It's already in development.At this point I doubt we ever get another Mass Effect.
It's already in development.At this point I doubt we ever get another Mass Effect.
Pre development last I heard. I think they even said they're not going to work on it until after the next Dragon Age.It's already in development.
seriously, like wtf?8 cotdamn years?! Man time flies. Can't believe how EA let this franchise die. Should've been the next Star Wars/Trek.
It's likely some ways off considering Bioware's current situation, but after Dragon Age it's the biggest cow for them to milk, and there are millions of gamers with a deep connection to that franchise, so I can't see a scenario where the next generation won't contain at least one new Mass Effect in some form. Hopefully.Pre development last I heard. I think they even said they're not going to work on it until after the next Dragon Age.
Wouldn't be surprised it's cancelled a year or two from now.
Remember Sovereign's "THERE IS A REALM OF EXISTENCE SO FAR BEYOND YOUR OWN YOU CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE IT. I AM BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION. I AM SOVEREIGN."The only thing good about 3 is Javik and the multiplayer. Everything else is hot garbage. The whole story is an atrocity that completely ignores or goes against the lore established in the first game. Really, the entire story makes no sense when you take into account the information we were given by Vigil in the first game.
Yeah I miss that.
Just posting to say that I replayed the Legendary Edition and I am not mad anymore. I felt it could be better but this time everything had a more nostalgic feeling.
The Legendary Edition having ALL the DLC and being able to play The Citadel DLC before the end of ME3 may have helped a lot.
I should go.
Great to hear. It's okay to be sad or unsatisfied but you shouldn't be mad. However, it just shows how much of an impact and affect this game had and still has to many.and I am not mad anymore
Just posting to say that I replayed the Legendary Edition and I am not mad anymore. I felt it could be better but this time everything had a more nostalgic feeling.
The Legendary Edition having ALL the DLC and being able to play The Citadel DLC before the end of ME3 may have helped a lot.
I should go.
Did you go for the secret 4th ending?
Bingo. Destroy is the right ending. Nothing will ever change my mind. The Geth and EDI, and all AI really, are not living things. They are machines, so destroying them is not genocide. There is literally no moral quandary involved in Destroy.Nah, destruction with Shep alive at the end forever. The only good reaper is a dead reaper.
Worst part of the game was that it opened the floodgates to player entitlement and dictating design. If BioWare hadnt buckled and stuck with their original fuckups with the ending (which I personally didnt mind. The game had worse issues than "pick a color") and let sleeping dogs lie then I think we wouldnt have half of the issues today with deliberate "player interference" when it comes to projects.
Now I have no idea what it must have been like back in the day. Maybe I’m accustomed to disappointing endings to franchises at this point and have in some form of cope mechanism put very little judgement into them.
Faceless squall still haunting me tbhIf I can prefer the Squall is Dead Theory, you can believe the Indoctrination Theory. You shouldn't have to justify your interpretation of an ending if it sounds like a better ending to you.
Congratulations !Just posting to say that I replayed the Legendary Edition and I am not mad anymore. I felt it could be better but this time everything had a more nostalgic feeling.
The Legendary Edition having ALL the DLC and being able to play The Citadel DLC before the end of ME3 may have helped a lot.
I should go.
And this is why you never push out the original writer…Yes. It's been more than 8 years since those words were said
And we ORIGINALLY got as ending the same cutscene with diferent colors:
But let's be honest, that started one of the biggest shitstorms I've ever seen in the videogame industry. The shitstorm was so big EAware was forced to RE-DO the endings adding:
-New Cutscenes
-An epilogue to all the endings explaining what the fuck happent
-Changing cutscenes that were already in the original endings
We also got a lot of memes, one of the best i remember:
The denial of the endings was so big the fans started to believe the endings were FAKE and the real ending was what we know as the INDOCTRINATION THEORY (a theory that says that the last part with Shepard and the IA-Child never happens and it's all in Shepard's head while fighting Indoctrination to chose the DESTROY ending).
Also they Added a "fuck you" ending where you refuse to choose/shoot at the AI-child and we lose in this cycle but the next cycle will beat the reapers.
Nothing of this gave me any feeling of "closure". I never got to kick Harbinger's ass, only some minor reapers. I never got to kick TIM's ass, his whole stuff in ME3 ends in a looong conversation where he kills you, he suicides or you press a button and kill him. Not the final boss battle I was expecting for years.
And here I am, in this "pseudo-not-E3" waiting for somebody to announce a Mass Effect trilogy remaster to give them another chance on doing the correct stuff and solve the ending.
Still mad. Will never forgive. Will never forget.