etiolate said:Most complaints about Metroid Prime make me wonder how much they played the game, including control complaints. Such as:
Which screams out the fact you haven't played many FPS games, as well as holding an illogical sense of movement. Looking straight ahead and moving straight ahead is much less disorientating to the human mind than looking left and going forward. Being locked on to a target and circling it is basically the same technique ballet dancers use during spins in order to not get dizzy.
Personally, the fact that Metroid Prime bitchslapped modern gaming around in the area of level design and atmosphere would make me want to play more of it.
I also don't understand how mulitplayer is not a big change for a metroid game. Trust me, for metroid fans, this is a big and almost unwelcome change.
Holy moly, I agree with every single thing you said to a tee. Get out of my brain! Out!
Metroid Prime is a hybrid design that mixes elements of Eastern and Western design in an almost seamless fashion. Depending on people's background they will see the highlights of either the Western or Eastern influence present in the game.
I, for one, liked the hybrid design. It is probably one of the few examples of it's kind period.