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Is the backlash to Cyberpunk a joke?

Is the backlash to Cyberpunk 2077 a joke?

  • Yeah, hardly the first game to stumble, won't be the last, will be patched. The game itself rocks.

    Votes: 200 36.6%
  • Yeah, it's a bit embarrassing for CDPR but it's part and parcel with that level of ambition.

    Votes: 97 17.7%
  • Yeah, my take below..

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • No, my take below..

    Votes: 20 3.7%
  • No, this is the most hyped game ever and a pretty smug company has buggered it up

    Votes: 157 28.7%
  • No, this is a nigh-on criminal stuff up and the game should be incinerated.

    Votes: 33 6.0%
  • I've no opinion on the backlash

    Votes: 33 6.0%

  • Total voters


I have made this thread to guage community consensus on just how valid the response to certain instability issues in Cyberpunk 2077 has been.

I'm personally in the "this game, like Witcher 3 and so many other games, will be patched - PS4/xbone users shouldn't expect much on a console from 2013" camp.

I feel this poll had call to be conducted considering the huge losses CDPR are suffering, and the game being removed from PlayStation store, all despite the obvious promise of patches and a genuinely good game hidden beneath the furore. It's topical.

I'm not trying to strawman or belittle anyone, these are just spoof narratives I've come up with on my own, of varying degrees of hysteria:

A) Here we are again, a much hyped game has stumbled out of the gate and it's stacks on the mill.

Perhaps this:

B) For the first time ever, a game has stumbled out of the blocks, let's make absolutely certain that this is firmly shut down so as to encourage future developers to maintain decades of impeccable standards.

Perhaps this:

C) Performance of this game is flawed on a weighty percentage of the platforms people are trying to play it on - including one from Nov. 2013 - we must detonate CDPR!

Perhaps this:

D) Unlike Witcher 3 - which ran like hot butter on release* - a game which is massively more graphically ambitious (whilst ported to play on the same consoles as Witcher 3) is unacceptably imperfect.
*Not true, in case you didn't pick up on this sarcasm

Perhaps a more valid point:

This game needs work for some platforms in particular, but it is hardly a capital offense that it is scratchy considering it's ambition, the broad range of hardware it must run on, and the sins of other games - just look at AC: Unity, No Man's Sky, etc.


The cdpr hate started way before the release due to different reasons and all the drama quadrupled because the game was launched broken on last gen consoles so they kind of brought it on themselves.

I can't help but feel, the outrage over a messy launch wouldn't have been as big as it is now if there weren't other issues and a whole another community looking to destroy them at every chance.
I have made this thread to guage community consensus on just how valid the response to certain instability issues in Cyberpunk 2077 has been.

I'm personally in the "this game, like Witcher 3 and so many other games, will be patched - PS4/xbone users shouldn't expect much on a console from 2013" camp.

I feel this poll had call to be conducted considering the huge losses CDPR are suffering, and the game being removed from PlayStation store, all despite the obvious promise of patches and a genuinely good game hidden beneath the furore. It's topical.

I'm not trying to strawman or belittle anyone, these are just spoof narratives I've come up with on my own, of varying degrees of hysteria:

A) Here we are again, a much hyped game has stumbled out of the gate and it's stacks on the mill.

Perhaps this:

B) For the first time ever, a game has stumbled out of the blocks, let's make absolutely certain that this is firmly shut down so as to encourage future developers to maintain decades of impeccable standards.

Perhaps this:

C) Performance of this game is flawed on a weighty percentage of the platforms people are trying to play it on - including one from Nov. 2013 - we must detonate CDPR!

Perhaps this:

D) Unlike Witcher 3 - which ran like hot butter on release* - a game which is massively more graphically ambitious (whilst ported to play on the same consoles as Witcher 3) is unacceptably imperfect.
*Not true, in case you didn't pick up on this sarcasm

Perhaps a more valid point:

This game needs work for some platforms in particular, but it is hardly a capital offense that it is scratchy considering it's ambition, the broad range of hardware it must run on, and the sins of other games - just look at AC: Unity, No Man's Sky, etc.
It's the most hyped up game of the last years.

Off course it gets the most flak for stuff like this happening.


morale of the story: Stop overhyping developers with not so amazing track records to make the next groundbreaking thing. Also, stop giving in to "wholesome" marketing and social media friendliness. Last but not least, stop preordering games and stop supporting unfinished games.

i do think plenty of youtubers who dick ride this game are now turning on it just for views though
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Voted for:

"No, this is the most hyped game ever and a pretty smug company has buggered it up"

I have yet to play it, but what i've seen from it is mindblowing and not in a good way.

Given how Witcher 3 is a favourite of mine however, and my love for Blade Runner and CDPR art style, i hope they'll fix it ASAP because the hype is killing me.

Texas Pride

Companies need to ship a game when it's finished and not on an investors deadline. CDPR isn't the only one guilty of this of course but they released a highly anticipated game in a sorry ass state and if this puts other companies on notice to actually finish their games before they sell them that's a positive.


Your "no' poll answers sound very childish OP leading me to think you lean towards the "I think it's overblown" group.

I think that's fine but try and make a more balanced poll if your serious about people's opinions.

Where is your
Release unfinished games at launch, I'll buy any shit you tell me to buy and believe you when you tell me you'll fix it later. This is great industry practice!"


It seems like journos are piling up on the game. Almost like they're following a certain website's que or something. Was surprised seeing Modern Vintage Gamer shitting on the game and making a useless video on how necessary it was to cancel the game on PS.
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I like the game but i think this kind of release should always receive the backlash it did given the state in base consoles, many games got a cheaper pass in the past but i think it's hardly unwarranted.
Even if i get a stable framerate on PC the amount of bugs and jankyness it's ridiculous, i have to negotiate and do a blind eye to get my enjoyment which i'm not a stranger to do but sometimes it gets too much.

Of course that if you were ok with something like Skyrim on PS3 you wouldn't blink an eye with CP2077 on PS4, but i never thought that was acceptable in the first place.
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It seems like journos are piling up on the game. Almost like they're following a certain website's que or something. Was surprised seeing Modern Vintage Gamer shitting on the game and making a useless video on how necessary it was to cancel the game on PS.

It backfired on cdpr though. They tried to hide the console versions and reviewers knew this before even reviewing the pc version.
They were ready with these articles.


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My face is tired



I’m playing this on Series X and it’s amazing. I have only seen one bug in the first eight hours of gameplay. From that perspective, the game is a success.

However, seeing how it runs on base consoles is not something that gamers/Sony/MS/reviewer should accept. It shouldn’t have ever been let out into the wild in that state. It’s bad enough that a game could require a day one patch in order to run properly, but if even the day one patch doesn’t fix things then something has gone terribly wrong somewhere, and it should never have been released (at least for base consoles) in its current state.

That said, if they patch this up and make it the game it should have been, then eventually I think the game will get the high praise it deserves.


I've put in like 82hrs since release, it's an awesome game, at least for me on PC. I do think in terms of systems in the world, A.I., etc it doesn't deliver as much, but it's a mixed bag, so while the random NPC walking down the street is basically just a prop walking around, in terms of combat you do have the A.I try to flank and converge on you, etc so it's not like A.I. is universally stupid.
So I do wish they had focused more on emergent gameplay but at the same time they always said they're looking to make a story-driven game first & foremost, so I don't feel like I've been sold a false bill of goods at all.

It's just too bad that they have put in so much work into creating this world & they are unlikely to flesh out the game further down the line. Still an awesome experience, and if you're on even a mid-range PC then it's going to be great!
It's sad in a way. CDPR was the little guy who made it. Witcher 3 set the industry on fire and with CP2077 they bit off more than they could chew. 5 platforms with one little team. No big publisher resources. If it released PC only with consoles to come next summer it would be much better received. I guess you'd still get complaints from console gamers about the wait. Just another story of ambition getting the best of men. I hope they pull through these trying times. Love their work.


The problem is this game has been hyped, promoted, and praised all during last gen only for it be complete trash for those systems. They honestly should have canceled last gen versions but they really wanted access to those 150 million consoles(and China). This was simply just pure greed.

Well they also probably were a little to over their heads in scope they originally had for the game as well.
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It is not a joke, but it is something that many with their own agenda are latching on to whether it be to maximize the potential of the click bait, or being it some political or social agenda of one kind or another.
They made mistakes.
This was an ambitious undertaking, shit happens. They will learn from it and move forward no matter how much some would like it to be otherwise.

Kagey K

It’s a great game that is getting excessively shit upon, because of a plethora of reasons.

CDPR didn’t do themselves any favours by releasing it as buggy as it was and having poor PR telling them to take refunds up with Sony and MS.

The ironic thing is that all this news and backlash fits perfectly in the Cyberpunk world and lore.

If you go into it wanting to hate it you will. If you enjoy the genre there is plenty to sink your teeth into, warts and all.


Gold Member
CDPR fucked up. they should've just STFU and worked on the game until it was ready. they said "coming: when it's ready" in the original teaser but couldn't stick to their word. it was mismanaged and rushed out for christmas time to maximise profits so much for "we leave greed to others". the edgelord marketing needs to stop. just be fucking honest with your fans. if you say it's coming when it's ready then don't announce a date until you're 10000000000000% sure it's good to go. don't fuck about with reviews and try to hide certain versions of the game to deceive people. the entire management/PR team need shaken up or replaced entirely.

that all said, i do think people are being way too harsh. hating CDPR is the cool thing these days. everyones up for dogpilin. the game has issues on last gen sure but it will get fixed. either keep it and wait for these updates or STFU, refund it, and go play something else. the game has bugs yes but show me a game of the last 10 years that didn't have bugs. a game of this scale was always gonna have bugs. somehow Bethesda keep getting a free pass for releasing games like Fallout 3, Skyrim, or Fallout 4 but CDPR face the full wrath of the internet. i've had some small immersion breaking bugs on PC but i'm not having to mod the game. i remember having to mod Fallout 4 because the framerate would tank from ~70fps to 19fps. I remember Skyrim on PS3 would severely slow down and crash if the file save got too large. on PC it was still a mess but at least you could install unofficial patches + mods. CDPR are actually fixing bugs themselves unlike Bethesda who take months if at all and even leave it to players to fix themselves.

also people need to learn: DO NOT PREORDER. if people had simply waited 24 hours after launch they'd have seen what state the game was in. the writing was there on the wall after all the delays, rumours of problems with last gen hardware, lack of console footage, lack of console reviews. if you STILL preordered the game on PS4/XB1 after all that then that's your own damn stupidity.


Before release reeera was already dogpiling against the game like the insane nutjobs they are. And once the mediocre console ports were found out, it blew tenfolds.

The industry and press (for what's left of it) needs to stop paying attention to these morons.
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I think it got way out of control because reeera has been dogpiling against it like the insane nutjobs they are. And once the mediocre console ports were found out, it blew tenfolds.

The industry and press (for what's left of it) needs to stop paying attention to these morons.
The industry and press itself is super progressive and weird. I realized that during the whole Collin moriarty situation.

Kagey K

Before release reeera was already dogpiling against the game like the insane nutjobs they are. And once the mediocre console ports were found out, it blew tenfolds.

The industry and press (for what's left of it) needs to stop paying attention to these morons.
As press they should be leading the way, not following trends.

It really points to the sad state of “journalism” in this day and age when they can’t just report the story.


Hi everyone,

playing the game on the series x, the game was the sole reason jumping onto the next gen train early and put a lot of effort getting the preorder day one for the series x. Then it got delayed till 10th of december... without knowing about the state of the game, i jumped in and had an absolute blast playing it. Seriously end of act 1, the story and atmosphere up until that point, the immersion, setting, potential... my fav gaming moment 2020. I really enjoy the game! But...

... as probably pointed out several times the pre release trailers really showed things and created an picture of the game, which are not or differently implemented than marketed previously!

The situation surrounding the game is really crazy right now, and it was a bad move for the vanilla version of the consoles to be released. The only thing i wanted to say is, i feel sorry for the dev. team, which worked thousands of manhours and put a lot of effort into the game! I think they deserve to be respected and deserve praise for what was achieved. Maybe there is a strong disconnect between marketing and management of the game, and the dev team who is doing their best to achieve the best version of the game in given budget and timeframe. I hope they keep motivated and given the ressource to work out the current issues. And i hope it is an lessons learned for cdpr how to handle their next releases.
Look at the original release dates and then ask yourself if the "last gen consoles are old" excuse is a valid one.
I'm reminded of Bloodstained, originally promised for Wii U and Vita only to have those platforms axed after delays.

And then it released on Switch while looking and running at a subpar standard.

Arguably still a better outcome than Mighty No. 9 though.

The Shift

How does CDPR strong arm MS and Sony to release the game on XBL and PSN? It's solely those parties responsibility regarding the sale of this title to their customers, they wanted their cut of the sales, got it and now have to save face by issuing refunds torpedoing their own greed. IBoth console manufacturers role in this fiasco is a scandal that currently has the least scrutiny afforded to it - why is that?


The only joke here is people still defending this company.

Look at the original release dates and then ask yourself if the "last gen consoles are old" excuse is a valid one.
i'd be more with you if i couldn't shake the feeling that the announcement of the next generation of consoles coming out midway through a development cycle that was originally intended to end early this year played a pretty valid part in the way the last 8 or so months have unfolded.. They obviously decided that they didn't want their 'masterpiece' to be scaled back for what was going to be the previous gen, and spent most of 2020 crowbar'ing in RT and such..

tldr they didn't know ps5/xsx would be coming out before release when they started, so u can't give them too much flak for the janky way they've handled the upgrade.


are in a big trouble
I'm on pc and the game runs fine for me but does that mean I should just forget about how bad it is for most people. Yes it runs fine FPS wise but it has glitches and bugs like any other title but it lacks basic things that are in GTAV. EA or Ubisoft does this most people would be united in the backlash but because its CDPR its different

The only slightly funny thing out of this is. When this happens on PC it's lol master race but when it happens in console it's the devs fault.

Overall CDPR messed up big time.
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It's fantastic and long overdue, how many shit, broken, AAA games have been released in the past cpuple of years alone?

Potential new precedent for refunds on somy machines also. How many shills were licking valves balls in the refund debate back in the day?


yeah i a can understand the low scores and bad reviews on base consoles and everyone who bought it there definitely has a right to be upset and refund it. On the other hand everyone is pretending as if this is a bad game and no one should enjoy it even if you are on pc where is more than playable if you have a semi decent pc (no you don't need an rtx 3080 im on an rx5600xt and i mostly hover between 50-70fps) and while there are bugs they are no more than your average open world game now days (had 2 crashes to desktop in 16 hours of gameplay and a couple of A.I getting stuck bug)


Haven't played the game yet so can't really give a fully informed opinion.

I voted no and my thoughts are :

The launch of previous gen versions combined with the lack of any transparency with respect to the games state deserves backlash. That was a scummy move, made worse by the amount of goodwill CDPR had with people.

Aside from that, I think the buggy state of the PC launch is a bit disappointing but not really controversial. Any controversy with respect to the content and PC version bugginess seems a bit overblown to me. I don't think it's okay for any company to release games this buggy on PC or consoles, but it is not controversial in comparison. Which maybe is a bad take in itself.

I think the game looks very cool and I'm looking forward to playing it eventually, when most of the issues have been worked out. I would say the hype machine for the game got out of control, which should be a lesson to both developers and customers.


Gold Member
Voted for:

"No, this is the most hyped game ever and a pretty smug company has buggered it up"

I have yet to play it, but what i've seen from it is mindblowing and not in a good way.

Given how Witcher 3 is a favourite of mine however, and my love for Blade Runner and CDPR art style, i hope they'll fix it ASAP because the hype is killing me.

Wow. The buildings, at 19 sec mark, during the CDProjekred intro look PS1 level. It almost looks like someone made it intentionally.


I'm playing on a 3080 so graphics are smooth but the game lack of polish, animation transition are clumsy, collision and physic issue everywhere, objects fade out very close to the player, people start screaming and running like crazy for no reasons other than walking. Hacking is so limited. I'm not impressed by this game at all. Good potential, bad delivery.


Voted for:

"No, this is the most hyped game ever and a pretty smug company has buggered it up"

I have yet to play it, but what i've seen from it is mindblowing and not in a good way.

Given how Witcher 3 is a favourite of mine however, and my love for Blade Runner and CDPR art style, i hope they'll fix it ASAP because the hype is killing me.

that was actually really fun to watch and makes me wanna play it more to get through that darn tutorial hour or two :p
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The only joke is people like you trying to downplay this huge fuck up.
Games that release in this state should get backlash if CP2077 was just another in a list of bad games then it would still deserve what it's getting.

But it's even worse. The outright lied about their performance right before release and then hid it until after launch day.
Not to mention even if you looks past the bugs it's just a mediocre unfinished game.


Gold Member
I can understand the game working correctly on PC (higher-end specs) and acceptable levels on PS5/SeriesX. However, before the game launching there was a lot of talk of waiting for the next gen patch, myself included, but it always came back to people were being setup for disappointment because the game was being made for last gen (PS4/Xbox One) and a patch wouldn't do much. With the current state of performance, It's understandable to release to where most of the player base are, but it seems odd the game was/is originally made for systems that are not able to handle it. Maybe after a month or two the game will run correctly, but be severely gimped to work.
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