You missed out man.I can grudgingly accept there are many people in the world who consider it a classic, but I missed the boat because of my age. There are a bunch of movies that came out around then, Labyrinth, The Goonies, Temple of Doom, Legend, that I probably would loved if they came out like a year or two sooner. As a sophomore in high school suddenly obsessed with punk rock and beer and boobs, there was just no way I could get into them. And when I finally watched them years later as an adult, I expected to be able to appreciate them, but nope.
Both Dark Crystal and Labyrinth bombed in theaters. Just like Wizard of Oz.In what world is it NOT a classic?
That metric only matters when BO is the ONLY revenue stream. Dark Crystal made 44 mill on a 15 mill budget, it did ok. Labyrinth not so much, 15 mill on 25 mill budget, but I bet both have made quite a bit on video sales over the past 40 years.Both Dark Crystal and Labyrinth bombed in theaters. Just like Wizard of Oz.
I've seen Jennifer Connelly in tons of movies from the last 40 years, I didn't miss shit.You missed out man.
Is there a better movie about a labyrinth?
Is there even any other movie about a labyrinth?
Tom Hardy would rather you forget this exists...Is there a better movie about a labyrinth?
Is there even any other movie about a labyrinth?
So did citizen kane, shawshank redemption, blade runner, the thing, fight club etc etc not really a good way to judge a films ability to be a classicBoth Dark Crystal and Labyrinth bombed in theaters. Just like Wizard of Oz.
Timeless classic with the GOAT
Both Dark Crystal and Labyrinth bombed in theaters. Just like Wizard of Oz.
You missed being 14 and getting to fantasize about 16 year old Jennifer Connolly being your babysitter.I've seen Jennifer Connelly in tons of movies from the last 40 years, I didn't miss shit.
Timeless classic with the GOAT
Bulge maxed out
My head-canon has always been that Jennifer didn't like how she looked in this movie and decided to lose a bunch of weight. I don't remember her looking anywhere near this curvy in anything else.You missed out man.
For me it was the opposite, I wasn't even born yet in the 80s but I went on a 80s movie watching spree starting from 2020 and it ended up being my favorite era for movies and music. I found out about Jennifer Connelly because of her After Dark Career Opportunties fan made music video on youtube that put her back in the spotlight again on social media. It was even bigger on Tik Tok. There were even articles talking about it how that video just blew up and got insane views allowing many of the younger generations to get curious and watch her old movies. The original fan video on youtube actually got even more views than the official song video which usually never happens. There's been a lot of reuploads of that video from many different youtube videos. The song and scene just captures the experience so well!I can grudgingly accept there are many people in the world who consider it a classic, but I missed the boat because of my age. There are a bunch of movies that came out around then, Labyrinth, The Goonies, Temple of Doom, Legend, that I probably would loved if they came out like a year or two sooner. As a sophomore in high school suddenly obsessed with punk rock and beer and boobs, there was just no way I could get into them. And when I finally watched them years later as an adult, I expected to be able to appreciate them, but nope.
She looked great and curvy still after that movie in the Rocketeer, Heart of Justice, Of Love and Shadow, and Dark City. It was only after Dark City that she started losing weight. However her weight was still fine in Requiem of a Dream and Waking the Dead just not as great as Dark City and below. She really started losing too much weight during Hulk and a Beautiful Mind and up. I heard a rumor that she got breast surgery done to reduce size, usually it's the other way around but not for her. I definitely also think she didn't like some of those roles.My head-canon has always been that Jennifer didn't like how she looked in this movie and decided to lose a bunch of weight. I don't remember her looking anywhere near this curvy in anything else.
Low-Key, I want to put her over my fucking shoulders and dip on this dimension. Leave the rest to you imagination.You missed out man.
Low-Key, I want to put her over my fucking shoulders and dip on this dimension. Leave the rest to you imagination.
Is there a better movie about a labyrinth?
Is there even any other movie about a labyrinth?