duckroll said:You're just saying that cause she's a lady. Too bad she's not real, and she won't go out with you!
And Terra will never hold you in his muscly arms.
So there!
duckroll said:You're just saying that cause she's a lady. Too bad she's not real, and she won't go out with you!
Fimbulvetr said:And Terra will never hold you in his muscly arms.
So there!
duckroll said:You're just saying that cause she's a lady. Too bad she's not real, and she won't go out with you!
Spiegel said:It's pretty obvious that duckroll is messing with you guys to keep the postcount of this thread high.
And it's working :lol
Phenomic said:So I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I'm on Proud difficultly and I'm still using my Keyblade from the start of the game. Is there a reason I haven't found one over 3 Strength? I'm at a point where I hit things and do next to no damage. I'm inand Starting to really hinder my enjoyment of this game. Where do I find a good sword?Deep Space
Jerk 2.0 said:Your abilities and skills are the problem, not your sword.
Phenomic said:So.... Are you saying I suck at the game? Or are you saying I'm not using the right magic and combination of special moves? I mean once I can combo up and fill the meter I do decent enough and the damage isn't bad but normal swings are god awful. Just beat the place I mentioned though so at least that ones all done.
Aeana said:I think that if I started with Ventus as suggested by some, I wouldn't have gotten very far in the game. I had a great time with Terra's scenario, but I am really struggling to maintain interest in Ven's with all of the fetch questy crap they're having me do.
And I still don't have Counter Hammer with him.![]()
Well, part of it could be that. Going by conversations in this thread, it seems like I'm differing a lot from most people in that the absolute #1 most important aspect of the combat in this game for me is the counter. Without it, the combat feels pretty blah. I will probably start having more fun with Ven when I get it with him.Bebpo said:I think a lot of it is the psychological aspect of going back to a weak character coming from a strong one after beating any one storyline.
I loved Ventus. He played so well and was crazy fast and strong. Then when I started as Terra I didn't care for his gameplay at all. He felt slow and clumsy. When I started as Aqua she felt incredibly weak and unfun. When I got both of them to about halfway and loaded with good attacks they became enjoyable, especially towards endgame with their best unique skills. But the start for the 2nd/3rd character feels off coming from a complete character build.
Volcynika said:slkfdjkslf
One of the battles inannoys the hell out of me (Critical mode / Terra). Description:the ColiseumThese flying little things with spikes on them in the first set of battles post-meeting Hades. The round starts and suddenly I'm swarmed and then dead in no time at all!
Volcynika said:slkfdjkslf
One of the battles inannoys the hell out of me (Critical mode / Terra). Description:the ColiseumThese flying little things with spikes on them in the first set of battles post-meeting Hades. The round starts and suddenly I'm swarmed and then dead in no time at all!
ShockingAlberto said:I've finally hit the point where I'm frustrated by the controls
I'm running from a boss, and can't stop running or I will die, but I can't move the cursor to a D-Link or to Cura because that means I will stop running.
So I have to stretch my right thumb over the screen while I move around in order to scroll down
This is not the most elegant solution
Aeana said:Really missing Wayne Allwine after a particular scene in Ven's story. Whoever they've got doing Mickey now just doesn't sound quite right.![]()
Jerk 2.0 said:Zero Gravira/Graviga.
Best CC in the game.
ShockingAlberto said:I've finally hit the point where I'm frustrated by the controls
I'm running from a boss, and can't stop running or I will die, but I can't move the cursor to a D-Link or to Cura because that means I will stop running.
So I have to stretch my right thumb over the screen while I move around in order to scroll down
This is not the most elegant solution
Reknoc said:Wellkept kicking my ass so I decided to give him a break and went back to all the previous planets and get the stickers and treasures I was missing, did it but now I have a serious case of PSP thumb.Eraqus
Volcynika said:I have Zero Gravira but as soon as I start the fight its like "fuck you die!" :lol
JWong said:What is the most advised order of playing?
JWong said:What is the most advised order of playing?
Jigsaw said:sorry if this was asked before,i think i'm right at the end of ven's story,is it possible to get 100% treasures and stickers in every world with him before i finish the story?or are some chests/stickers only available for the other characters?
i want to know before i search for hours in every corner of the worlds
It's a good thing there's a timeline in the Trinity Menu.Darkky said:I played Ventus -> Terra and now I have quite a bit of trouble tying up the plotlines together. The time differences seem so awkward!
Zierath said:Has anyone here beatenThe Mysterious Figure?
Jerk 2.0 said:Terra right?
Zierath said:With anyone really. I'm just wondering if there is anything that can help with that fight beyond fire/thunder surge and dodging a ton.
Jerk 2.0 said:Abusing your shotlock ability.
Also remember that on bosses, each single hit does not do more than 25 damage, so multi-hit shotlocks are the best against them.
Then I find out that even if I do the other 2 characters in Proud mode, the game still sets the unlock requirements to whatever the lowest difficulty was, implying that if I do Terra in Standard and then Ventus and Aqua in Proud, I would still need to get 100% completion for all three characters in order to get the secret movie. Is this right?
Peff said:The moment you choose Standard with one of the characters, you will have to finish the Trinity Report for the Secret Ending to unlock. That means you have to completely 100% the game, yes. However, I'm positive that if you replay whatever story you played on Standard and choose Proud or Critical, it counts towards the easy requirements.