Luigi87 said:I just got my copy from
... Didn't get my decals <.<
Jeels said:=O Complain!
Peff said:You need to play more Command Board!
Luigi87 said:I just got my copy from
... Didn't get my decals <.<
You might as well. Is there some reason not to?ExtraKr1spy said:Noooooooooooo
Doesn't work with M33-6 6.20 PRX
Game boots but stays in a black screen. Looks like I might have to upgrade to prometheus.
darkjedi187 said:whats the best order to play the story in?
darkjedi187 said:I thought the same, but it was in the case. I also got mine from Amazon.
Borman said:
Synless said:Got my copy!! Thread is depressingly slow.
darkjedi187 said:Sure is.
Synless said:Got my copy!! Thread is depressingly slow.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:While waiting for my PSP to charge, I have a couple of questions.
What is this 32-bit/16-bit option thing I'm hearing about? And also, I'm reading from other posts that I can select CPU speed, which is something like 332mhz or something?
Is this selected on the options menu and what do you recommend I set them as?
Thanks.Luigi87 said:You can display the game in either 16-bit colours (default), or 32-bit colours. Naturally the latter will be more vibrant, however it may cause slowdown as it warns.
For CPU, there is Normal (222mhz) and Accelerated (333mhz) which will stop slowdown at the cost of battery power, and recommends using the AC Adapter (so if using 32-bit, use 333mhz... Which since I'm keeping mine plugged in, I myself am using).
Fidelis Hodie said:Cool faked lensbaby.
Unless . . you really have a lensbaby.
On the game side of things, the story seems a wee bit sparsed, though I'm only playing through as Ventus right now and I guess the others filling in will help a lot. I love the combat, love the worlds,it's just I'm not really connecting with Ventus's search for . . friends or something. It's not hard to get or anything, but I think Aqua and Terra will provide the better playthroughs.(DISNEY TOWN SO TIGHT PINBALL MACHINE)
I'm just excited there two more characters to obsess over in a main story line!
Birth by Sleep is a prequel, so it's fine to play first.Palmer_v1 said:Two questions, if GAf would be so kind as to answer!
#1. How standalone is this game in regards to the overall KH series of games? Meaning, could someone enjoy it without having played all of the others?
#2. Including handhelds, what is the best order to play all the KH games?
Palmer_v1 said:Two questions, if GAf would be so kind as to answer!
#1. How standalone is this game in regards to the overall KH series of games? Meaning, could someone enjoy it without having played all of the others?
#2. Including handhelds, what is the best order to play all the KH games?
Game Informer - 8.5/10 said:Overall, I loved the combat, leveling, and look of Birth by Sleep, and I applaud the bold storytelling approach of having three storylines. Im just glad I wont have to start up another character from scratch in this game ever again. Read more:
DMPrince said:why is the AI so cheap in the command board? then again, they get lucky as rolls >.<
Bold, really?I applaud the bold storytelling approach of having three storylines
It received pretty much the same attention that a numbered game would have, so I personally would call it a "main series" game. Especially since it has new worlds, whereas CoM and 179 Days do not.Aesthet1c said:I was really on the fence on this one since I kind of hated 358/2 days. However I ended up biting the bullet, and I'm so glad I did. This game is amazing, I'm only like 2 hours in, but I am loving every minute. It feels like a main series KH game.
Hasnt been that hard so far. Actually the beginning of each story is the hardest part of it.Dechaios said:Hmm... I chose critical mode right off the bat. Is it gonna be super hard??
Dechaios said:Hmm... I chose critical mode right off the bat. Is it gonna be super hard??
yencid said:Hasnt been that hard so far. Actually the beginning of each story is the hardest part of it.
yencid said:Hasnt been that hard so far. Actually the beginning of each story is the hardest part of it.
duckroll said:Nah. It's just a portable game. You probably don't like portable games.
Borman said:Didnt try to fake anythingJust a 1.8f shot at 50mm heh.