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Is the backlash to Cyberpunk a joke?

Is the backlash to Cyberpunk 2077 a joke?

  • Yeah, hardly the first game to stumble, won't be the last, will be patched. The game itself rocks.

    Votes: 200 36.6%
  • Yeah, it's a bit embarrassing for CDPR but it's part and parcel with that level of ambition.

    Votes: 97 17.7%
  • Yeah, my take below..

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • No, my take below..

    Votes: 20 3.7%
  • No, this is the most hyped game ever and a pretty smug company has buggered it up

    Votes: 157 28.7%
  • No, this is a nigh-on criminal stuff up and the game should be incinerated.

    Votes: 33 6.0%
  • I've no opinion on the backlash

    Votes: 33 6.0%

  • Total voters


The hate is (almost completely) deserved when it comes to the last-gen console versions.

The same hate train is the most hyperbolic bullshit I've seen if we talk strictly about the PC version.


You need some balance. It somewhere between exaggerate and serious issue. It sucks for the last gen users and some has really high expectations. (I’m having a blast on PC (90 hours plus) despite have some oddities need to restart)
I'm in a weird boat, i had a pc pre order, but cancelled it for a (newly purchased) ps4 pro preorder, thinking it would play smoother.. lol, i got it in Japan, so my cd came heavily censored, and (until it gets patched) it's famously inconsistent.. I'm starting to regret cancelling my gog pre-order :p especially since I'm finding that my 2017 Alienware plays games with better graphics than the PS4 pro, yeah, sucks..

.. but as my op says, i am pretty confident it'll get patched up to an acceptable level within a month or two.
If I could only play it on PS4/Xbox 1, I'd be pissed as the game was originally announced for those consoles. So I'd say the backlash is dependent, and warranted, on how you play it.

Also, I think it is hilarious that Era shut down every Cyberpunk thread on release and now they have three or four threads discussing the backlash.
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For the base console versions, I can understand the high level of frustration. They shouldn't have been made imo.

But, there have been games that have been released much more broken than CP2077 and didn't receive the same level of backlash or hysteria.

Arkham Knight PC
Battlefield 4
Halo MCC
Skyrim PS3

Off the top of my head.

All of those games mentioned above didn't even work for months (at minimum)

People just like canceling things more now.
Typical Internet circle jerk
One and done.

Fallout 76 taught me that the majority of internet users are fucking retarded and only parrot what other people say, without looking into it themselves.

That's not to say that Fallout or Cyberpunk are bug-free (far from it), but they're not the unplayable messes that the majority of people believe. As far as I can tell, the major issue is that CP77 looks like a last-gen game on last-gen systems. Insert Surprised Pikachu here.


Guess I was smart enought to not buy it on last gen hardware but on PC (where this game belongs imo). Sure there's some weird bugs that remind me of 1999 (floating objects, bike stuck in the ground, stuff I can't pick up), the NPCs seem pretty stupid and there's not much interaction with the world, but nothing gamebreaking, and it looks great.

No big publisher resources

I don't know, but there is a Bandai Namco logo on the box.
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I think the same crowd upset at the Reaction to a game being released in such a poor state is the same crowd whom had their panties in a bunch over the well deserved praise that TLOU2 received.

It has continued to lower my opinion of the Y chromosomed gaming crowd.

This game should have never been released in such a state. It was simply a money grab that CDPR will have to pay for in the coming weeks months and potentially even years.
I just think it's too bad they couldn't have released earlier so they could have been in game of the year contention.

Imagine how much worse it would have been.

K' Dash

On Series X I'm 30hrs in and haven't found any bug that you wouldn't see in your typical open world game, having a blast, the game RPG mechanics are deep as fuck, there are so many layers!
The backlash for the console versions and how they have hidden it is justified. No sympathy from me, that was a moronic thing to do and I hope they learn from this. Management needs to change, someone or all of them need to go. This pretty much tarnished if not totally ruined their really good name.

The backlash the game gets in general is typical internet circle jerk, as Ninja in post #2 already said. It's buggy, yeah, but that goes with most open world multi plats and this isn't the first time that a game launched in a broken state. No Man's Sky was a disaster on all fronts (constant crashes, bugs and bad performance everywhere), Batman Arkham Knight on PC, Final Fantasy XIV which also needed a relaunch, Fallout 76... look at Battlefield 4, WWE 2k20 or Assassins Creed Unity.

When I think further back... man Gothic 3 was a disaster at launch as well.

Shit like this happens, it sucks and it shouldn't happen, but it does... and I also blame Sony and MS here, they have a certification system. They shouldn't blindly trust developers.
I don't remember any of those games, except for Batman on PC, to be completely unplayable to the point you can't even start the game, and when you do it looks like a ps1 game.


Not a joke at all. I’m playing it on XSX, which is the second best version of it after a decent PC, and having a blast with it personally. So if don’t have a personal bone to pick with to.

But the last gen console versions are piss poor, and the current PS5 version crashes a shot ton and the whole thing is made worse by CDPR hiding the console versions pre release by only sending out record codes fro the PC version, banning people from showing more than rendered footage, all while saying the game ran surprisingly well last gen consoles.

As much as I love the game on XSX they deserve the blowback they’re getting and hopefully it will serve as a lesson to others to not rush games out that aren’t ready and especially to not do so in a scummy version when things aren’t ready. If all versions aren’t ready, just releases those that are if they don’t want to delay every version. Less blow back over that, and way less scummy than knowI fly releasing brokenversions shown not allowing any prerelease reviews of said versions.


It's not a joke. I think the way public has reacted was something that should be expected, based on feedback from a past games that were released in a buggy state (Anthem, Fallout 76). CD Projekt management should know better and give their team at least few more months instead of three weeks to release Cyberpunk in a more complete state.
There's no denying they made a mistake not delaying it again. There's no denying they'd get tons of shit had they done that as well. There's no denying the performance on last gen consoles is a big problem, there's also no denying delaying/dropping those versions and just giving us PC now/for good would have resulted in an outcry, too. There's no denying this is all problems of their own making, they set dates, they decided to target Jaguar CPUs instead of just PC and next-gen. I think they're learning hard lessons from this but they're already proving they still top other companies... why? Well... first off... name a company that hasn't put out a game this bad? Not many to name, right? So, among those companies who have had abysmal launches... how many offered unconditional refunds? How many got as much support as this has already gotten and is promised to get? The list narrows doesn't it?

That said, look at Nintendo... they delayed Metroid Prime 4 indefinitely because it didn't meet their standards. They were praised for it, that said... if Cyberpunk came out and told us this game isn't meeting their standards of quality and they need possibly as much as 6 more months... would people be as receptive? I would say no, there's a lot of hype on this and you can just look back at Twitter when they delayed it a single month to Dec 10th, the people running CDPR's twitter had a lot to deal with in the fallout over that, whether nor not people were cooler about it here (I'd need to check) isn't really as important, their direct line to fans was where the got swarmed over a single month delay. Delay enough and who knows, you could end up with the problem TLOU II had with leaks... oh wait... this did have leaks? Nevermind. It's a pretty toxic and entitled time for the industry, I hope CDPR can come out of this okay on the other side. I hope a year from now the game runs smooth as butter on PS5s, Series X's and PCs and has great free DLC alongside amazing paid DLC and the conversation is about how it rivals Witcher III instead of comparing it to the Anthems and Mass Effect Andromedas of this world. It'd be nice to see because beneath the issues is a pretty great game... is it all that was hyped? Maybe not, but there isn't much discussion on that right now and it'll be nice when it can happen more.
To me, the reaction is overblown due to two reasons. First, the game was HYPED. It was the second game from the Witcher 3 guys and everyone had high expectations, and rightfully so. The game was being hyped since right after end of 2012. Secondly, and this is the reason the reaction is overblown, is that the crowd that called CDPR 2077 transphobic have jumped on the opportunity to trash them as much as they can. These are the same people who love TLOU 2 story and narrative.

Just an honest assessment.
The ending of Game of Thrones. Too many people find themselves enjoying the act of reacting to something more than they enjoy the something.

I'm convinced 8 million+ people don't actually like the act of playing games anymore, which is why things like Animal Crossing have appeal.

I've been playing bad games all year. They are actually good, and Cyberpunk isn't to far off the path in terms of quality. Metro did not feel too dissimilar for example, and there is not that much to that game. If all you ever play is Sony games, you may not be prepared.

People have long accepted "well it's an RPG, so the shooting cant be good as call of duty." What is the equivalent lowered expectations for an RPG with GTA elements. NPC vehicles that have no problem solving? If there were more games like this, it would have been accepted by now.


Plenty of Playstation owners were huge fans of Witcher 3, which sold wonderfully on the PS4, so it only follows they’d be pissed by CPDR’s lies and the state of CP2077 on the Playstation family of consoles.

This. Even the PS5 version crashes a ton and lacks the quality mode option available on XSX. If I hadn’t both ended up with both next gen consoles and canceled my physical preorder of the PS4 version of the game so I could wait for impressions and ended up buying on XSX I’d be pissed too. Game is in a garbage state on Playstation still.


ChatGPT 0.001
All games have issues at launch they’ll have to be patched a bit it’s just the way it is, find me a game that doesn’t have a patch post release. Cyberpunk being so big just made people who are mad at the world fall off a cliff.


if it wasn't for online outrage i would not know anything was up. playing on PS5 it feels like an amazing game.

i understand that there are bugs but it feels like a real pile-on. lots of people pulling together bullshit lists of things "missing" from the game. oh every npc doesn't have unique dialog and interactions? no shit, show me a game where they do, lol. yes we are at the point where we roll out the entitled gamers who want every game to have every feature of every other game. "why doesn't this game have minigames like ping pong?" ENTITLTED

most annoying is people who call it "unfinished". no, you morons, the game is perfectly finished, and full of content, it just has bugs.
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Yea the game runs like shit on base console, and looks terrible. That was unaccetable. But due to that, hardly anyone is talking about how the game is when it does run good. Sure it misses alot of things you would expect from a rpg or things they promised but I'm having a blast with it.. The animations are so fucking amazing, characters so interessting. So many gameplay options and skill trees. Yet I just saw an interview from jef of giantbomb and the interviewer asks what his thoughts are.
All he can say is that the bugs are bad but beyond that he was dissapointed with the game due to the story. I just dont get that. Sure you can not like the story but the game has so many other things to offer and does things so amazing. Yet it gets no mention. Its so easy to shit on something now days.

The game runs fine on pc with geforce now. And it looks gorgeous on high end pcs. But gotta say. CDPR did this all on themselfs. If they just decided to cut base consoles and wait to release it on next gen consoles WITH next gen version people would talk so different about it. The negative press this game is getting is insane. Even my mom knew about cyberpunk cozz it was on tv wtf
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Nope. You willfully fuck over consumers, you deserve to get fucked right back. And CDPR are getting rightfully fucked right now and I'm loving it. If only this had happened to the liars who made No Mans Sky, although their sin wasn't releasing a broken game. Just lying about what you'd get, which to me is almost as heinous.


When you have the developers themselves asking Sony to delist the game, they know they fucked up
you also know they aren't cowards and will admit their fuck ups. it's painful but it's also an honest way to deal with a bad situation, and will help build confidence in the future. imagine if they refused refunds, like Bethesda did? yes contrast this to Fallout 76 sending snarky messages to banned users and wanting them to write an essay apologizing. CDPR is handling this crisis better than most.


Yes and no?.

At this point the hate seems somewhat overblown, and it has clearly turned into the current game that's just popular to hate, like many before it (Fallout 76, ME Andromeda). I don't think it's getting more hate than the average "controversial" game, the only difference is the whole thing with refunds but then again they released a big statement saying people who are unhappy with the game should request refunds:
The console version sucked, it is well known by now. They have said they will improve that version through updates, and they are offering people refunds with an unprecedented ease of access (at least for consoles). Continuing the hate and drama 24/7 just seems like beating a dead horse.

On the other hand CDPR have no one but themselves to blame for this. This IS one of the worst looking and performing super hyped AAA games on consoles this gen, looking this blurry and with parts of the game running consistently at 20fps or lower is NOT the norm for big games and is beyond a lot of other games that launched with issues. The game had a ton of hype they were happy to fuel with vague promises about console performance and going out of their way to hide the actual state of the game on base consoles while still eagerly accepting pre orders (and even boasting about how many units they pre sold).
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On the other hand CDPR have no one but themselves to blame for this
i mean we could blame Microsoft and Sony for allowing a broken game to be sold on their stores in the first place? at least a little bit? no?

fine, blame CDPR entirely, nobody else did anything wrong. they forced Microsoft to sell their game at gunpoint /S
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While I enjoyed the game but the bugs is honestly just a minor complaint, the bigger ones come from open world AI like bad police spawns, enemies pathing and non existant companion AI. Bioware and bethesda did a better job 2 decades ago. Enemy variety is also far lower than expected. The annoying level scaling of enemies is back so thugs' weapoins just scale with your level. Early encounter street thugs will eventually deal more damage than some mechs or high end corp trained troops. Quest level design is also very underwhelming, far less interactive than even deus ex human revolution. Many of the side quests are boring, other than the companion missions many of them just ain't worth the time. The armor rating is weird, both you and the enemy can build into bullet sponges but some baton will deal much severe damage than taking 50 futuristic bullets. There are quite a lot of UI issues where the map won't display the icons correctly and makes picking the fast travel location a chore. FInally the braindance missioins of the story feels like a massive drag, they handled V's ending in some kind of a neverending loop way of similar problems so they can as many substantial story expansion as they want in the near future if they are gonna handle the story this way.

THere are definitely top notch moments for the game, like the visuals and art of the city, some characters are really lovable, plus real amazing immersive moments that really draws you in.

Core issue is half the dev team just don't have the skill level they need to make the game right, so many amatuer mistakes being made for 5.5 years of dev time. Big restructing is what they need. Since now all the problem is directed on being rushed, many of the devs that need to go will be kept and this is what makes me lose a lot less optimistic on them making things right in the future.
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The game needed more time. Imagine if it really released in April, before ps5/series X. I think it would’ve been worse. The game needs to bake more, re-release it around March or so next year.


i mean we could blame Microsoft and Sony for allowing a broken game to be sold on their stores in the first place? at least a little bit? no?

fine, blame CDPR entirely, nobody else did anything wrong. they forced Microsoft to sell their game at gunpoint /S

Sure, you can be upset with Sony/MS for their lack of quality control regarding games on their platform.

But releasing fake statements regarding performance, hiding the console version, sending out exclusively PC copies for reviews and releasing the game in that state was 100% on CDPR. Or were MS/Sony forcing them to release the game at gunpoint?
Guess I was smart enought to not buy it on last gen hardware but on PC (where this game belongs imo). Sure there's some weird bugs that remind me of 1999 (floating objects, bike stuck in the ground, stuff I can't pick up), the NPCs seem pretty stupid and there's not much interaction with the world, but nothing gamebreaking, and it looks great.

I don't know, but there is a Bandai Namco logo on the box.

You're not old enough to remember 1999 if you're under the impression that Namco does anything other than pass around the physical game discs.
I think it’s deserved. I expected bugs but the not showing base console footage at all was such an underhanded move. It’s baffling to me they thought people would accept it.


CDPR is a victim of their own success. They are still a small Eastern European developer. I have been following CDPR and loving their games since the original Witcher game. Following them and being a fan, I know what to expect. And so far this game meets my expectations. I only pre-ordered the game a day before release knowing the PC version was the way to go.

I sincerely do not feel bad for anybody who pre-ordered and did not get the game of their dreams. That is the risk you take. You win some, you lose some. If you can't take the risk, don't fucking pre-order. I rarely pre-order and when I do, it is mostly a donation to the developer and if the game sucks, I am still glad I donated. Games are so fucking cheap these days. Gamers have it so fucking good right now. So many choices. So cheap. Games of the past were shit compared to games today and they cost the same. There were so many shit games released for the original Atari and Nintendo. Hot garbage and the only thing you had to go by was the box. With the internet, there is no excuse to buy a shit game. It is on you, the consumer, for not doing your homework.
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The hysteria is warranted and deserving. And it should be a clear warning to gaming companies that continue to pull stupid stunts and abuse the consumer. It’s been going on long enough.

For years, companies that promote “AAA” games (these days when I see “AAA” worded regarding a game I always view it with skepticism now) have been shipping unfinished products that are often broken or borderline unplayable until a few patches later. There’s always some bullshit excuse and the consumers continue to buy it because “well that’s just how it is now”. Bullshit. We should demand better finished products.

Cyberpunk was basically in development for almost a decade. It was hyped beyond belief with online “journalists” and “influencers” basically having orgasms over it on YouTube and posts and threads that almost seemed like religious devotion. It was ridiculous. It was delayed several times over and over.

There’s no excuse for the way it runs and plays on PS4 and XBOX ONE. And to add insult to injury there are morons actually defending this by saying “of course it doesn’t run well, it’s last gen hardware” — newsflash, this game was supposed to release in spring of 2020, there were no next gen consoles then. If it ran like shit back then, what would have been the excuse? The whole thing is ridiculous and shows how dumb consumers continue to be, especially in video games.

Its obvious CD Projeckt Red didn’t give a shit because they had 8 million pre orders for the game, so they took the risk to just release the game because the money was already in the bank. They recouped their investment in the game on launch day, and they even bragged about this.

The smart thing if they were thinking long term and not having their heads up their asses would have been delay the release on console and keep the PC version only for now. It would have saved them a lot of hurt.

Basically, REALLY BAD decision making and management, and they deserve every ounce of flack for this. And to think people used to worship this company is hilarious.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
People got to much free time. Game is broken like many before it, only difference is that everyone is giving refunds at this point so better for us consumers.

If I didn’t see 100 threads about the game a day I’d just forget about it untill the next gen launch. Got my money back and I’m fine with waiting.


you also know they aren't cowards and will admit their fuck ups. it's painful but it's also an honest way to deal with a bad situation, and will help build confidence in the future. imagine if they refused refunds, like Bethesda did? yes contrast this to Fallout 76 sending snarky messages to banned users and wanting them to write an essay apologizing. CDPR is handling this crisis better than most.
This whole mess is self-inflicted. If they delayed even just the console versions, then this mess would be avoided.
It's deserved, the hype was insane for this, and it let down so many, and so many game breaking bugs that ruin a game when you invest so many hours into it. Also didn't help with the company's recent record of attitude and behavior, they had to deliver a good working product, and they really fucked over millions with the shitting last gen versions being garbage

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
Yes the game on base consoles is broken and it hurts watching IGN consoles video review let alone playing it. No, game plays “fine” on current gen is not an excuse as the game is last gen game.


When CDPR released The Witcher 3 they had to compromise their original vision for the sake of consoles. Now they decided to not compromise and just released the console ports as they were. I'm glad this time there were no downgrades for the PC version.
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One of the green rats
I do believe backlash is warranted but not at the levels some people are taking it. I finished it on pc with very little issues. I’ve seen the same things in games like Skyrim and Batman AK
No, it's well deserved. They knew the piece of shit state the game was, so much so that they wouldn't allow anyone to use their own footage before the release date. This is incredibly shitty on their part, not even Ubisoft has done something so fucked up so far.

So fuck CDPR.


I have not played the game yet! decide to wait for the next gen upgrade but games like this always have bugs and I am okay with that.


Yes and no.

It really is a great game underneath the bugs and a year from now it will certainly be a much much better game.

That being said the state they released it on consoles is just not acceptable. At the very least the game should be playable and for base users it is not.


I'm probably LTTP at this point, but is the backlash even necessarily directed at Cyberpunk 2077 or is it, I would say more fairly, directed at CDPR after a couple of PR stumbles (ie. caving to CCP, developer crunch)? I would say that the hate is directed more at CDPR, and I'm confident that continued development will salvage Cyberpunk 2077.


Fuck, even my MOTHER knows about the drama about cyberpunk. She saw it in the mayor news...

I... I don't know what to say.
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