Watch Da Birdie
I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Let's leave Mega Pokemon out of this!
So, I've been a big fan of Pokemon like the entirety of my life, and have generally enjoyed every Generation that has been released, my favorites being Gen III and Gen IV...and yes, I've been around since the Red and Blue days.
Now, I have my issues with Generation VI, but I certainly didn't hate XY or ORAS, putting in roughly 100+ hours between the two and having fun with them. But let's talk about the Pokemon themselves, as that's always been the key feature for me when it comes to new Pokemon games---I'm a sucker for new Pokemon. I get hyped as fuck during the lead-up to new games when CoroCoro is revealing New Pokemon every issue, and there's only a handful of Pokemon I can say that I outright hate. I believe that every Pokemon has its fans, and I'd never want to see a Pokemon permanently dropped from the series---because hey, one day they drop someone else's favorite, the next they could drop mine! Now---I'll be honest, and breaking my own thread rules here, I don't think I'd be destroyed if Mega Pokemon were quietly removed (I don't hate them, per se, they just make things messy and I've only use like one or two because XY/ORAS really didn't implement them well into the main game and I'm not an avid online player), but generally I think Pokemon's biggest advantage over other Mon Series is its stability when it comes to handling its cast, and keeping all of them relevant through each iteration.
Yet while I don't hate them, something about the Generation VI Pokemon still feels distant to me. Usually, I become pretty intimate with the New Pokemon within a year of a new Generation---I'm not a walking PokeDex who can recite their height/weight and stuff like that, but I can easily picture pretty much any of them and know most of their key features and such. But that hasn't happened with Generation VI yet, which I realized the other day in my "Draw Pokemon From Memory Thread", Gen VI Pokemon didn't come as natural to me as the others. Part of the reason I think is that, well, I'm older, and my hobbies have evolved to the point I'm not into Pokemon as I used to be. I used to be on-top of all the going ons, loved watching the television series and always found it relatively charming even in its later years due to its simplicity and status-quo (but Best Wishes pissed me off), and hung out on Pokemon-centered forums, but now...I pretty much just play the new main games, and maybe spin-offs if they catch my eye, like the New Mystery Dungeon, definitely, so my exposure to Pokemon is far less. I guess as a result of this, the Generation VI Pokemon haven't become as memorable to me as their predecessors, which sort of bums me out---growing out of a childhood series is a necessary part of growing up (but as people have told me, 25 is far from 'grown up'), especially as I absolutely enjoyed Generation V's collection of creatures and loved how Game Freak went up-and-beyond, in my opinion, churning out 150+ New Pokemon which I mostly found to be really neat and imaginative, and quickly found new favorites like Palpitoad and Sawk. A lot of my favorite Pokemon happen to come about because I enjoy them in the show, which for its flaws, was the best way to see Pokemon outside of static images and sprites and often gave me a new perspective seeing in them in action---I actually think XY's anime is pretty decent, yet I don't have the time or interest to watch it anymore as there's tons of other media I have on my plate, and I think that's hurt my love for the new Pokemon as well.
So, when Generation VI first was revealed, I was hyped---the Starters were neat looking, Sylveon indicated we'd see new evolutions of older Pokemon, something we came to expect from even Generations, and I thought we'd see a healthy amount of Pokemon. But when the games came out, well---excluding the Megas (which really don't feel the same as the old cross-gen evolutions, despite what Serebii might claim!), we only had a paltry 69 Pokemon (plus three Event Pokemon), and things felt really sparse. Not a lot of the Pokemon clicked with me either, I think the disappointment of so little Pokemon sort of freaked me out---I knew this was going to happen on day, Pokemon loses steam and starts to slow down, and I felt like this was happening. We only had like six Legendaries, three of which were Events, which is something I thought I'd like but I really didn't since the absence of an actual new Legendary Trio like the Birds/Beasts/Golems/Pixies/Musketeers/Genies felt like the ultimate betrayal, the ultimate "shoulder shrug" from Game Freak.
Today, I decided to try and rectify this...going over the Gen VI Pokemon, and try and evaluate my tastes on them...I want to learn to like them! Or realize why I hate them---but I'd like to see everyone else's thoughts as well!
Chespin/Quilladin/Chesnaught - Traditionally, I've been a Grass Starter fan. On average, they've been my favorite Starter Type with Bulbasaur, Treecko, and Turtwig. Chikorita I find to be completely boring, and unlike, like, the whole Internet, I can't stand Snivy and its evolutions (who I picked my first time through Black and White, and was disappointed). Thankfully, this is a cool Grass-starter line, bulky like I tend to like them and getting out of the "reptile" comfort zone. Yeah, I think Chespin is totally digging on the Piplup/Oshawott popularity, but I can't hate such a cute Pokemon. Quilladin is the goofy, akward middle-form which tend to be my favorite of each Starter line, and Chesnaught just looks cool.
Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox- As a child, I was obsessed with foxes---but nowadays, foxes, wolves, etc. are so overused, Pokemon based around them I tend to find dull, and I don't like stereotypical "beautiful" Pokemon which is why I don't like Snivy, so these are easily one of my least favorite Starter lines. I actually like humanoid Pokemon in general, but Braixen especially---I think goes into territory I'm not too thrilled with. Delphox dials it back a bit, but its design is just awkward to me. At least they broke the Fire/Fighting pattern!
Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja- One of my favorite Pokemon of all time was Palpitoad, so I was actually happy to see another cool looking Water-type Frog Pokemon. Come to think of it, Frog Pokemon don't disappoint---if you count Bulbasaur, him, the Poliwag line, and the Croagunk line are awesome as well. And the line didn't disappoint, when I got X it was hard to pick between it and Chesnaught, but I gave Grass another shot. Greninja definitely seems like it was focus-tested...designed to be cool, so to speak, but hey, I legitimately like it, and its Smash incarnation is pretty rad. And as an anime fan, I gotta say I'm happy they're finally letting Ash have a fully evolved Water-starter it seems with him already having a Frogadier...
Bunnelby/Diggersby- Bunnelby is a plain-looking rodent, but unlike the other ones (bar Bibarel) it's a bit unique in that it actually gains a type upon evolution instead of staying dull normal, and becomes the only non-Legendary, non-Mega Ground type. Seriously, the type distribution in Gen VI was fucked up. I actually like Bunnelby a lot because of the XY anime, as I watched a few early episodes, and Clemont's Bunnelby absolutely wrecked shit up. It impressed me, and now I realize how cute it is. Diggersby---eh---I understand what they were going for, and I usually like these funky designs, but it's yet to grow on me.
Fletchling/Fletchinder/Talonflame- Good on Game Freak for doing something different with the Regional Bird by making it part-Fire instead of normal like the others! After the cool and useful Staraptor, I felt like the Pidove line was a really weak follow-up, and I was thrilled to have a great return to form. It's an overall solid design that I think the average person will find to be cool, and I think will have long-lasting popularity.
Scatterbug/Spewpa/Vivillon- Ugh, one step forward, one step back...that's Game Freak! Unova had awesome Bug-type Pokemon with Leavanny and Scolipede, but now we go back to another Bug/Flying butterfly/moth line. Why? Vivillion has a cool gimmick with the patterns, but why not make its game use unique as well? Why not part-Psychic? Anyway, this line outside its gimmick is utterly forgettable I think like fucking Mothim (remember him?), although for some bizarre reason I find Spewpa to be incredibly cute and wish it wasn't the cocoon form of the shitty regional bug.
Litleo/Pyroar- It's a "why did it take them so long to do this animal?" Pokemon, and it's cool to finally have a straight-up lion after two questionable ones...but I don't really care for it that much, and for some reason can't help but see it as Shinx: Fire Version. The kanji element on Pyroar is cool though, as is the gender dimorphism which I miss when it was applied to a large number of Pokemon like in Gen IV, but I just don't care for cat Pokemon really.
Flabebe/Floette/Florges- The first Pokemon that pops to mind when I think of "Fairy", and a good representation I think---a small fairy that hangs out on a flower. Flabebe---is cute as fuck. I love its design. Floette and Florges, on the other hand, are a bit too "girly" for my tastes, but aren't bad by any means. I like this line overall though, used it during my first run-through...but seriously, fuck AZ. Pokemon getting more and more mystical is alright with me, Arceus being the Pokemon God never bugged me, but when you started giving people special powers like AZ, I dunno, that crosses a line.
Skiddo/Gogoat- Biggest let-down finding out the riding gimmick barely factored into XY---but beyond that, solid, yet nothing that special Pokemon. A lot of XY Pokemon seem to fall into this category for me---I almost think I'd rather vigorously hate them than simply find them "okay", because at least there's a specific emotion attached to them for me...
Pancham/Pangoro- Finally, a Panda Pokemon! And it's based on a yankii---I mean, Game Freak did well. I feel like I should like this Pokemon way more than I do, but it's another I'm strangely ambivalent towards. I never used it before, maybe using one will help me warm up to it more.
Furfrou- A Pokemon whose gimmick is the most interesting about it. Dog Pokemon aren't my cup of tea, 'specially a poodle. But it's a good idea thematically for Kalos, I'll give Game Freak that, and having pretty substantial unique designs shows effort. But why not make it, y'know, good?
Espurr/Meowstic- Dumb meme shit. Same thing that put me off Snivy, except I sort of liked Snivy before all that. This Pokemon? Just don't care for it or its "following".
Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash- "IT'S NOT AN ANIMAL!" Seriously, folks? I've been wanting a living sword Pokemon forever, and I think Game Freak delivered. I'm sort of ashamed to like it because I'm too unique to like Pokemon who are super powerful and OU, but hell, I'll say it---this is probably the best Pokemon of Gen VI overall. Stylish, yet simple design, cool type, neat and useful gimmick, fits the 'lore'...just good all around.
Spritzee/Aromatisse- Spritzee, cute. Very cute. After Flabebe, this sold me on Fairy-type Pokemon. Aromatisse...uhhh? I don't get it. I don't wanna come across as being part of the boy's club, but Game Freak felt like it faltered a lot this time whenever they went for really feminine looking Pokemon.
Swirlix/Slurpuff- I feel like Fairy Pokemon being living food sort of makes sense---to the point I wish Vanillite and its evolutions was made part-Fairy as well. Swirlix is cute, and feels really classic to me---like I could picture him in Gen 1 easily, and I like how it easily mixes the normal dog elements with the living cotton candy elements. Slurpuff, like Aromatisse, I think sort of takes a good, simplistic design and adds to much stuff, but it's not as much of a downgrade for me.
Inkay/Malamar- Good Pokemon, like Honedge they've got cool designs and a neat gimmick---I mean, flipping the 3DS to have them evolve is pointless, really, but still a cool idea. Inkay is absolutely adorable, and Malamar is sinister looking without overdoing it and feels legitimately threatening. Very solid showing, and dropping the expected Water for a unique dual-typing was a good idea.
Binacle/Barbacle- Now these Pokemon appeal to me! They're goofy, based off a somewhat obscure animal that most folks won't get at first, and don't look like any other Pokemon (well, multi-headed Pokemon aren't new, but you know what I mean), and one of my favorites. Used them in my initial X playthrough.
Skrelp/Dragalge- I think these Pokemon show that Game Freak shouldn't be afraid to re-use animals, because there's still potential in animals they've used before---here, the seahorse, going a totally different route from Horsea and creating a Pokemon that's rather cool, and Dragon/Poison? Yes, I'll take it. Not one of my favorites, personally, but ones I think are strong designs and I can see why people like them.
Clauncher/Clawitzer- GameFreak were on a role with Water Pokemon this time around, usually Water is filled with throwaway and forgettable Pokemon, but all the Water Pokemon here are very good designs---and incidentally, this is the first time Game Freak really dialed back on the Water Pokemon, even taking in the smaller amount of Pokemon. An animal ripe for Pokemonization---the pistol shrimp---that turns into a Zeon Mobile Suit with an arm-cannon. Game Freak needs to go mecha more, sorry if that bugs the "Pokemon must be organic!" folks, but if this is the result I'll take more.
Helioptile/Heliolisk- Remember when everyone thought this was a Mawile pre-evolution for a few hours upon its reveal? I mean, looking back that seems ridiculous to think, but I definitely thought that at first as well. At least it's not a tease like Alomomola was---fuck that. Anyway, Helioptile is adorable, and a nice Pokemon to choose for the pre-release period as it got people talking. Heliolisk feels really lacking though, and I feel like it looks like a mid-form and there should've been another evolution---but I guess Game Freak was tight on space. There's always Mega Heliolisk I guess.
Tyrunt/Tyrantrum- The biggest "DUH!" Pokemon ever, of course people wanted a T-Rex Pokemon. How'd it turn out? Pretty nice! It would've been interesting to see one of these way back before the dinosaurs had feathers stuff started, and when Game Freak wasn't as elaborate with most of the designs, a more plainer T-Rex, but Tyrantrum is by no means a bad design. The dinosaur-obsessed kid in me would've loved this to death---but my love for dinosaurs isn't what it once was, and a stock dinosaur doesn't excite me as much as it used to.
Amaura/Aurorus- I hate to say this...but when I first saw Amaura, I thought "Neopet"? It's the eyes, and the lack of detail honestly---it's just too cute for its own good, and the color-scheme doesn't help. Aurorus is a step-up, a way better body design, but the eyes still bug me. It's like Beartic---those beady eyes of his totally ruined his design for me! But you know, I've grown to like it a bit, and hey, yeah, it's like that 90's stationary chick drew it, but an ice-type brontosaur (or whatever they're called now) is still a design that strikes me as cool. But oooooooh, that typing though...
Sylveon- Dislike Eevee. Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon are neat, I like Espeon and Umbreon thanks to being the MVPs in Colosseum, but after that "NEW EEVEELUTION!" wasn't my cup of tea. Sylveon interested me though thanks to the new type speculation, and having a bit more of a unique design, but now that the mystery is gone, like Leafeon and Glaceon I really don't care for it. I want my Fighting or Bug Eevee!
Hawlucha- I felt like this was a Pokemon a lot of fans would end up liking, a more "cult" favorite like Wobbuffet sort of, and it seems I was right, as people seem to really love it. Not getting into Pokken was a shame---beyond that, I also think he'd be amazing in Smash Brothers, but my Smash 5 he might not be as relevant as he is now. The show seems to agree with me though because they gave one to Ash and focus on it a lot, and the show does pretty good by it. It doesn't seem to have a ton of merchandise as far as I know, I guess because it's not stereotypically cute. I like the fan theory it's actually just a dude dressed as a Pokemon too---
Dedenne- Don't get why exactly it's a Fairy Pokemon...but, as far as Pikachu clones go, he's my favorite. He's soooooooooooooo cute! This was another Pokemon I wanted in Smash, to replace Pichu. I even had an idea where he had a "Static" gimmick based off Sakurai's own creation, the Plasma Ability in Kirby Super Star.
Continued in the next post...
So, I've been a big fan of Pokemon like the entirety of my life, and have generally enjoyed every Generation that has been released, my favorites being Gen III and Gen IV...and yes, I've been around since the Red and Blue days.
Now, I have my issues with Generation VI, but I certainly didn't hate XY or ORAS, putting in roughly 100+ hours between the two and having fun with them. But let's talk about the Pokemon themselves, as that's always been the key feature for me when it comes to new Pokemon games---I'm a sucker for new Pokemon. I get hyped as fuck during the lead-up to new games when CoroCoro is revealing New Pokemon every issue, and there's only a handful of Pokemon I can say that I outright hate. I believe that every Pokemon has its fans, and I'd never want to see a Pokemon permanently dropped from the series---because hey, one day they drop someone else's favorite, the next they could drop mine! Now---I'll be honest, and breaking my own thread rules here, I don't think I'd be destroyed if Mega Pokemon were quietly removed (I don't hate them, per se, they just make things messy and I've only use like one or two because XY/ORAS really didn't implement them well into the main game and I'm not an avid online player), but generally I think Pokemon's biggest advantage over other Mon Series is its stability when it comes to handling its cast, and keeping all of them relevant through each iteration.
Yet while I don't hate them, something about the Generation VI Pokemon still feels distant to me. Usually, I become pretty intimate with the New Pokemon within a year of a new Generation---I'm not a walking PokeDex who can recite their height/weight and stuff like that, but I can easily picture pretty much any of them and know most of their key features and such. But that hasn't happened with Generation VI yet, which I realized the other day in my "Draw Pokemon From Memory Thread", Gen VI Pokemon didn't come as natural to me as the others. Part of the reason I think is that, well, I'm older, and my hobbies have evolved to the point I'm not into Pokemon as I used to be. I used to be on-top of all the going ons, loved watching the television series and always found it relatively charming even in its later years due to its simplicity and status-quo (but Best Wishes pissed me off), and hung out on Pokemon-centered forums, but now...I pretty much just play the new main games, and maybe spin-offs if they catch my eye, like the New Mystery Dungeon, definitely, so my exposure to Pokemon is far less. I guess as a result of this, the Generation VI Pokemon haven't become as memorable to me as their predecessors, which sort of bums me out---growing out of a childhood series is a necessary part of growing up (but as people have told me, 25 is far from 'grown up'), especially as I absolutely enjoyed Generation V's collection of creatures and loved how Game Freak went up-and-beyond, in my opinion, churning out 150+ New Pokemon which I mostly found to be really neat and imaginative, and quickly found new favorites like Palpitoad and Sawk. A lot of my favorite Pokemon happen to come about because I enjoy them in the show, which for its flaws, was the best way to see Pokemon outside of static images and sprites and often gave me a new perspective seeing in them in action---I actually think XY's anime is pretty decent, yet I don't have the time or interest to watch it anymore as there's tons of other media I have on my plate, and I think that's hurt my love for the new Pokemon as well.
So, when Generation VI first was revealed, I was hyped---the Starters were neat looking, Sylveon indicated we'd see new evolutions of older Pokemon, something we came to expect from even Generations, and I thought we'd see a healthy amount of Pokemon. But when the games came out, well---excluding the Megas (which really don't feel the same as the old cross-gen evolutions, despite what Serebii might claim!), we only had a paltry 69 Pokemon (plus three Event Pokemon), and things felt really sparse. Not a lot of the Pokemon clicked with me either, I think the disappointment of so little Pokemon sort of freaked me out---I knew this was going to happen on day, Pokemon loses steam and starts to slow down, and I felt like this was happening. We only had like six Legendaries, three of which were Events, which is something I thought I'd like but I really didn't since the absence of an actual new Legendary Trio like the Birds/Beasts/Golems/Pixies/Musketeers/Genies felt like the ultimate betrayal, the ultimate "shoulder shrug" from Game Freak.
Today, I decided to try and rectify this...going over the Gen VI Pokemon, and try and evaluate my tastes on them...I want to learn to like them! Or realize why I hate them---but I'd like to see everyone else's thoughts as well!
Chespin/Quilladin/Chesnaught - Traditionally, I've been a Grass Starter fan. On average, they've been my favorite Starter Type with Bulbasaur, Treecko, and Turtwig. Chikorita I find to be completely boring, and unlike, like, the whole Internet, I can't stand Snivy and its evolutions (who I picked my first time through Black and White, and was disappointed). Thankfully, this is a cool Grass-starter line, bulky like I tend to like them and getting out of the "reptile" comfort zone. Yeah, I think Chespin is totally digging on the Piplup/Oshawott popularity, but I can't hate such a cute Pokemon. Quilladin is the goofy, akward middle-form which tend to be my favorite of each Starter line, and Chesnaught just looks cool.
Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox- As a child, I was obsessed with foxes---but nowadays, foxes, wolves, etc. are so overused, Pokemon based around them I tend to find dull, and I don't like stereotypical "beautiful" Pokemon which is why I don't like Snivy, so these are easily one of my least favorite Starter lines. I actually like humanoid Pokemon in general, but Braixen especially---I think goes into territory I'm not too thrilled with. Delphox dials it back a bit, but its design is just awkward to me. At least they broke the Fire/Fighting pattern!
Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja- One of my favorite Pokemon of all time was Palpitoad, so I was actually happy to see another cool looking Water-type Frog Pokemon. Come to think of it, Frog Pokemon don't disappoint---if you count Bulbasaur, him, the Poliwag line, and the Croagunk line are awesome as well. And the line didn't disappoint, when I got X it was hard to pick between it and Chesnaught, but I gave Grass another shot. Greninja definitely seems like it was focus-tested...designed to be cool, so to speak, but hey, I legitimately like it, and its Smash incarnation is pretty rad. And as an anime fan, I gotta say I'm happy they're finally letting Ash have a fully evolved Water-starter it seems with him already having a Frogadier...
Bunnelby/Diggersby- Bunnelby is a plain-looking rodent, but unlike the other ones (bar Bibarel) it's a bit unique in that it actually gains a type upon evolution instead of staying dull normal, and becomes the only non-Legendary, non-Mega Ground type. Seriously, the type distribution in Gen VI was fucked up. I actually like Bunnelby a lot because of the XY anime, as I watched a few early episodes, and Clemont's Bunnelby absolutely wrecked shit up. It impressed me, and now I realize how cute it is. Diggersby---eh---I understand what they were going for, and I usually like these funky designs, but it's yet to grow on me.
Fletchling/Fletchinder/Talonflame- Good on Game Freak for doing something different with the Regional Bird by making it part-Fire instead of normal like the others! After the cool and useful Staraptor, I felt like the Pidove line was a really weak follow-up, and I was thrilled to have a great return to form. It's an overall solid design that I think the average person will find to be cool, and I think will have long-lasting popularity.
Scatterbug/Spewpa/Vivillon- Ugh, one step forward, one step back...that's Game Freak! Unova had awesome Bug-type Pokemon with Leavanny and Scolipede, but now we go back to another Bug/Flying butterfly/moth line. Why? Vivillion has a cool gimmick with the patterns, but why not make its game use unique as well? Why not part-Psychic? Anyway, this line outside its gimmick is utterly forgettable I think like fucking Mothim (remember him?), although for some bizarre reason I find Spewpa to be incredibly cute and wish it wasn't the cocoon form of the shitty regional bug.
Litleo/Pyroar- It's a "why did it take them so long to do this animal?" Pokemon, and it's cool to finally have a straight-up lion after two questionable ones...but I don't really care for it that much, and for some reason can't help but see it as Shinx: Fire Version. The kanji element on Pyroar is cool though, as is the gender dimorphism which I miss when it was applied to a large number of Pokemon like in Gen IV, but I just don't care for cat Pokemon really.
Flabebe/Floette/Florges- The first Pokemon that pops to mind when I think of "Fairy", and a good representation I think---a small fairy that hangs out on a flower. Flabebe---is cute as fuck. I love its design. Floette and Florges, on the other hand, are a bit too "girly" for my tastes, but aren't bad by any means. I like this line overall though, used it during my first run-through...but seriously, fuck AZ. Pokemon getting more and more mystical is alright with me, Arceus being the Pokemon God never bugged me, but when you started giving people special powers like AZ, I dunno, that crosses a line.
Skiddo/Gogoat- Biggest let-down finding out the riding gimmick barely factored into XY---but beyond that, solid, yet nothing that special Pokemon. A lot of XY Pokemon seem to fall into this category for me---I almost think I'd rather vigorously hate them than simply find them "okay", because at least there's a specific emotion attached to them for me...
Pancham/Pangoro- Finally, a Panda Pokemon! And it's based on a yankii---I mean, Game Freak did well. I feel like I should like this Pokemon way more than I do, but it's another I'm strangely ambivalent towards. I never used it before, maybe using one will help me warm up to it more.
Furfrou- A Pokemon whose gimmick is the most interesting about it. Dog Pokemon aren't my cup of tea, 'specially a poodle. But it's a good idea thematically for Kalos, I'll give Game Freak that, and having pretty substantial unique designs shows effort. But why not make it, y'know, good?
Espurr/Meowstic- Dumb meme shit. Same thing that put me off Snivy, except I sort of liked Snivy before all that. This Pokemon? Just don't care for it or its "following".
Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash- "IT'S NOT AN ANIMAL!" Seriously, folks? I've been wanting a living sword Pokemon forever, and I think Game Freak delivered. I'm sort of ashamed to like it because I'm too unique to like Pokemon who are super powerful and OU, but hell, I'll say it---this is probably the best Pokemon of Gen VI overall. Stylish, yet simple design, cool type, neat and useful gimmick, fits the 'lore'...just good all around.
Spritzee/Aromatisse- Spritzee, cute. Very cute. After Flabebe, this sold me on Fairy-type Pokemon. Aromatisse...uhhh? I don't get it. I don't wanna come across as being part of the boy's club, but Game Freak felt like it faltered a lot this time whenever they went for really feminine looking Pokemon.
Swirlix/Slurpuff- I feel like Fairy Pokemon being living food sort of makes sense---to the point I wish Vanillite and its evolutions was made part-Fairy as well. Swirlix is cute, and feels really classic to me---like I could picture him in Gen 1 easily, and I like how it easily mixes the normal dog elements with the living cotton candy elements. Slurpuff, like Aromatisse, I think sort of takes a good, simplistic design and adds to much stuff, but it's not as much of a downgrade for me.
Inkay/Malamar- Good Pokemon, like Honedge they've got cool designs and a neat gimmick---I mean, flipping the 3DS to have them evolve is pointless, really, but still a cool idea. Inkay is absolutely adorable, and Malamar is sinister looking without overdoing it and feels legitimately threatening. Very solid showing, and dropping the expected Water for a unique dual-typing was a good idea.
Binacle/Barbacle- Now these Pokemon appeal to me! They're goofy, based off a somewhat obscure animal that most folks won't get at first, and don't look like any other Pokemon (well, multi-headed Pokemon aren't new, but you know what I mean), and one of my favorites. Used them in my initial X playthrough.
Skrelp/Dragalge- I think these Pokemon show that Game Freak shouldn't be afraid to re-use animals, because there's still potential in animals they've used before---here, the seahorse, going a totally different route from Horsea and creating a Pokemon that's rather cool, and Dragon/Poison? Yes, I'll take it. Not one of my favorites, personally, but ones I think are strong designs and I can see why people like them.
Clauncher/Clawitzer- GameFreak were on a role with Water Pokemon this time around, usually Water is filled with throwaway and forgettable Pokemon, but all the Water Pokemon here are very good designs---and incidentally, this is the first time Game Freak really dialed back on the Water Pokemon, even taking in the smaller amount of Pokemon. An animal ripe for Pokemonization---the pistol shrimp---that turns into a Zeon Mobile Suit with an arm-cannon. Game Freak needs to go mecha more, sorry if that bugs the "Pokemon must be organic!" folks, but if this is the result I'll take more.
Helioptile/Heliolisk- Remember when everyone thought this was a Mawile pre-evolution for a few hours upon its reveal? I mean, looking back that seems ridiculous to think, but I definitely thought that at first as well. At least it's not a tease like Alomomola was---fuck that. Anyway, Helioptile is adorable, and a nice Pokemon to choose for the pre-release period as it got people talking. Heliolisk feels really lacking though, and I feel like it looks like a mid-form and there should've been another evolution---but I guess Game Freak was tight on space. There's always Mega Heliolisk I guess.
Tyrunt/Tyrantrum- The biggest "DUH!" Pokemon ever, of course people wanted a T-Rex Pokemon. How'd it turn out? Pretty nice! It would've been interesting to see one of these way back before the dinosaurs had feathers stuff started, and when Game Freak wasn't as elaborate with most of the designs, a more plainer T-Rex, but Tyrantrum is by no means a bad design. The dinosaur-obsessed kid in me would've loved this to death---but my love for dinosaurs isn't what it once was, and a stock dinosaur doesn't excite me as much as it used to.
Amaura/Aurorus- I hate to say this...but when I first saw Amaura, I thought "Neopet"? It's the eyes, and the lack of detail honestly---it's just too cute for its own good, and the color-scheme doesn't help. Aurorus is a step-up, a way better body design, but the eyes still bug me. It's like Beartic---those beady eyes of his totally ruined his design for me! But you know, I've grown to like it a bit, and hey, yeah, it's like that 90's stationary chick drew it, but an ice-type brontosaur (or whatever they're called now) is still a design that strikes me as cool. But oooooooh, that typing though...
Sylveon- Dislike Eevee. Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon are neat, I like Espeon and Umbreon thanks to being the MVPs in Colosseum, but after that "NEW EEVEELUTION!" wasn't my cup of tea. Sylveon interested me though thanks to the new type speculation, and having a bit more of a unique design, but now that the mystery is gone, like Leafeon and Glaceon I really don't care for it. I want my Fighting or Bug Eevee!
Hawlucha- I felt like this was a Pokemon a lot of fans would end up liking, a more "cult" favorite like Wobbuffet sort of, and it seems I was right, as people seem to really love it. Not getting into Pokken was a shame---beyond that, I also think he'd be amazing in Smash Brothers, but my Smash 5 he might not be as relevant as he is now. The show seems to agree with me though because they gave one to Ash and focus on it a lot, and the show does pretty good by it. It doesn't seem to have a ton of merchandise as far as I know, I guess because it's not stereotypically cute. I like the fan theory it's actually just a dude dressed as a Pokemon too---
Dedenne- Don't get why exactly it's a Fairy Pokemon...but, as far as Pikachu clones go, he's my favorite. He's soooooooooooooo cute! This was another Pokemon I wanted in Smash, to replace Pichu. I even had an idea where he had a "Static" gimmick based off Sakurai's own creation, the Plasma Ability in Kirby Super Star.
Continued in the next post...