, yes the infamous "3 console generations of characters over 19 years picture" evidence. You fools love to continue posting that silly little picture as some sort of grand "gotcha", despite it making you look like a bloody fool.

Evidence doesn't loose relevancy by being presented more that once, but by being disproven. You can call someone a fool for using it before, but not taking the chances both then and now to prove it wrong, what does that make you?
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Dr. Claus

Evidence doesn't loose relevancy by being presented more that once, but by being disproven. You can call someone a fool for using it before, but not taking the chances both then and now to prove it wrong, what does that make you?

It has been proven wrong, multiple times throughout GAF and other sites. But hey, I will just spell it out for you since it is clear you have no interest in doing any actual research and instead defend a random internet picture grabbed from a google search as "truth/evidence".

A picture of 36 characters that had games released over the course of 19 years. That is, on average, 1.89 "white/straight" lead characters per year. Except when a good number of those characters are not white, but ethnic. Oh, then there is also the numerous characters from the same bloody franchise (remakes/reimaginings or otherwise), not lead characters and only a face on a box, co-star, or a supporting character, and custom made characters that can be any number of ethnicity/gender combinations.

Fuckin' hell, Naked Snake (AKA Big Boss) was first shown off in the game Metal Gear back in '87!

So yes, I would call you, Tup, and anyone else that defends this picture a fool. As that is what you are.
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It has been proven wrong, multiple times throughout GAF and other sites. But hey, I will just spell it out for you since it is clear you have no interest in doing any actual research and instead defend a random internet picture grabbed from a google search as "truth/evidence".

A picture of 36 characters that had games released over the course of 19 years. That is, on average, 1.89 "white/straight" lead characters per year. Except when a good number of those characters are note white, but ethnic. Oh, then there is also the numerous characters from the same bloody franchise (remakes/reimaginings or otherwise), not lead characters and only a face on a box, co-star, or a supporting character, and custom made characters that can be any number of ethnicity/gender combinations.

Fuckin' hell, Naked Snake (AKA Big Boss) was first shown off in the game Metal Gear back in '87!

So yes, I would call you, Tup, and anyone else that defends this picture is a fool as that is what you are.

You see? That's how it's done. Actually present a counter argument instead just being insulting, derogatory and immature.

I'm gonna let you in a secret. I actually agreed with you before I even made that post. That picture of select white male protagonists indeed does not prove a damn thing. I'd be very easy to compile a similar list of majar characters/protagonists who are fleshed out and awesome but also female, on the LGBTQ spectrum, from minorities or a mixture of these thing, especially in more recent years. No point denying that it hasn't always been that way, but gaming hasn't been worse than movies and TV especially when these media forms were in there infancy. Gaming shows a great level inclusion these days, what annoys me is when paint this as some of SJW agenda when it's something far more simple.

Sorry I had to bait you into a better response, but that first response made you look like a tool. I'd like to think we're all smarter than that.

EDIT: Looks I was wrong. Even when I'm agreeing with you and trying to help you out you still behave like an immature troll and hit the "triggered" mark on this post.
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Dr. Claus

You see? That's how it's done. Actually present a counter argument instead just being insulting, derogatory and immature.

Sorry I had to bait you into a better response, but that first response made you look like a tool. I'd like to think we're all smarter than that.


Mate, that has been your entire MO in this thread. You have been continuously insulting, derogatory, and immature in almost every single post of yours. Your every response makes you look like a tool.

The amount of mental gymnastics you must go through to try to spin this around on others is just... it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.



Mate, that has been your entire MO in this thread. You have been continuously insulting, derogatory, and immature in almost every single post of yours. Your every response makes you look like a tool.

The amount of mental gymnastics you must go through to try to spin this around on others is just... it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

I've not insulted anyone. I've pointed out what's wrong with bigoted, ridiculous arguments people have made to overblow this whoal issue into some kind of weird SJW conspiracy theory when the truth is there're insecure about having Ellie as she is in the game. If you or anyone else felt but hurt about seeing what was presented as the truth you didn't wanted to believe then that's on yourselves. You wouldn't be this angry if it was just an over the top, obsurd insult, you'd just wave it off. Because of that, I'm gonna walk away from this thread knowing was right.

Have a pleasant day.


You and I have very different memories of what gaming [at least big budget gaming] used to look like.


To be fair, you could do this with Japanese games and it would be a wall of identical looking JRPG style characters.

White men typically look like that. How else are they going to look? (To be honest, this picture it technically racist).
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Again, your entire premise is false. Variety has always been there, it has grow in numbers simply because videogames have grow in numbers, not because of SJW.


And for every Kitana (a character created before SJW had any relevance or power), there's an Ellie or a Dina, female characters purposedly made to not be sexy

Sounds like a contradiction to me. If SJWs are responsible for making Ellie not sexy (a specific claim I don't actually believe despite any influence they might have had on her - but let's play along) that means they have increased variety since Kitana still exists as sexified as ever in new installments of MK. If you're saying no new Kitanas will be made, and everyone will be an Ellie, that's just not true. But you'll be more likely to get them in either more fantasy settings, or in appropriate settings for realistic games, rather than in something like TLoU where it makes no sense for an Ivy type of outfit. Like Lara Croft may have pants, but she is still pretty sexy. Also, Fury is a thing, etc. Sexy women aren't going anywhere, it just won't be everyone.

You keep saying that there was variety in the past, which is true. But that's not an interesting statement. Is there MORE variety now , or then? I think the answer is clear - now, with Ellie being such an example.

As far as blaming Anita and SJWs for Ellie, in this study (free full-text available on google scholar if you care) they found that the decline in over-sexualization started way before, in 2006 since it's not just SJWs or Anita who want characters that make more sense within their context. Video games are maturing as a medium, and it's not being caused by SJWs trying to make ugly women.
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It has been proven wrong, multiple times throughout GAF and other sites. But hey, I will just spell it out for you since it is clear you have no interest in doing any actual research and instead defend a random internet picture grabbed from a google search as "truth/evidence".

A picture of 36 characters that had games released over the course of 19 years. That is, on average, 1.89 "white/straight" lead characters per year. Except when a good number of those characters are not white, but ethnic. Oh, then there is also the numerous characters from the same bloody franchise (remakes/reimaginings or otherwise), not lead characters and only a face on a box, co-star, or a supporting character, and custom made characters that can be any number of ethnicity/gender combinations.

Fuckin' hell, Naked Snake (AKA Big Boss) was first shown off in the game Metal Gear back in '87!

So yes, I would call you, Tup, and anyone else that defends this picture a fool. As that is what you are.

There is a video game census study. Note that they weigh representation by number of copies sold since they are doing a study on impressions rather than what is being produced by developers, so it's slightly confounded and there's some small differences there, but probably not by that much as they show some unweighted data which has fairly small differences from the weighted data.

Compared to the US census, representation seems to massively under-represent Latinos and Native Americans, somewhat overrepresent white people but not that much, and represent Asian and Black people at the same rate as the census. So the posted image is pretty misleading here, as the actual results are more of a mixed bag.

To the surprise of no one though, there's massive under representation of women, so on the gender front, the image is correct.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I've not insulted anyone. I've pointed out what's wrong with bigoted, ridiculous arguments people have made to overblow this whoal issue into some kind of weird SJW conspiracy theory when the truth is there're insecure about having Ellie as she is in the game. If you or anyone else felt but hurt about seeing what was presented as the truth you didn't wanted to believe then that's on yourselves. You wouldn't be this angry if it was just an over the top, obsurd insult, you'd just wave it off. Because of that, I'm gonna walk away from this thread knowing was right.

Have a pleasant day.

Your doublethink isn't going to fly here.



once again proving the anti-sjws can be every bit as deranged as the sjws themselves. same as it ever was...

developers are free to do as they choose. & so are consumers...

Not to burst the bubble on your false equivalency, latter poster, but around five of those were actual discussion. The remaining pages were actually spent dealing with deranged ideologues who couldn’t handle the fact that some people thought the choices made with this game character were weird.

There was also shitposting, and toying with these aforementioned ideologues, though I concede that might have been a bit immature, as they continued to hulk out for four days straight.

But no, those damned anti-SJWs, right? Just sharing their pretty justifiable opinions and defending themselves from slander. Absolutely abominable.


The remaining pages were actually spent dealing with deranged ideologues who couldn’t handle the fact that some people thought the choices made with this game character were weird.

There was also shitposting, and toying with these aforementioned ideologues, though I concede that might have been a bit immature, as they continued to hulk out for four days straight.

Your posts are so cute. Basically this.

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Not to burst the bubble on your false equivalency, latter poster, but around five of those were actual discussion. The remaining pages were actually spent dealing with deranged ideologues who couldn’t handle the fact that some people thought the choices made with this game character were weird...

okay, i'll bite: 'actual discussion' about what, exactly? how ellie could possibly look like that? okay, let's discuss this, then. some posts from the first 5 pages:

Western devs aren't allowed to make attractive female characters.
i bet you her clit is the size of my pinky,
(ffs don't google it it's a thing)
They sure like manly women these days.
Some want big jaws or big noses (?) too
She´s a freak


okay, i'll bite: 'actual discussion' about what, exactly? how ellie could possibly look like that? okay, let's discuss this, then. some posts from the first 5 pages:

oKaY ILL biTe

Right there, I already know everything about you and your beliefs. I swear you people read off a script, which consists of about a single page of dialogue.

True statement
True statement
True statement

Problem? Even if you disagreed...

Bad joke

Get over yourself. I don’t go to Reset, thread shit, and demand that everyone agree with me, when the latest hive of crazy makes it’s appearance.


oKaY ILL biTe

Right there, I already know everything about you and your beliefs. I swear you people read off a script, which consists of about a single page of dialogue.

True statement
True statement
True statement

Problem? Even if you disagreed...

Bad joke

Get over yourself. I don’t go to Reset, thread shit, and demand that everyone agree with me, when the latest hive of crazy makes it’s appearance.
Every time I come to check gaming gaf this thread is in the first page, then I make the mistake to enter and see no actual discussion. I love gaf because you can almost always discuss things no matter your opinion, rarely there are bans tilted to an opininlon and shit posters triying to derail a discussion get slapped. This thread is no example of that, care to cite any post of this supossed discussion? I've seen several post through the thread with valid points from differents points of view and they are drown by loud trash posting, I don't think you are helping to correct it with the dismissive actitud. I'm no mod nor do I want to say the mods how to do their job, but there is a lot of "derailing" and "personal attacks" in this thread.
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Get over yourself. I don’t go to Reset, thread shit, and demand that everyone agree with me, when the latest hive of crazy makes it’s appearance...

'get over yourself'? you joined this forum on august 19 of this year. that's a bit over 5 weeks ago. i've been on it since june 29, 2006. & in all that time, i've never, ever demanded that everyone agree with me...


All three of you, cut the crap. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Like I said, I’m not engaging with specious arguments, false whataboutism, misquotes, goalpost moving, strawmen, or those who make them.

That said, I do find it hilarious that we’ve got a cry for ‘Mods halp!’, and another guy going through my profile to dig up ‘dirt’, such as me being a new member (I’ve lurked since 2005). The methods never change, do they?
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